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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 31 & 32




Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 31 & 32
( Fierce And Furry... ) 

Genres: Fantasy/ Werewolves/ Erotica. 

Tags: Mates,Vampires,Witches,Special Abilities,Demons,Pack,Rejected Mates,Forbidden Love,Control,Revenge,Betrayal,Obsession,Steamy,Love Triangle,Secrets. 


Thane dropped Genny on the bed when they got to his bedroom,their eyes piercing into each other as if waiting for who's going to speak up first,And Genny did. 

"Your head,can I help? It's my fault" She muttered. 

"It's nothing,I just have to wash up" Thane replied. 

"And you...try to stay out of trouble until the full moon,I will only protect you up to that time" He added and Genny opened her mouth to talk but he spoke up again. 

"Were you bullied in your former school?" He asked,he saw her reactions earlier,she was too scared,not just because of those girls. 

"Answer me Genny" Thane groaned,his voice screaming authority as always. 

"Yes...." Genny cracked. 

"You're not traumatized by that right?" Thane asked. 

"I just.....don't like people hating me,or pointing hands at me negatively,,,it makes me remember the old time,and I keep hearing those hateful voices in my head,it hurts...before you showed up,I thought I was going to pass out" Genny told him. 

"Everything will be fine when your wolf finally get strong enough and you have your first shift...until then,stay out of trouble. I won't be there every time" Thane said and she nodded with a smile. 

"You're always saving me" She said,her cheeks totally red. 

"Do you always blush like this every time or just when it's me?" Thane asked and she blinked. 

"I'm not..." She cupped her cheeks and bit her lips. 

Thane scoffed and shook his head,he stared at her for another second before leaving the room,Genny was sure he's going to take his bath. 

"I wonder how many times he bath in a day" She chuckled. 

Her mind went to Indigo and she sighed,what else does she want to her?? Just what?. 

It took Thane almost twenty minutes before he came back into the bedroom,he was wearing just a casual outfit but as usual,looking s+xy and handsome. His hair was messy and his eyes gleaming as he stared at her like he wanted to say something. 

"Are you done with your classes for today?" He asked. 

Genny almost nod but just a frown from him made her speak up. 

"I'm done....it's been hectic all day" She answered, her voice quite low. 

"Then go take a rest in your room,I will be going out" Thane said. 

"Oh.....okay" Genny got up and made a short bow before walking to the door,wondering where he was going,it's almost evening. 

"Don't come out until I'm back" Thane said,making her turn again. 

"Don't follow anyone,be careful" He said. 

"Okay" Genny said. 

She opened the door and left.


Odessa was walking along the corridor leading to the dorm building,it was quiet and empty. She was sighing every second as she walked. 

Suddenly she saw Orion coming in the opposite direction,her eyes widened and she immediately turned,bumping into a body just like that. 

"Oh I'm sorry" She apologized. 

"It's okay" A cool voice answered her and she looked at the guy she just bumped into,he smiled at her but she couldn't return it. 

"I didn't hurt you right?" He asked,he kept his smiley face as he stared at her. 

"At all...just..." Odessa looked at her arm,she was feeling a kind of sting there. 

"Oh,it's my ring,I'm sorry,can I see?" He was about holding her hand when someone grabbed Odessa and pulled her to the back,Odessa looked up and saw Orion already glaring at the guy. 

"He didn't do anything,we just bumped into each other" Odessa immediately said because Orion seems to be angry. 

"You can leave" Orion said to the guy who gently stared at Odessa before walking away. 

Orion faced Odessa and she cleared her throat. 

"See you around" She mumbled and also made to leave. 

"Why are you avoiding me when you're the one who kissed me?" Orion asked and her eyes widened. 

"I'm not....avoiding you,,,,I just....."

"You saw me and tried to run away,what am I supposed to call that?" Orion snapped. 

"I'm sorry.....and that wasn't even a kiss,I just pecked you. It's not as if you would allow me kissing you" Odessa scoffed and rolled her eyes. 

"Seriously?" Orion was amused and surprised. 

"Stop acting like you don't know how I feel about you,why would would I kiss you if I don't like you?" Odessa asked. 

"Odessa,you know........"

"Yes I know,you can't wait to have your mate,and that's why I feel silly because I can't control my feelings even after knowing all that...." she muttered. 

"What about you?" Orion asked and she raised her head to look at his full height. 

"Aren't you....hoping for a mate?" Orion asked,as if nervous to hear her response. 

"I don't want a mate,I want you" Odessa said and he blinked. 


"I might be rejecting my mate,that's if he shows up" Odessa said and walked away before Orion couldn't talk again. 

He stood there,looking so shocked. It was like a dream but Odessa sounded so serious for him to take as a joke,she wasn't joking...

"Rejection?" He gulped and shook his head before running after her. 

He caught up with her as soon as she entered her room,he grabbed the door before she could close it. 

"Orion?" Odessa was surprised. 

He entered,ignoring that. 

"Why are you here?" Odessa asked,Indigo want inside. 

"Odessa,you can't do that you know?" 

"I'm going to do it......"

"You can't do that you idiot!" Orion yelled,looking serious. 

"You know what happens when you reject mate,just because you're a princess doesn't mean you will escape the punishment,,it might even be worse than usual!" Orion snapped. 

"Don't try to convince me because you don't feel the same....."

"But I'm saying the truth...it might affect the prince's status,the pack might come against him being the next alpha......the alpha can't do anything if the pack doesn't want him. Aside that,you can be banished,the moon goddess will definitely get angry,what If she casts a curse on you?! The pack will never allow you escape the consequences because the alpha always punish those who reject their mates!" 

"Then what am I supposed to do when I'm madly in love with you!!!" Odessa cried. 

Orion swallowed into nothing,Odessa moved closer to him and hugged him tightly,her tears wetting his top but he didn't mind. 

"It's not today Orion....I fell in love with you since our first shift,from the moment you became Thane's beta,I just don't know how it happened but I just... Kept on falling and falling,you can't understand how hard I've been trying to control myself but nothing is working out,it's getting worse" She cried on his chest. 

Orion sighed and pulled away a little bit. 


"Stop calling my name,you're just trying to convince me" She muttered. 

"It's not a choice,,I'm sure your feelings for me will disappear once you find your mate. It's normal to have a crush before that time,but I'm sure you will forget about me when your mate shows up,trust me" Orion said and Odessa shook her head. 

"I just want you,I don't care about any mate,its you I want" She muttered. 

Orion cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears. 

Odessa went on her toes and kissed him,she held his shirt tightly,kissing him deeply without allowing him to break loose,her eyes went closed when Orion made a move too,kissing her back. 

But it only took a minute before Orion broke it,like he was scared of something. 


"We shouldn't do this" He said. 

"Fine I'm not going to reject,but can't we just have fun before that? Can't we? I like you alot and I can't even stop myself anymore...."

"Having fun won't help us Odessa,,the feelings will just keep on growing and it will become hard. I don't want to hurt you" Orion said. 

Odessa started crying again. 

"I'm sorry" Orion muttered and walked out of the room. 

Odessa sat down on the bed,she buried her face in her palms,crying her eyes out. 


Thane was just walking out of his quarters when suddenly he felt a slight pain in his chest,he paused and touched his chest. 

"Odessa" He muttered. 

He disappeared and reappeared in Odessa's room in an instant,he met her crying like a baby. 

"Dessa" He called and she looked up,she was surprised to see him. 

She just jumped down from the bed and hugged him,Thane wrapped his hands around her,reciprocating the tight hug while she cried in that position. 

"I told you not to get hurt" He muttered. 

"I couldn't stop myself,I just can't" Odessa said in tears. 

"You should try,no matter what. And are you seriously thinking of rejecting when you get a mate? Don't try it..I can't afford to see you get hurt because of that" Thane said. 

Odessa sniffs.

"Are you good now?" Thane asked. 

"Just hug me" She said and closed her eyes. 

Thane chuckled and kissed her neck. 

"Don't do that,I will bite you" Odessa grunt. 

"Sorry" He said. 

After about five minutes,she broke the hug. 

"Are you going somewhere?" Odessa asked. 

"I just....want to go out and....."

"I'm coming with you" Odessa cut in. 

"Get dressed then" Thane said. 

She immediately pulled off her clothes. 

"What should I wear?" She asked. 

"It's not a date,just wear something simple...but the weather seems cold a little so" Thane said,watching her as she opened the closet. 

"The full moon is less than a month already" Odessa said,she was beginning to wear a trouser now. 

"Father want me in the palace a week before that" Thane said and Odessa frowned. 

"Why just you? What about me? It's our birthday remember?" 

"I don't know yet,but we are sure going to spend time together,as always" Thane said. 

"Better,or I'm going to kill you if you dare ditch me" She scrowled at hin and he laughed. 

Odessa brought out a baggy sweatshirt. 

"I'm going to take off my bra,turn around" She said and Thane scoffed. 

"I just don't understand what you're hiding" 

"Fuck you" Odessa glared and he laughed before turning. 

"It's not even that...." He wanted to talk. 

"I'm going to kill you Thane,really" Odessa said. 

"Sorry" Thane mumbled. 

"I'm done" She said loudly and he faced her back. 

"Buy me fried chicken,okay?" Odessa said. 

"Okay" Thane replied and grabbed her hand,they both walked out of the room. 



The door swung open and Sage stepped inside,his gaze meeting Beorn's in a piercing stare before closing the door behind him. 

He walked straight to the bathroom,ignoring Beorn's eyes piercing on his body. 

"Seriously?" Beorn scoffed and focused back on the book he was reading,they haven't spoke a word to each other since morning,they did not even sit next to each other in class,Beorn left first and that's why Sage is just coming. 

Sage came back into the room and he started taking off his shirt,Beorn dropped his book and sat up on the bed. 

"Are we supposed to keep this up or what?" He asked. 

"Do what you want" Sage muttered. 


"What,are you going to leave the room finally this time around? Since you have enough friends,you can just stay with them and leave me alone if I'm annoying" Sage said and Beorn rolled his eyes. 

"I hate it when we argue" He scoffed. 

"Yeah,running away always solve everything,your belief" Sage said. 

"You don't expect me to just stay here last night,I was angry" Beorn said. 

"Angry because I decided to leave you to talk to your friends? They weren't even talking to me,should I have stayed beside you looking lost like a puppy when I don't even understand what they were saying? My problem with you is that you always see everything as my own fault,you never agree that you are ever wrong,I'm the bad person,not like I care anyway" Sage said.

"So it was my own fault? It was you who said we can stop being friends just because of a simple argument....."

"You said you hate my attitude,you don't expect me to force you to like my attitude do you? If you hate my attitude then we shouldn't be friends when you can't even understand that I don't like being with people, unless the ones I'm close with,how many times do I have to make you understand?" Sage uttered. 

"Can we stop this argument? I don't like it..."

"You started it,it was all quiet" Sage replied and Beorn frowned. 

"So you wouldn't talk to me if I didn't speak up first?" He asked. 

"Who knows if I might annoy you even more since you hate my....."

"Stop it" Beorn glared and Sage scoffed. 

"Fine....I'm sorry okay? Are we good now?" Beorn asked. 

"It was you who decided to leave me all alone here,I wasn't mad at you to begin with" Sage sighed. 

"So why wouldn't you talk to me?" 

"Because you didn't say anything to me either" Sage replied. 

"Sorry I left you......"

"I'm sorry for what I said too,I didn't mean we should stop being friends,it was a mistake" Sage interrupted and Beorn nodded. 

"I know." he groaned and fell back on the bed. 

"Let's not fight again,it was boring all day" He said. 

"You had other options in class....."

"They are not you! Stop being annoying again,I couldn't talk to anyone in class because of you,you even sat down with someone else and not me,brat" Beorn snapped and Sage chuckled. 

"Sorry" he said. 



Maren was sitting at the center of the hall,her legs crossed and her book on her crossed legs,she closed her eyes and put her palms together while chanting some words of spells. 

"Aero defendo, ventus veni
Ignis eximius, flamma veni
Terra firma, stabilitas veni
Aqua clarifica, puritas veni
Elementia, potestas mea
Natura, obsequium me......

"Boom!" Someone popped behind her and her eyes opened,still dark. 

"The fuck!" Attictus flinched when he saw her eyes. 

"You shouldn't have done that!" Maren yelled,her eyes became normal again. 

"You could have gotten hurt* She added. 

Atticus sat beside her. 

"So you've been hiding here" He said. 

"Who said I was hiding? I'm just practicing" Maren said,avoiding his eyes. 

"So what's the new spell about?"

"I can't tell you now Att,leave me alone" Maren groaned tiredly. 

"You look exhausted,have you been using spells......"

"I just feel like I need to,,maybe something bad is going to happen" Maren said. 

"Nothing bad is going to happen" Atticus said and Maren sighed. 

"I hope so...."



Genny was alone inside the room,Ondine and Juna decided to hang out that evening,they tried taking her with them but she was fast asleep and wouldn't wake up. 

She woke up an hour ago and now sitting down on the bed,reading a book,she remember Thane telling her not to go out until he return. 

"How am I supposed to know when he's back when I'm stuck here?" Genny let out a groan. 

She suddenly heard a knock on the door,the knock came again and she got down from the bed to the door. 

"Hey Genny" The girl smiled,it was Kalysta. 

"Hi,evening" Genny replied,wondering why she was at their door. 

"Are you here for Ondine and Juna? They are not around right now" Genny said. 

"No,it's not necessary it's them" Kalysta said. 

"Oh,so what is it?" 

"I wanted to go alone but it's going to be boring,,I'm going to collect from fresh herbs" Kalysta said. 

"Herbs? For what?" Genny asked curiously and Kalysta chuckled. 

"You can't even understand but...it's like an assignment given to me by the master,I'm going to try making an antidote"

"Wow" Genny smiled. 

"So,if you would like to come...I'm going to tell you about some of their names,are you in?" Kalysta asked. 

Genny sighed,thinking about what Thane said again but it's almost getting dark so he should be back right?

"I will get dressed,aren't you going to the garden?" She asked and Kalysta nodded. 

Genny closed the door slightly and went to put on something,just two minutes later,the two girls left and walked straight to the garden. 


"So this is called..Moonpetal leaves?" Genny asked with a smile as she followed Kalystal. 

"Yeah...it smells good right?" 

"Yes" Genny nodded. 

"This one is Aesthersage...it absorbs and neutralize dark magic and protect you against them" Kalysta explained. 

"Wow....so all you have to do after getting the leaves is to mix together?" Genny asked. 

"Few words of cleansing spells would be changed inside and that's all" Kalysta replied. 

Genny nodded and there was total silence after that. 

Mistakenly,Genny's hand brushed Kalysta's arm and she heard a snap in her head,and her eyes turned dark as she entered into her vision. 



This happened about an hour ago:::

Kalysta was outside the institute wall,far from where the barrier was surrounding the wall. 

She was holding an apple she got from the apple tree just close to where she was standing. 

All of a sudden a girl appeared in front of her,mysterious smirk playing on her lips,everything about her was dark and black...it was her,the same girl from blackblades who appeared to Thane last night. 

"I've been waiting for someone to show up and you finally came" she said and Kalysta was confused. 

"Who are you?" She asked. 

"You don't have to know me..just help me get inside the school,I can't go in because your stupid alpha created that silly barrier and it's too strong" 

"You're a demon..and you think I will help?" Kalysta glared. 

"It's not a request" She smirked and before Kalysta could blink,her soul left her body and the girl possessed Kalysta's body instead. 

She laughed,looking at Kalysta's poor soul on the ground. 

"If I succeed before five hours,you will survive,but If I don't......you know what will happen"


Genny groaned out breathlessly after the vision came to an end,she turned to Kalysta's body and she was grinning. 

"You are quite slow this time around" She smirked. 

Genny grabbed her collar.

"What did you do to her!!!" She screamed. 

She pushed Genny away and adjusted herself well. 

"She's in that situation because of you.... If the prince haven't been protecting you like a child,I would have taken you to the queen without any problem!!" She yelled. 

Genny swallowed and started moving back. 

"Sorry but you can't escape this time around" She smirked and stretched out just two fingers at her,an invisible rope was tied around her neck,choking her till she was back in front of the girl. 

"Let's go" She smirked and instantly they appeared in a dark scary room. 

Genny was thrown on the floor,in the middle of the other demons looking scary with blood in their mouth,she swallowed. 

Queen Xylara appeared on the throne and laughed out,her laughter was scary as it echoed around the room. 

"Weldone Nemora" She said to the girl who is now back in her own body. 

Genny was shaking in fear as the queen disappeared from her throne and appeared right in front of Genny,she shifted back. 

"You made me starve because of your stupid vision!!" Her roar threw Genny  across the room and she fell on the ground,she puke out blood. 

"You shouldn't drink innocent people's blood!" She shouted and the demons all laughed.

"As expected,she's brave" One of them said,making them laugh again. 

"She must really think the prince would come here to save her as usual" Another one said. 

The queen's black eyes controlled Genny and dragged her back to her,the she grabbed Genny's neck,holding her up like that. .

"Let....me....go" She managed to speak up as the queen choked her,with a wicked grin on her face. 

"I'm going to suck the energy soaring inside you first before getting your blood" She said and Genny was confused at first. 

'The energy inside me....what's that??' 

She thought,but then it became clear. 

The queen is talking about.....Her wolf! 

Genny groaned as the queen gripped her head hard,sucking up her energy as said. 

"No oo!!!! Please!!" She cried as she felt herself getting weak.

The queen kept on laughing out loudly. 


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