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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 41 & 42




Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 41 & 42
( Fierce And Furry... ) 

Genres: Fantasy/ Werewolves/ Erotica. 

Tags: Mates,Vampires,Witches,Special Abilities,Demons,Pack,Rejected Mates,Forbidden Love,Control,Revenge,Betrayal,Obsession,Steamy,Love Triangle,Secrets. 


"Next time you see her...you run,okay?!" Thane said to the boys,they are kneeling in one corner of the park. 

The boys nodded at a time and immediately they got their voices back

"Thank you sir!!" They all bowed. 

"Get lost" Thane snapped,they stood up and ran off,almost falling. 

He appeared back where he was standing before,Genny was already searching all over for him. 

"Here" He raised his hand and she ran to him. 

"Where did you go to! I've been looking around for you!" Genny shouted and he smiled. 

"I'm sorry,I was just checking out some places,did you get the ice cream?" Thane asked and Genny showed him the ice cream cone in her hand. 

"Where are we going next?" He asked as they started walking. 

"Let's just return to the institute,I'm hungry,we should eat dinner together" Genny replied. 

"Okay,let's go" Thane smiled and pecked her cheek. 

They both walked to where Thane parked his car and they entered,he drove off. 



In the school woods, one of the students stood alone, surrounded by the dark silhouettes of trees. The night was quiet, the only sound the soft whisper of the wind through the leaves. The moon cast a silver glow, illuminating the clearing in a faint, ethereal light.

The student's breath was visible in the chill air, eyes scanning the darkness for any sign.

 And then, without warning, a figure materialized in front of them. Its eyes glowed like embers, casting a faint, eerie light on the forest floor. 

The student's smiled. 

"You have something to tell us" The demon,now changed into human form spoke up. 

"There's an upcoming mission,,we will be going to a village to get rid of some evil spirits" The students immediately said,looking around,hoping no one was coming. 

"What?! Queen mother made those evil spirits and they bring back the humans blood! What is their business with worthless humans that they want to protect them?!" The demon growled. 

"Reason why I'm telling you,inform the queen right away so you can get rid of them instead before they get rid of the evil spirits" The student said. 

"Is the prince going also?" 

"Of course,what do you expect?" 

"You've done a great job,just continue watching"


The demon vanished and the student,after looking around also walked out of the woods. 



"Hey Sage" Beorn called as he entered the room,Sage looked up from the book he was reading. 

"What,you finished taking your bath?" He asked. 

Beorn nodded and sat down next to him on the bed. 

"I think I was bitten by something I don't know,it stings" Beorn said,touching his neck with an uncomfortable look on his face. 

"Really?" Sage dropped his book and turned on the light more brightly before moving closer to Beorn. 

"Where? I can't see anything" He said. 

"Oh.." Beorn loosen two buttons more on his shirt. 

"It's red" Sage said as he saw the spot Beorn was talking about. 

"What do you think it is?" He asked. 

"Why does it look like an hickey?" Sage raised his brows. 

"Are you crazy? What kind of hickey stings?" Beorn snapped and Sage laughed. 

"I'm just kidding,it will heal up soon anyway,why bother?" He said. 

"I hate the feeling" Beorn scoffed. 

"Then should I help?" Sage asked and Beorn looked at him. 


Sage leaned closer and kissed his neck,Beorn blinked. 

"What was that" He chuckled and started buttoning his shirt back. 

"What do you think about the village Master Casen talked about earlier? Are you scared or not? Honestly I......"

Beorn was still saying when something soft landed on his lips,his eyes widened at once. 

Sage just....kissed him. 

Sage broke the kiss shortly,waiting for his expression,Beorn's eyes remained widened. 

"What....what just....happened?" He was stuttering as If he just saw something bigger than him. 

"It was.........I'm sorry" Sage immediately said. 

"What?!" Beorn screamed and got up from the bed,almost falling. 

"What do you mean by sorry? You just....fucking kissed me" Beorn said in a lower voice as if someone was listening to them. 

Sage bit his lips

"Stop it! Don't bite your lips!" Beorn shouted and Sage looked at him. 

"Can you stop overreacting? I said I'm sorry,it was a mistake...."

"That wasn't a mistake...."

"Fine it wasn't! I should have just controlled it as usual,I'm sorry I couldn't and I messed up,so stop overreacting" Sage said. 

Beorn batted his lashes in shock. 

"Did you just said....as usual?" He asked. 

"So dumb" Sage mumbled and lie down on the bed,he covered himself up with the duvet,including his head. 

Beorn stayed in the same position,trying to know what was going on but couldn't point at anything in particular. He just got kissed by his best friend,who is also a boy like him....

Is he....wait....

"Are you gay?!" Beorn asked with wide eyes. 

"I'm not" Sage groaned. 

"Then how do I explain what just happened? I'm confused,if you're not gay then....."

"Don't you get it?!" Sage groaned and shoved off the duvet out of his body. 

"No,I don't,make me" Beorn said. 

"I'm not gay okay? I don't like guys,I only like you,dummy" Sage muttered and Beorn lost his balance,he fell on the floor. 

"Only....me?" He stammered. 

Sage nodded. 

"I've never liked a guy and I don't think It will ever happen,,,it's just you,but don't worry,forget about it. I find it annoying also,so just forget it" Sage said. 

"Forget what exactly? The kiss? Or the fact that you like me? Which one?" Beorn asked. 

"Both" Sage muttered. 

"Are you sure you don't feel things for other guys? Never?" Beorn asked. 

"Never,like I said. So I'm not gay,,,unless you make me one" Sage muttered and Beorn was speechless. 

"Don't worry,it won't happen again" Sage added and fell on his back again,covering himself up. 

Beorn stayed in the same position for about five minutes before climbing on his own bed. 



Odessa was on the bed,she was reading a book while facing the wall,all of a sudden someone joined her on the bed and the person's hand wrapped around her. 

Odessa didn't flinched,she caught the scent so fast. 

"Why are you here?" She asked. 

"You said I can come anytime I want" Orion replied and kissed her back. 

Odessa smiled and closed the book at once,she turned and faced him. 

"Thanks for coming" She muttered. 

Orion chuckled. 

Their eyes locked on each other's own,Odessa touched his lips. 

"Don't do that" Orion said and she pouted. 

"Just stay here,this way" Orion muttered. 

"Can't we just kiss a little......"

"No" Orion said and she rolled her eyes. 

"Then why are you here?" 

"Because I was missing you,not your lips" Orion scoffed and she laugh out. 

"Stop teasing me" She mumbled,moving into him closer. 

"You don't have to enter me princess" Orion said. 

"I want to" She closed her eyes. 



Genny was lying on the bed, her slender frame swallowed by the oversized shirt that belonged to Thane. Her gaze wandered listlessly around the room, her eyes lingering on every details as if it was her first time in the room. 

She went to take her bath just few minutes ago only to return and found the room empty without Thane,Genny groaned and closed her eyes. 

Just then,the door opened,she turned immediately and Thane entered,he smiled. 

Genny stood on her knees and spread her arms for him to hug which he did as soon as he was close. 

"Hey!!!! You rink of smoke!" She pushed him off and Thane chuckled. 

"I wasn't planning to hug you,it's not my fault" He said. 

"Gosh" Genny rolled her eyes. 

"A kiss before I go take my bath" Thane said. 

"Are you teasing me?" 

"If you don't kiss me now,I won't kiss you when I'm back either" Thane said. 

"So now you're threatening me?" Genny muttered and Thane nodded. 

"Your choice" He said. 

Genny leaned closer and kissed him shortly. 

"I love you" Thane winked and left the room. 

Genny smiled and fell back on the bed,ten minutes later,Thane joined her on the bed,in another clothes. 

"You're finally back" She muttered. 

"Is this my shirt?" Thane asked,staring at the white shirt,looking big on her. She nodded. 

"Wow,it looks so good on you" Thane said. 

"I know" Genny scoffed. 


"You left me alone here because you wanted to smoke? For real? Just move away,I'm going to sleep" Genny said. 

Thane chuckled and pulled her close,he kissed her neck. 

"You smell like me" He whispered and Genny almost lost it as his warm breath touched her ear,since he just brushed,she could perceive the mint scent from his mouth. 

"Thane" She called out in a tiny moan. 

Their eyes met and in a second,their lips already entwined,the warmth of his mouth sending current passing through her whole body,Genny got hold of Thane tightly as she got lost in the sweet taste of his soft lips. 

Their bodies pressed together heatedly against the bed, breathing heavily as their tongues curled in their mouths,Thane's hand slides underneath her shirt and cupped one of her boobs. 

"Hmm" Genny moaned into his mouth,Thane removed his hand and started unbuttoning instead,he broke the kiss and focused on that. 

Genny was blushing,,her cheeks red and flushed. 

Thane finished taking off the shirt and started kissing her from the neck,he was already on top of her,their bodies smooching against each other,feeling their warmth. 

Thane's mouth captured her nipple and a gasp escaped her lips. 

"F+ck..you're so s+xy" He grunted hotly,sending shiver down Genny's spine. 

"Continue doing that,I love it" She moaned. 

Thane started sucking her again and her head threw backward. 

"Oh my gosh" 

Thane gave her a small bite and she screamed. 

"Thane! That hurts.....but I love it" she mumbled. 

Thane chuckled and raised his head. 

"Can I go further?" He asked. 

Genny blinked. 

"Are we....going to...."

"I won't do that until you're ready" Thane shook his head

"Who said I'm not ready" She snapped. 

"You're not,your heart is beating fast right now,you know you can't lie to me right?" Thane asked and she took her lips in. 

"I'm sorry...I just....." 

"I'm going to wait,but don't make it too long,I don't know if I will be able to resist you for too long" Thane muttered and Genny nodded. 

"I'm sorry......"

"Sshhhhh" Thane placed a finger on her lips. 

"It's not just about s+x,don't make me mad" He groaned and Genny chuckled. 

"I love you okay,a lot" Thane said. 

"I love you more" She said. 

Thane helped her put on the shirt back and hugged her to himself like a teddy bear as they slept. 

About thirty minutes later,Genny opened her eyes to find him already sleeping. 

"Cute wolfie" She mumbled and kissed his lips,she bite his his lips but he didn't open his eyes. 

She went for his neck again and continue kissing him there,she was chuckling wickedly as she gave him countless love bites. 

She did that until she fell asleep also. 



Thane woke up with Orion tapping him endlessly on the bed. 

"What" He groaned sleepily. 

"Wake up,there's a meeting" Orion said,throwing off the duvet from Thane's body. 

"What meeting?" Thane opened his eyes. 

"Master Casen,I guess he's going to discuss the coming mission with us" Orion said. 

"Oh,okay" Thane mumbled and climbed down from the bed. 

"Can't believe she left me" he scoffed. 

"Whoa" Orion muttered,staring at Thane's neck down to his chest. 

"What" Thane asked. 

"Check the mirror" Orion smiled. 

Thane frowned and immediately walked to the mirror,,his eyes widened seeing his body. 

Genny really destroyed his body with hickeys,they are so many,red and plump all over his white skin,especially his neck. 

"Oh no" Thane groaned and run his fingers through his hair. 

"Sorry your highness" Orion chuckled. 

"Now I see why she ran,so playful" Thane scoffed and found his way to the bathroom. 



As soon as Thane entered,all eyes fell on him,the red hickeys all over his neck are so colorful and obvious,everyone stared back at Genny and she looked away,almost feeling embarrassed. 

She never knew he wouldn't try to hide it at all,why is he not covering it up. 

"Bad girl" Odessa whispered to her. 

"Stop it" Genny whispered back and Orion laughed. 

Ophelia and Maren were also busy whispering and laughing,Indigo rolled her eyes and almost hissed as she glared at Genny hatefully. 

Beorn on the hand was looking so uncomfortable,the hickeys only reminded him of last night,,even though the only thing he has been thinking about is the kiss...the way Sage's lips felt on his. 

He groaned and roughed his hair. 

"Since everyone's here now,I will like to talk about...."

Indigo raised her hand up,interrupting master Casen. 

"Yes Indigo"

"I still don't agree with Genny coming with us" She said and everyone looked at her. 

"I mean,she's not even half as strong as everyone here,you excluded Astrid's name and added hers,why? Because she's the prince's mate?" Indigo asked. 

Master Casen wanted to talk but Genny beat him to it. 

"So now what do you suggest should be done? Kick me out?" She asked. 

"Of course not your highness,,how about a test?" Indigo smiled. 

"Test? What test?" Odessa asked. 

"A test to see if she capable of course" Indigo replied. 

"So what type of test?"

"How about a sword duel with me?" Indigo asked. 

"Indigo" Odessa frowned. 

Thane scoffed. 

"What,I thought she's the future Luna,sword fight should be a mere game for her....."

"I will do it" Genny cut in and all eyes fell on her. 

"Are you serious right now?" Odessa snapped. 

"The duel...let's do it master. Indigo is right" Genny said. 

Everyone looked at Thane,expecting him to talk. 

"Sure,she said she want to do it,why not?" Thane said. 

"What? I thought we planned to go out today,our birthday.." Odessa's eyes widened. 

"Let's shift that till tomorrow" Thane said and Odessa frowned. 


In just few minutes,everyone in the institute already heard about the duel coming up tonight between Genny and Indigo,of course it was announced officially so every students will be present to watch. 



The outdoor arena was packed with students, all gathered to watch the duel between Genny and Indigo. The masters sat in the front row, their faces serious and expectant. The night air was filled with the soft glow of bulbs from the institute, casting a warm light over the scene.

In the center of the arena, a large open space was reserved for the duel. Two tables stood at the side, each holding a selection of swords. Master Casen stood between the tables, his eyes fixed on the two students.

When everyone was ready, Master Casen spoke up, 

"Genny and Indigo, please choose a sword from the tables." 

The two of them walked forward, their eyes scanning the swords before making their selection.

 "Now, take your positions," Master Casen instructed.

They both stood opposite each others,their swords got unsheathed already. 

"Seriously? Are you not going to stop this fight? What If something go wrong?" Odessa asked beside Thane. 

They are both standing far away from the students,Thane just stood there,smoking. 

"It's like you don't care...."

"She will be fine,,I think I trained her well enough,stop bothering Dessa" Thane said. 

Odessa sighed and decided to trust Thane's words. 

They heard the sound,meaning the fight can start and there was silence. 

The students held collective breath as Indigo and Genny faced off in the center of the arena.

The two fighters circled each other, their eyes locked in a fierce stare. Indigo struck the first blow, her sword slicing through the air with deadly precision. Genny parried it easily, their swords clashing in a shower of sparks.

Indigo took advantage of the momentary lapse, striking Genny's sword with a powerful blow. Genny's sword shuddered, but it didn't break. Instead, it glowed with a faint blue light, as if absorbing the force of the blow.

Genny retaliated, her sword slicing through Indigo's defenses. Indigo leapt back, her eyes flashing with surprise,the skill Genny used just now was something Thane would do. 

'This bi+ch must have learnt alot' she thought. 

The fight wore on, the two of them evenly matched. But Genny's skill began to gain her the upper hand.

The force from her sword got Indigo stumbling back but she flew right immediately,aiming her sword at Genny in a cruel way. 

Everyone sat up properly,Genny punched Indigo in her tummy and that punch sent her flying off,she landed on the ground roughly. 

🗣 Whoa!!

🗣 Genny just won right?

Indigo glared angrily and without thinking twice where she was sitting,she threw her sword directly at Genny. 

Everyone gasped as they watched the sword going straight at Genny. 

Odessa almost screamed,Thane scoffed. 

But just as the sword was about getting to Genny,her eyes sparked in yellow and the sword stopped with full force,she opened her palm and controlled the sword with her hand,the sword faced the other side back and with just a tiny effort,Genny spark the sword with her finger back at Indigo and she didn't escape it. 

Everyone jumped up with loud screams as the sword entered Indigo's neck and her blood started splashing on the ground. 

👥 F+CK!!!


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