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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 33 & 34




Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 33 & 34
( Fierce And Furry... ) 

Genres: Fantasy/ Werewolves/ Erotica. 

Tags: Mates,Vampires,Witches,Special Abilities,Demons,Pack,Rejected Mates,Forbidden Love,Control,Revenge,Betrayal,Obsession,Steamy,Love Triangle,Secrets. 


Genny groaned as the queen gripped her head hard,sucking up her energy as said. 

"No oo!!!! Please!!" She cried as she felt herself getting weak.

The queen kept on laughing out loudly. 

All of a sudden,someone appeared behind the queen and she was forced to loose her balance from the sudden wild breeze,she fell heavily on the ground and Genny looked up. 

"Kymani..." She called,tears in her eyes. 

"Genny" Kymani immediately rushed to her and pulled her up before hugging her. 

"Who the hell is this bastard!!" The queen roared and ball of fire rolled out of her mouth toward them,Kymani pulled Genny behind him and stopped the fire with his palm,he returned it back to the demons standing and waiting to devour,they all turned into dark smoke which covered the whole room,Genny and Kymani started coughing. 

Genny could hear the queen,laughing loudly that she had to cover her ears too. 

Nemora appeared in front of Kymani and unsheathed her sword. 

"Kymani!!" Genny screamed as Nemora almost stabbed him but the sword broke that instant. 

Kymani and Genny turned to the direction where the energy came from and standing there,in the center of the dark smoke was Thane,glaring at Genny who gulped into nothing. 

"Hey!!!" Nemora screamed,staring at her broken sword,the smoke in the room already vanished and everywhere was clear. 

Thane grabbed Nemora's neck and shoved one of his claws inside her neck and she passed out. He then faced queen Xylara who was now standing in front of him,glaring dangerously. 

"You came..dear prince" She said. 

"I guess that bitch did not deliver my message to you" Thane said icely and Queen Xylara laughed. 

"Who is that weak wolf to you?" She asked. 

"Am I supposed to answer that?" Thane asked. 

The queen glared and appeared behind him,her long nails slides into Thane's back before he could turn and Genny gasped,Thane turned at once and twisted her wrist,her scream filled the air. 

"My prince!!.....you're bleeding!" Genny cried out. 

"Take her away" Thane said to Kymani. 

"No...." Genny was still trying to run over to Thane when she appeared with Kymani back in the institute garden. 

"Why....why are we here?! What about Thane? He's in danger!" Genny screamed. 

"I hate to admit it but he will be just fine" Kymani said and wiped her tears. 

"How did you know where I was?" She asked. 


"She's awake? She's okay?" 

"Thankfully her soul returned to her body early and she still have the memory..she came to tell me,but.....I don't know how Thane found out" Kymani said and Genny swallowed. 

'Will he be okay?' She was thinking when suddenly Thane appeared also. 

"My prince....." Genny called but meeting with his angry eyes made her shiver. 

He said nothing and started walking away,Kymani grabbed Genny's hand as she made to follow him. 

"Are you seriously running after him?" He asked. 

"I'm sorry,I have to....."

"Then what about me?! I came for you first,I was there before him,don't I deserve at least a good thank you?" Kymani asked. 

"Thank you Kymani,I am really grateful and I promise to return this favor,I owe you one......"

"Who said I want you to owe me a favor?" Kymani frowned. 

"Then....what else do you expect me to say? I just thanked you....." Kymani grabbed her waist and pulled her closer,trying to kiss her. 

"Kymani!!" Genny shouted and pushed him away. 

"Am I not attractive to you at all? Why him every time?! What is it about him that you love so much?!" Kymani shouted. 

"He doesn't try to kiss me without my permission,one of the reasons" Genny glared at him and walked away. 

Kymani clenched his fist angrily,the sword of his bones could be heard twisting as the anger burned inside him. 



"Your highness,Genny is here....."

"I don't want anyone here" Thane snapped at the guard without allowing him to finish his statement. The guard bowed and went out of the room but a minute after,the door opened again and Genny entered. 

Thane looked at her angrily. 

"Who said you can come in??"

"I know you're mad at me..but can you allow me explain at least?...."

"Explain what?! I remember telling you not to leave your room,are you going to keep on acting so dumb? Trusting everyone easily and acting like the nicest person in the world won't save you,it's only going to put you in danger,how many times do I have to tell you? Are you this stupid?" Thane snapped and she bit her lips. 

"I'm stupid,I know that. But seriously it's not my fault! I was in my room all day and it was getting late,how am I supposed to know if you returned or not?! And besides I can't just stay locked up in there because I'm scared of what's going to happen!" Genny cried. 

"So now what? You don't want to stay locked up,now what. You can't even protect yourself,your wolf is barely strong enough and that bitch would have sucked the innocent thing up if your Kymani didn't appear sooner,is that what you want? Making people have to protect you everytime so they will continue seeing how weak you are?! Gosh this girl is more dense than I imagined" Thane groaned and sat down on the bed,he ran his fingers through his hair. 

"Do you even know why I told you to avoid being in trouble? To try at least? It's because right now everyone will see you as an easy target,they know you have no fucking strength to do shit and you always need protection one way or the other,the students here aren't that good,they can do crazy things to you when nobody will be able to save you...can't you just listen to me once?! Can't you?! And I don't even understand why you always bother me so much,why must I find out every time you're in trouble? I badly wanted to ignore you so bad so you will learn your lesson but somehow I couldn't" 

"I'm sorry" Genny wiped her tears. 

"You're seriously stressing me...just leave" Thane groaned. 

"And stop calling him My Kymani,He's not mine" Genny said. 

"So you just hug everyone you know...."

"He hugged me! I didn't!" Genny snapped and walked out. 

*She's fucking stubborn,I can't deal with her!* Thorne groaned. 

*What do I do about her? She's making me go crazy with her dumbness and stubbornness* Thane said. 

*Just ignore her,she's naive* Thorne replied. 

Thane fell on the bed and closed her eyes. 



Immediately Genny entered the room,Ondine and Juna rushed out of bed and ran to embrace her. 

"We heard about what happened" Juna said and Genny was surprised. 

"Really? How?"

"Of course Kalysta told everyone" Ondine replied and they broke the hug. 

Genny sighed and sat down. 

"We also heard you're their main target right now" Juna said. 

"Some of the students are already throwing tantrums that you shouldn't be here if we are going to be getting attacked all because of you,I really think you should lay low for now Genny,don't trust anyone" Ondine told her. 

"I understand" Genny mumbled. 

They heard a knock on the door and Juna went to open it,it's a boy. 

"Where's Genny?" He asked. 

"Why?" Juna asked. 

"Master Casen want her in his office" The boy said. 

"We will go with you,who knows if it's another collected soul" Ondine rolled her eyes and Genny chuckled. 

The three girls walked out of the room eventually. 



Genny stood in front of the building,Thane's quarters,breathing almost heavily,she just finished her morning run and she was thinking about him again,it's been five days since Thane left the Institute,together with Orion and he didn't really bother to tell her where he was going or if he wouldn't be back on time and now it's been five days. 

She sighed and made a turn to leave,only to meet a smiling Odessa. 

"Do you miss him?" She asked. 

"Obviously" Genny mumbled and they started walking together. 

"Me too" Odessa said. 

They found a bench and sat down 

"You two don't talk?" Genny asked curiously and Odessa shook her head. 

"He's there for something serious" She muttered. 

"May I..know what it is?" Genny asked,she was really curious. 

"My brother.....doesn't have a destined mate...due to a curse" 

Genny looked at her the moment she heard that. 


Odessa nodded. 

"Recently,father got a Shaman who is ready to help...Thane have to appeal to the Moon Goddess according to her,and also there's alot of things waiting for him back in the palace,things I don't know also. But,I'm sure my brother might finally find his mate this time around,the full moon is in two days" Odessa smiled and Genny gulped. 

He's going to find his mate?? Then....what about her? Does that mean...they will remain nothing forever? She doesn't have a chance at all?

"I can guess what you're thinking" Odessa took her hand and Genny bite her lips. 

"You might want to meet him and talk before the full moon,would you come with me to the pack?" She asked. 

"Huh? I'm allowed to?" Genny asked. 

"You're not an enemy,you're my friend so there's nothing to worry about,I will inform mother today and we can leave tomorrow,you have just tomorrow remember?" 

Genny nodded immediately. 

"I will follow you,I will" She said repeatedly and Odessa hugged her. 

"I know how you feel" She said and Genny sighed. 

Meanwhile, Indigo was listening to their conversation behind one of the pillars,she clenched her fist and walked away after they finished. 

'Mate? He's getting a mate? That's never going to happen,even if he get one,I won't give up,never' she said inwardly as she walked. 



"I won!!!" Beorn screamed loudly after their last round.

"Yeah you did" Sage chuckled. 

"I worked so well for it,I deserve that. Finally I'm beating you for the first time,I don't even want to hear you saying you went easy on me or I'm gonna kill you" Beorn said. 

Sage laughed and fell on the floor. 

"You are so happy because you beat me in this?" He asked in between his laughter. 

"You can't understand" Beorn also fell beside him and they both lie down on their back,staring up. 

"The full moon is here already....do you think you're getting a mate?" Beorn asked after about five minutes of silence. 

"Why? You want to be my mate?" Sage faced him. 

"What?!" Beorn yelled and Sage laughed. 

"Then why are you asking?"

"I'm just curious,,,,,,maybe I'm the only one who's not ready to face that right now" Beorn muttered. 

"Why? Shouldn't you be happy If you get one?" Sage asked. 

"Not now...I want to have more fun for now,I'm just eighteen" Beorn scoffed. 

"Eighteen and cute don't want a mate" Sage teased. 

"What about you?? Remember if you get yours now,we won't spend time together again" Beorn said and Sage laughed. 

"Is that the reason why you said you're not ready also?" He asked. 

"No,I'm just trying to remind you. The main reason why I'm not ready is because of me myself,I don't want to imagine being so obsessed with her that I won't even think of anything else aside her...so before that,I want to have fun with everyone" Beorn said. 

Sage sighed. 

"Who knows....not like I have a choice if she appears,but honestly...I'm not ready either" Sage muttered. 

"In worried you might really get one this time" Beorn sighed. 

"Why? Because I'm older?"

"Don't start,you're just a year older so that's not what I'm saying....I mean.....gosh let's just forget it" Beorn said and sat up. 

Sage pulled him back down. 

"Should we just miss the festival then? Maybe we shouldn't go to the pack...."

"Our parents will kill us and you know that" Beorn said and Sage groaned. 

"This is annoying! What if I get one who's not even in the same pack?!" He screamed. 

Beorn laughed. 



As Genny stepped into the pack palace with Odessa beside her, her eyes widened in awe. The grandeur of the high ceilings, the sparkle of crystal chandeliers, and the intricate carvings on the walls left her breathless.

 She gazed around, her feet seemingly rooted to the spot, as she took in the opulence of her surroundings. Servants scurried about, bowing low as she and Odessa passed. 

'Thane's mate is going to be the future Luna of this place' she thought and a hint of sadness flushed through her which she tried to hide immediately. 

Odessa's gentle nudge brought Genny back to reality.

 "Shall I introduce you to my mother, the Luna?" Odessa asked, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. Genny's cheeks flushed as she realized her staring had drawn attention. With a nod, she followed Odessa, her heart racing with anticipation. The grandeur of the palace was impressive, but meeting the Luna is more perfect and like a dream come through. 

Genny and Odessa approached the Luna's chamber, where two guards stood at attention. With a nod, the guards opened the doors, revealing a room bathed in warm, golden light. The chamber was a vision of elegance, with silk drapes cascading down the walls and plush carpets underfoot. The air was thick with the scent of lavender and vanilla.

As they entered, maids attending to the Luna's needs turned to acknowledge them. The Luna herself lay on a velvet-draped chaise, her eyes closed in bliss as her maids massaged her skin with gentle, expert strokes. Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled warmly at Odessa and Genny, her gaze welcoming them. 

'She's so beautiful!!!!!!!!' Genny screamed in her head. 

'She's the mother? Or a goddess? Are wolves always this beautiful? She's unreal' she said in her head. 

"Mother,I'm here" Odessa walked closer. 

Luna Liyana immediately ordered her maids to leave and they left. 

"Welcome Odessa,is this your friend you told me about?"  She asked and Genny immediately moved forward,she bowed in respect. 

"Yes..she haven't shifted yet,probably on this moon festival so" Odessa smiled. 

"She's so beautiful,what's your name?" 

"Genevieve your highness" Genny answered. 

"Good,feel at home. The alpha is busy with a meeting right now..."

"What about Thane?" Odessa asked and the Luna sighed. 

"You can't meet him now...it's been hours and I'm worried already,that's why I got the massage to cool my temper,but the Shaman told me not to worry. Just take your friend to your suite,don't scare her" 

Odessa held Genny's hand and they walked out. 

"What's going on? Is Thane in pain?" Genny asked. 

"It's obviously going to be painful,but you can't really understand" Odessa replied and Genny sighed,when is she going to see him now??



Thane knelt in the darkness,sweat dripped from his brow, his body trembling with pain as he felt the transformation taking hold. The Shaman entered, her eyes gleaming with ancient wisdom. 

"Bear the pain, your highness" she whispered.

 "Embrace your true power." But Thane shook his head, his voice barely audible.

 "I can't...I'm dying. My body is on fire."

 The Shaman's expression was unyielding.

 "You must endure." And with that, she vanished, leaving Thane alone in his agony.

As the pain intensified, Thane began to hear voices - loud, strange voices that echoed in his mind. He screamed, his body contorting in ways that seemed impossible. And then, the shift began.

Thane's body elongated, his limbs stretching into those of a towering bear - its fur a deep, rich brown, its eyes blazing with fury. He let out a deafening roar, the sound shaking the very foundations of the room.

But the shift didn't stop there. Thane's body began to twist and contort, his form blurring and shifting into that of a majestic dragon - its scales glinting like gold in the darkness, its wings beating the air with a deafening crash.

"Aaarrrgghhhhh!!!!!!!!" Thane screamed out loudly in pain,it was as if he could see death right in front of him,his bones cracking and twisting to his own hearing,he could hear his own blood and water inside his system,his ears were bleeding. 

Next, he took on the form of a mighty storm giant - its body a towering mass of muscle and fury, its eyes blazing with lightning. Thane's roar was like thunder, shaking the room to its core.

And then, he shifted into a being of pure energy - a blazing vortex of light and power that seemed to fill the room with an otherworldly glow.

Finally, Thane's body began to shift into its most terrifying form - that of a demon. His body grew taller and more muscular, his skin turning a deep, fiery red. His eyes blazed with an inner fire, and his voice became a deafening roar. Two massive horns sprouted from his forehead, curved like a crescent moon. His fingers ended in razor-sharp claws, and his wings spread wide, casting a dark shadow over the room.

As the shift ended, Thane collapsed to the ground, his body spent and exhausted. The room was silent as he finally lost his consciousness. 



Thane opened his eyes,his breath coming out slow as he got where he was,his eyes met with his parents,staring back at him,the Shaman also there. 

"Son!" Luna Liyani screamed and rushed to the bed. 

"You're awake! Finally" 

Thane managed to sit up. 

"Well done son,you did well" The alpha applauded. 

"Can you both please excuse us? I would like to have few words with the prince alone" The Shaman said. 

Luna Liyani kissed Thane's hair before leaving with the alpha. 

"What's going on? Am I back?" Thane asked and the Shaman nodded. 

"You passed through the stage between life and death and now you're never dying" She said sn Thane raised his brows. 

"What do you mean by never dying?" He asked. 

"You're an immortal,in you....you have five different creatures you can shift into....."

"I know that,I can feel them,but why must I be a scary demon? Or a storm giant ?? Why?!" Thane shouted and fire escaped from his mouth,shocking the hell out of him but the Shaman immediately threw water from her palm,the fire vanished. 

"You should learn how to control your anger now,you're no longer the same. If you don't want to destroy the world with your anger" she said and Thane swallowed. 

"And the curse was lifted...now you can get to meet your mate,congratulations your highness" She bowed and walked out of the suite. 

Immediately she left,Thane suddenly perceived that scent,the strange sweet scent which gave him goosebumps,he could feel Thorne wagging his tail in total excitement and impatient. 

*I can perceive it!! Thane!!* Thorne's growl threw Thane off the bed. 

The scent grew even more wild and Thane walked out of the suite,following where that sweet scent is coming from. 

*Is our mate really in this palace?!! How!! Walk faster I'm impatient!* Thorne growled again. 

Thane could feel his whole body hitting up as the scent got closer and closer,leading him to the palace backyard,getting out,right in front of him,he saw the image standing there,staring at the tree. 

*It's her!! Mate!!* 

Thane didn't think twice,he rushed over to her and grabbed her hand,letting the girl face him. 

Genny's eyes locked with Thane's own and the excitement showed in her face. 

"My prince" She called but Thane's grip only tightened that she became confused. 

"It's you.......My Luna" Thane whispered and Genny's eyes grew wide. 

Huh?!! Did he just said....mate?!!

Thane grabbed her waist and went for her neck,a gasp left Genny's mouth when she felt him sinking into her his sharp fangs inside her,it was painful at first but the pain left as it came,,the mark on her neck shone under the sudden crescent moon covering them up. 

"Mine........." He growled,,his eyes glowing possessively as he stared at her. 

"Mine" He growled again. 


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