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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Alpha Boys - Episode 47 & 48



Alpha Boys - Episode 47 & 48


... Meet me at the roadside" she said with a poisonous demeanor.

The line went silent, and she hung up, still keeping the smile up.

"Hurry up, pests!" She shouted at the kids. 

Five minutes later,  Viktor's car rolled to a stop right beside her, and she turned to face him with a bigger smile.

"Are you playing pranks?" He scowled, and she held his right shoulder before leaning in.

"Aren't you here because you believe me?" She whispered.

He threw off her hand, and she staggered with a witchy laughter.

"Tell me what you know or I'm leaving right now Sasha!" He snapped, and then the kids ran over to them with the sketch.

They managed to arrange it back, and they taped it to full one already.

"Perfect! You exceeded my expectations!" Sasha smiled, getting her purse from the car to give them some Euro notes.

The kids ran off happily, and Viktor made to snatch the sketch, but she held it back 

"Not so fast"

"Where did you get it from?" He asked.

"That's none of your business. All that matters is that Misfit drew this, and you're surely using it against the Alphas. Tell me your plan in details, then I'll give it to you" she said.



"Aww! Come here I missed you baby!" Sunny squealed immediately Zinnia entered the class.

"I missed you more!" Zinnia gushed happily, rushing into Sunny's open arms.

"Stop behaving like you're the only one who loves her here!" Priyanka said and broke the hug, then she hugged Zinnia too.

"Here!" Britney said, snatching Zinnia from Priyanka.

"Happy birthday in advance baby!" Zinnia chuckled.

"Come here!" Karen widened her arms, and Zinnia hugged her too.

Karen cringed painfully, and Zinnia broke the hug quickly.

"Are you ok?" She asked worriedly.

"The Bennett sisters and Sasha have been bullying her at home, but she has been keeping it to herself" Sunny said.

"What!" Zinnia gasped.

"Even if she told us, none of us would be bold enough to stand up for her. If we did, the Overlord would destroy our clans" Priyanka muttered.

"Then what's gonna happen?" Zinnia asked quickly.

"Actually... Jordan stood up for me last night. He came to my house" Karen said shyly.

"Jordan Alpha?" Zinnia blinked.

"Of course! is there another Jordan in this school? And Karen you better stop denying your feelings for him. You're crushing madly on that guy!" Britney said.

Karen blushed hotly, and Zinnia smiled.

"I'm glad it has been sorted out, so what about the birthday plans?" Zinnia asked eagerly.

"We the birthday girl friends will be using this! It's 5M from the store" Priyanka replied, showing Zinnia the dress on her phone

"5M? I'm not ready to burden my aunt but the dress is f+cking beautiful" Zinnia said sadly, zooming it.

"I'll have your dress covered, don't worry" Britney and Sunny said at a time, and Zinnia laughed.

"Don't worry girls, I'll take care of it somehow"

"So what about the Lion Statue?" Karen asked.

"My parents will have it fixed, and yunno what? Viktor is gonna be my date! My parents are currently in Russia to meet his mother. I think I'll be getting engaged soon!" Britney broke the news, and the girls gasped, but they didn't get the chance to talk deeply about it before the first period teacher came in.

They all went to their seats, and before the class could start, the boys came in, and Zinnia's eyes shone when she saw Killian.

She tried hard not to smile, and he raised his left brow at her, making her bite her lip.

They settled down, then Viktor came in.

He didn't look at her before taking his seat, but he changed his seat already.

He's not beside her anymore.

A different guy came to settle beside her, and she wondered why.

"Hey Zinn, I'm Bruno" the guy smiled.

She returned it warmly

Sasha came in same time with her minions, and the class gasped at their red bruises, bandages and plasters.

"You did a hardcore job last night, brother" Hardin grinned.

"I should have just killed them, shouldn't have listened to Karen" Jordan muttered.

"Dan boy, control" Zade said.

"Look who's talking about control" Hardin rolled eyes, and Zade chuckled.

Killian isn't listening to them at all, he's with his phone, texting Zinnia.

Killian: Your hairpin, it's gorgeous.

Little flower: What's so special about it? Just a cheap one.

Killian: Everything looks s+xy on you. Cheap or not. I can get you bowlfuls of designer hairpins though. Dior, Prada, iceberg...

Little flower: Ion need your money.

Killian: So you need my c∆ck instead?

Little flower: I should have known you'd say that next, @rsehole!

Killian: I hate when you call me that, madly.

Little flower: Then stop behaving like one... And stop texting, I need to concentrate.

Killian: Wanna go meet my horse after school?

Little flower: I'll think about it.

She dropped her phone afterwards, then looked back to give him a cutting glare.

A dip appeared on his left brow, and he winked at her.

She choked immediately, and the teacher had to pause.

"Are you ok, Miss Holt?"

"Yes ma'am" she quickly replied

The class continued, and she sent him one last message.

He checked almost immediately, and a smug smirk appeared on his lips.

Little flower: I changed my mind. I'm not going to see your horse with you. @rsehole!


Senior class had three classes consecutively before lunch break finally arrived, and students started journeying to the cafeteria.

Surprisingly, Alphas came to the cafeteria to eat today again.

Zinnia pretended not to see Killian and just took her food tray with her friends...

"Miss, Master Killian said to tell you to join Alphas table" a maid told her.

"What the f+ck!" Her friends gagged, and Zinnia looked over at Killian who's busy eating steak like a model.

She scoffed.

"Sorry, but I won't" she said to the maid, and the woman quickly went on her knees.

"No Miss! I'll lose my job if you really don't go there! I've been warned!" She begged, and Zinnia couldn't believe her eyes.


She excused herself from her friends and went to the Alphas table.

She dropped her tray loudly.

"Welcome here, school daughter" Hardin smiled.

"I understand that abuse of power is your modus operandi, but aren't you taking it too far?" She said loudly, and the cafeteria went silent.

All eyes zoned in on that table.

"Sit, Zinnia" Killian said, picking each word carefully.

"I'm not...

Before she could land, he pulled her down by one arm, and her butt landed on the chair beside him.

Her food tray poured away in the process, and she felt like stabbing him with a fork or something instantly.

"You can have mine" Hardin offered her his untouched food tray which is stacked with simple burger and fries plus wine.

"She doesn't eat those" Killian stood, going to the kitchen.

All eyes are still on them.

Zinnia blamed herself inwardly immediately. She jotted all her likes and dislikes down in her phone jotter,...that must be how he found out about her dislike for burgers.

Killian came back with a tray of pizza and an expensive bottle of wine which he settled in front of her.

Everyone gasped.

"Look who's playing Romeo" Jordan muttered.

"Romeo... Cameo... little difference" Zade shrugged.

"But my first day here, the kitchen said they don't serve pizza" Zinnia said.

"They'll start serving it from now on" Killian replied, sitting back beside her.

From now on? Just like that?


Zinnia looked back at her friends, and they all gave her the GO ON look which made her smile.

She returned to her pizza, but Killian stopped eating just to concentrate on her alone.

She almost choked at the overwhelming attention.

He even poured her a glass of wine, and she rolled eyes.

"If you're doing this to make me change my mind about your horse, then...

"Then what?" He cut her off, and she made to push his face away, but he caught her cute hand and kissed it, making everyone gasp.

Blood rushed to Zinnia's cheeks immediately, but Honoria suddenly screamed from their table.

Ludo screamed at the same time, both staring at their phones.

"What's up?" Sasha inquired.

"Papa just emailed that the Overlord agreed to give us the Lion Statue!" Ludo shouted.

"F+ck it!" Sasha left her food, and the cafeteria never remained the same.

Different chatters bursted, and Honoria rushed to the Alphas table.

"Hardin! I'm the president of the club yunno? You can't leave my party for Britney's! Zade you too!" She persuaded, tucking invitations respectfully into their pockets.

"Of course... we'll be there" Hardin smiled.

"Yes! Yes!!!" Honoria screamed, rushing out of the cafeteria with Ludo.

Sasha followed them, and Priyanka gasped.

"Britney what's gonna happen? You lost to them!" She shouted.

"Chill" Britney smiled confidently.

Amidst all the ongoing turmoil, Killian left the cafeteria with Zinnia, and no one even noticed.

She was grunting as he took her to the park and drove her out of the school in his car.

Things will always go the way he wants, and he's enjoying that power.

She refused to say any word to him throughout the drive, but she gasped when they arrived at the stable in the city.

It's a really big one, and there are several caregivers in sight, taking care of the horses.

She came out of the car with him, and he held her hand, taking her down the place as the servants began greeting with bows.

"You own all the horses here? They're about twenty" she said in awe.

"Yeah, but that's my favorite" he pointed at a really tall one which is separated from the others.

The horse house was opened, and she went in to feed it some grass.

It's a very gentle one, and it didn't crank when she stroked it's head.

"The name?" She asked.

"I didn't give him one" Killian replied freely, backing the wall as he watched her intriguingly.

"And it's your favorite? Weird" she shook her head.

"I'll name it then... The name is Knight" she said.

"Whatever" he said grumpily.

"Why is it your favorite?" She asked.

"It's pliant... not f+cking stubborn like the others" he replied, and she went silent shortly before coming closer.

"Do you apply that to humans too? You only get obsessed with pliant girls who obey your rules? " She said.

He went silent but didn't break their eye contact.

"You got obsessed with me cos of my pliancy. You love controlling, don't you?" She said seriously.

"You're obsessed with me, too" he replied, and she scoffed as he raised his frame from the wall.

"Says who?"

"Your eyes" he replied straight, his eyes darkening.

"What do i mean to you? Still a plaything? A toy" She replied, stepping closer again.

"You're Gabriel's daughter" he replied without missing a beat, and she exhaled once before walking out of the house.

She didn't look back, and she didn't wait for him.

She rushed out of the stable till she got to the road and rode a taxi back to school to get her car.



"Jordan hurt three girls because of the daughter of the wanted criminals?" Malachi said calmly when the news reached him.

"The organization wants the execution of Karen to calm down the storm, and they demand an explanation from Jordan himself" the guard in front of him replied.

"Leave" Malachi turned his back, and the guard left after a bow.

Malachi released a ominous grin. 

First it was Killian with Zinnia, Gabriel's daughter, and now it's Jordan with Karen, daughter of criminals?

Ludicrous tastes.

"Hubby" Aurora's gentle voice came behind, and he turned to see her in front of his desk.

"Aurora?" He took his seat.

"Why is Zinnia a threat? Why are you so inclined to bringing her down with Gabriel?" She asked flatly.

"Those two should have died with Nica that year. It's a mistake that they're still alive. It's only normal that I finish what I started" he replied.

"Nica? Her mother? Wait... you're involved in her death?" Aurora's eyes widened.



The long awaited birthday finally came, the party is already on!

The house is an onslaught of students already, all dressed according to the birthday code.

Denim with a touch of white.

Loud screams filtered from every damn angle and corner of the mansion, and the playing electronic songs could break speakers.

Despite the crowd of students, it still doesn't feel as lively as intended.

The whole cheerleading team is present and the over 200 Alpha Boys Fans Club club members, but still...

The birthday girls are yet to come out though, but Sasha could be seen lurking around, her gothic vibes is on another level tonight.

She's on black denims and thigh-high heels, and her blonde hair is on one shoulder.

Her hand bandage is still there, but the other bandages are gone.

She texted Viktor impatiently.

• And what the hell is taking the attack so long? I'm not a patient person!

Viktor: Chill.

She hissed immediately she received that, and she upstairs.

"When will the Lion Statue be here? Where are the boys and your parents? Why is everywhere so dull!" She said crankily.

Honoria and Ludo are pacing the room in their birthday dresses already, no shoes.

They look f+cking restless.

"I dunno, papa is not picking my calls!" Ludo said.

"Mine too! " Honoria replied, and they suddenly heard screams outside.

The three rushed out to meet the crowd of students going out of the house already.

"What's happening?" Honoria muttered.

"The blog!" Ludo replied, and they all checked at once.



The party is MAD!

Not only students of Royal Pride are in attendance, but even important adults from the organization.

The interior and exterior of the mansion is decorated pink and shinny black according to the theme, and a lot even had to stay outside cos it's already full inside the house.

Britney the birthday girl is still getting dolled up inside with her friends, and Rihanna's 'Diamond' is playing on ear-splitting volume on the expensive wall speakers.

Despite the fact that the house is already full, students are still coming in.

Students who escaped from the Bennett sisters party to come here after they saw Britney's post on the blog.

The Lion Statue!

It's sitting majestically and magnificently at the entrance, covered with a glass shield with several golden lights inside, making the gold shine expensively around the exterior.

Students started gawking and gasping immediately they saw the statue, the lights almost blinding them.

No one is allowed to snap, so they kept their phones and just admired.

* It's been ages since I saw this statue last!

* Madly beautiful!

* Heard it's over 600 trillions!

* It's obviously more than that!

* But didn't the Bennett sisters say they'd have it at their party?

* Who cares? It's here now!

The mansion became madly filled, and then the birthday girl friends stepped out orderly to the red carpet, all looking pulchritudinous in their expensive stunning dress.

They're all holding customized wine glasses too with Britney's picture on it.

* Gosh! The dress!

* Heard it's 5M!

* 5 f+cking millions? So how much will be Britney's dress?

* F+ck! Ok hands down!

* This is the real deal!

* Why are they all so pretty!

The four of them stood in the middle of the hall like models, and cameras did justice to their dresses and faces, then Britney's parents joined them.

The students screamed out when the two appeared. They're not small fries in the organization obviously.

The picture moment resumed, and the music got louder.

Honoria's car stopped in front of the house, and she rushed in crazily with Ludo, they're are both barefoot. 

Merely seeing the crowd in front of the house alone, they stopped breathing, but then they saw the Lion Statue.

Honoria went on her knees immediately and started crying like a kid.

On the red carpet, Zinnia got the usual feel.

Her skin hair stood, and goosebumps covered her smooth skin.

She gulped cos she knows what that means.

Killian is here.

They haven't talked at all since she left him at the stable two days ago.

True to her feelings, four Rolls-Royce drove into the mansion, and Alphas stepped out of their respective cars in full regality, dressed like the bad f+cking boys that they are.

Hardin is chewing gum s+xily with night shades on, and Killian changed his hairstyle... It's darker right now.

Jordan pocketed his hands, and Zade did a tongue dart, revealing his tongue ring.


Cameras got first row seats on their faces immediately, and the students started running mad for real, screaming and shrieking like they haven't seen them before.

Honoria started rolling on the ground, crying harder.

Ludo promised herself she won't cry as she watched with twisted tongue.

A LED screen appeared in front of the mansion.

WELCOME, ALPHA BOYS was written there boldly.

Honoria peed on herself.

Ludo's tears finally fell like a river. 


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