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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Alpha Boys - Episode 43 & 44



Alpha Boys - Episode 43 & 44


"Jordan... No" Was the last thing she said before Killian got to them and slammed his fist madly into Jordan's face.

She stared in apallment as Jordan's body jerked back and crashed against a table.

Few students shrieked while others gasped. Zinnia is in the "shocked" group.

Her back hit the edge of a wooden table, and she grabbed the wood for balance.

Killian has never been the type to display violence publicly, so why is he punching his brother?

Before Jordan could recover, Killian charged at him with another slamming punch, and Zinnia covered her mouth shockingly.

His eyes looks so out of control like he wants to shred Jordan into smithereens. He's like a different Killian.

Jordan released a crooked chuckle, then he shoved Killian and threw a punch at his face.

Blood exploded from Killian's lips, and Zinnia swallowed.

Should she interfere? She played a big part in the fight but still... She lacks the balls to go close to them.

No other sound is in the cafeteria except from the sound of the punches. 

The students look way too dumbfounded that it'd be unbelievable right now if they can breathe.

Hardin and Zade are the first and of course the only ones who dared to go to them.

Hardin tried to get Killian, but hell... he's like a bull.

He shoved Hardin away and went for Jordan again, but Zade pulled Jordan, so there's enough space between them.

"Control!" Hardin shouted, his baritone voice bouncing off the cafeteria walls.

"It's fú+cking over, this fight" Zade added, standing between the two.

Jordan smiled mockingly like he's possessed, and Killian almost went for him again, but he looked at Zinnia instead.

His eyes has never been friendly, but at least she has started learning how to look into them without trembling, but right now it's like they're back to square one.

Immediately those hollow eyes landed on her body, she gulped and almost shrunk.

Now she regrets ever letting Jordan involve her in the jealousy game.

Killian walked out of the cafeteria like a cold breeze, and Jordan followed after a minute.

His eyes met with Karen's, and he smiled slightly before exiting.

Hardin and Zade left too, and then the students started releasing the breaths they've been holding.

It's like their voices were confiscated some minutes ago and they're just getting it back right now.

* Holy moly!

* I'm still gagged, water please! 

* What the hell! And it's all because of Misfit? I can't believe it!

* Alphas never fight!

* Exactly my point!

"Ok this is way beyond my imagination right now. Who the hell is Misfit? Why did papa say she can't be expelled and why are the boys getting swirled all because of her" Ludo said.

"And we can't even touch her.... can't something just happen and kill her?" Honoria sighed.

They turned to Sasha and found her zoning out.

"What are you thinking in that head of yours?" Honoria tapped her.

"I expect her to fall into the upcoming trap so she'll be out soon. Killian has chronic trust issues, I'm sure he'd kill her" Sasha smiled.

"What are you talking about?" Ludo asked.

"Something huge is coming, y'all just have to chill" Sasha replied, exchanging glances with the two.

"Did Jordan and Killian just fight because of you? Girl!" Priyanka gushed immediately the girls stepped out of the cafeteria.

"I don't think so" Britney replied.

"What do you mean you don't think so? It all started when Jordan touched her" Sunny replied.

"It's just odd... Why would Killian fight Jordan because of her? Is he in love with her?" Karen said, rubbing her palms gently on her skirt pleats.

"Love doesn't exist in any of the Alphas dictionary" Priyanka blinked.

"Exactly my point" Britney replied.

"But nothing is constant, what if there's a change?" Sunny suddenly said.

"Bullshit" Priyanka said.

Zinnia said nothing, all that's in her mind right now is Killian's next deed...

She's searching her head, trying to conjure up any possibility, but he's not a predictable person, so she's scared somehow.

"I need to use the restroom" Karen suddenly excused herself and left the girls for the nearest one.

She got in there, and instead of peeing, she stood in front of the mirror and rolled up her sleeves to reveal her bruises.

Her skin is a mess, and it hurts.

Initially, she could boast of having the same clean skin as Zinnia, but right now it's gone. 

The sudden clearing of throat made her roll down her sleeves quickly, and she turned to see Jordan by the doorway, hands in pockets with few bruises on his face from the fight.

Her heart jumped immediately. First because of his book, and second because of his bruises, they're a shade of purple already, and they look painful.

"The book... I forgot it at home. I'll bring it tomorrow" she quickly said and made to rush out, but he held her back by the arm, making her cringe in pains.

"Tommorow" he said.

"Sure" he replied, and he let her go.

She rushed out, and he imagined her bruises in his head.

He actually saw everything when she pulled up her sleeves earlier.



"OMG mother! Father!" Britney jumped ecstatically when their cars pulled up outside.

She rushed out of the house to meet them, and she first flew into her mother's embrace. 

"I missed you princess" the beautiful woman smiled.

"I missed you too mother! Thought you wouldn't be coming home" Britney replied, breaking the hug to go for her father.

"Welcome home father, i missed you!"

"We made a promise to never miss this year's birthday yunno?" The old man replied, and Britney hugged him tighter.

They went in together, and while the father went for a shower, the mother, Mrs. Spears stayed in Britney's room with her.

Britney opened the biggest box among all the presents they brought, and her eyes widened when she saw a really gorgeous dress.

"It's 10M Euros. I personally paid the best fashionista in Switzerland for it. It's the only type in the world" Mrs. Spears said.

"Aww! You're the best mother! But now that my dress is ready, what about the Lion Statue? I really want my party to be the talk of the organization" she replied.

"I and your father are in talks with the Overlord about it. We'll try our best but shouldn't you tell me about your love life? How's it with the Russian prince Viktor?" Mrs. Spears asked.

Britney dropped the dress and sat on her mother's laps.

"I dunno...he likes my friend instead" she said sadly.

"Your friend?"

"Zinnia Holt, the new...

"The ordinary girl? Why are you friends with her?"

"Why can't I be? She's cool and I like her a lot" Britney shrugged.

"Girls like that have nothing to offer. She's just the daughter of a drunkard and nothing...

"Mother!" Britney said, and the woman sighed.

"Fine, do you want i and your father to step in concerning Viktor? We can set you up in a marriage of convenience, and he'll be your date on your birthday party" she said, and Britney's eyes sparkled.

"Seriously? I love you mother!" She hugged her tightly.



Just like Britney's parents, the sisters parents came home too, and they're currently at the patio with them, talking over wine.

"Papa, you haven't said anything about the Lion Statue" Honoria said.

"The Spears wants the statue too that same day, so it depends on who the Overlord decides to give it to" Don Bennett said, smoking pipe.

"But papa, you're closer to the Overlord so I don't think there should be any debate" Ludo said.

"The statue will be at your party, I promise" Dona Bennett replied.

The regal looking woman is smoking expensive cigarettes, so the patio is full of smokes. 

"I only have to talk to Hardin to get the boys now. Finally we can have our dream birthday party" Honoria smiled.

"Shouldn't we go tell Karen about it?" Ludo winked.

Honoria dialled Sasha's line immediately.



"His Lordship is resting at the moment, and the rule is never to disrupt" one of the guards by the Den door told Sasha.

She has been there several minutes ago, trying to get in and see Malachi.

"Are you guys dumb? I don't need permission before seeing his lordship, I'm like his daughter-in-law!" She stumped her foot.

The Den door opened instantly, and a guard came out .

"You can go in, miss" he said.

She rolled eyes and pushed that one out of the way before going in to meet Malachi on his desk.

"Your Lordship" she bowed.

"Sasha... Hasn't it been a while since I last saw you? " He said stonily, and she smiled.

"Yes, and I didn't come empty-handed" she replied and was about to show him Killian and Jordan's fighting video when she saw it's playing on his desk tab.

He was watching it before she came in 

"Oh...I guess you saw it already... Killian and Jordan's fight over that Misfit girl, but actually she'll be out soon" Sasha quickly said.

Malachi stayed silent, and she showed him another video.

It's a video of Viktor and Zinnia's conversation earlier in the technical room. She had it recorded with their voices.

Malachi watched with rapt attention, and his eyes glowed with satisfaction.

"Your Lordship, I think Killian will be the one to kill her if this actually happens" she said.



"Where's your explanation about what you did in school earlier?" Hardin questioned immediately Jordan came out of his room.

"No comment" Jordan replied, going downstairs only to meet Zade there. Killian isn't in.

"No comment? Are you f+cking with me? You knowingly provoked Kill! You know what he's like when it comes to her so why the f+ck would you pull that stunt? Is it because of Sasha? Damn it bro! Wake the f+ck up! You ghosted Killian for three years after what Sasha did and I thought it was over but you're suddenly being a d+ck now that she's back? Gee!" Zade said.

He left the house too, and Hardin came downstairs to pat Jordan who's looking so unsettled

"Kill's anger won't last, just chill, bro" He said, and Jordan sighed.

"I have somewhere to be" he said and left the house too.

Hardin's phone began ringing, and a grin cracked in his throat when he saw it's the twins calling.

He went back upstairs.



Zinnia got used to feeling goosebumps and smelling bergamot whenever she's going to buy alcohol at night, but tonight's felt foreign to her.

Maybe because of the fight in school earlier, Killian's eyes on her feels new 

She knew he's following her, and her goosebumps increased at each step, but she's still so scared to text him.

She kept her walking steps slow till she got home and dropped the alcohol in the living room for Gabriel.

She went to her room, and she almost choked when he saw Killian inside already.

He's standing beside her bed, staring at the flower pot.

She shut the door slowly and gulped.

"You're...here" she stuttered and almost couldn't believe her voice.

They're really really back to the start when she's still scared of him.

He turned at once, and his eyes ravaged her body stormily.

She's wearing bum shorts and a blue shirt with a shoulder off, and her thighs are bare to his eyes.

She moved under his stare, and he came closer with just three steps.

He grabbed her arms suddenly, and she gasped when he trapped them above her head on the door, making her gulp again.


"What did you discuss with Viktor?" His bass voice filtered out cleanly.

"He... wanted a sketch of...

"Daring..." He cut her off, rubbing her wrist with his thumb pad.

"I should f+ck the stubbornness out of you.... right now" he muttered, and her eyes widened.

He released her hands...

"Undress" he told her point-blank, and she shook her head.


She has always wanted to give her v+rginity to someone she'd love with all her being, not a beast like Killian Alpha.

She's not even sure of how she feels about him yet, and he's so scary right now...

"No what?" He questioned.

"I'm not ready... yet..." She gently said, and he cocked his head.

"Should i f+ck another hole then?" He said.

"What do you mean?" Her voice barely came out audibly.

"Your pretty little mouth" he replied, and she gasped when he grabbed her right hand, bringing her to bed with it. 

Before she could react, he unzipped his jean and yanked it away with his boxer briefs, freeing his rock-hard cock.

Holy hell!

The only d+ck she has seen all her life is Tyson's, and she concluded back then that he's aesthetically big, but right now she has been proved wrong.

His thing is a joke beside Killian's... Killian's thing should probably be kept away from humans reach.

She felt a rush of air in her lungs, and Killian watched her stare at his cock with his cruel dark eyes.

"Ever wrapped those lips around a d+ck before?" He asked, and she immediately shook her head.

"F+ck" he muttered as if that's the only answer he needs.

Her body became attentive, and she began licking her lips unintentionally.

Killian pushed her so he's lying on top of her, his knees resting on either side of her face.

"You'll let me f+ck that mouth, won't you? Little Flower? Or would you rather i f+ck you c+nt?" He said.

Gawd, he's gonna break her if she allows that thing inside herself, so she opened her mouth slightly.

Killian didn't wait before plunging his d+ck into her mouth.


She tried to take him as much as possible, but he hit her throat, triggering her gag reflex. 

Killian pulled out, but he didn't allow her catch her breath before slamming into her mouth again.

He's hard and rough like his normal self.

"Do you know how crazily i imagined you taking me in your mouth like a good little girl?" He growled, grabbing a handful of her hair to angle her head and hit deeper.

"Do you know how f+cking beautiful you look with my cock stuffed in your mouth?"

She made some faint noises as she tried to lick and slow him down.

He rolled his hips and caressed her hair with his fingers.

"I should have done this before, you should have been mine since long" he grunted, picking up his pace...

Thrusting in and out of her mouth before he cursed out as his shoulders stiffened

She watched tantalized as he groaned and spilled down her throat.

She angled her head and tried to swallow it all, but c+m cascaded down the corner of her lips. 

Killian watched her with manic interest and sheen possessiveness as he wiped the c+m with his thumb and smeared it on her lips.

"Open" he said, and she did.

She did.

"Good girl" he voiced.

He thrusted the finger into her mouth, smearing his taste allover her tongue.

"This mouth is f+cking mine" he growled before pulling her into himself, slamming his lips on hers.

She kissed him slowly at first, but then open-mouthed and hungrily, matching his pace.

They spent a few minutes kissing and exploring each other's mouths addictively before he pulled away from her.

He slid a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Brace up, little flower. This is only the start" he said, and her eyes popped.


He got off the bed and started putting on his jean.

"You're coming to the mansion with me, to spill whatever shit Viktor discussed with you" he said.



Karen looks disturbed and nervous as she paced the living room with her phone glued to her ear 

She ordered Jordan's book already, but shipping it to the country is taking a lot of time.

She had to order from England since it's not available in Italy presently.

She was still on the call with the distributors when the three devils broke into her house again.

Sasha, Ludo and Honoria.

 Sasha's burnt hand is still bandaged.

"We're here to celebrate our upcoming birthday and Misfit's downfall in arrears, cheers!" Honoria laughed.

"No" Karen shook her head and started running upstairs.

The three were about to run after her when someone suddenly appeared from the rails.

Karen's eyes widened cos she wasn't expecting him. How did he get in?

It's Jordan!

The bruises are still on his face, and he looks mad as he walked past her on the stairs.

"Jordan" she called.

He didn't look at her as he went straight for the girls.

"Jordan?" Sasha muttered shockingly , coming to a standstill with the her minions.

Like an erupting volcano, Jordan raised his left hand on Sasha. He's left-handed actually.

It wasn't a slap.

He grabbed Sasha's full face with that hand, wanting to tear off her facial skin as his fingers threatened to dig in.

Sasha screamed out in painful terror.

Ludo and Honoria ran out of the house, but they were instantly surrounded by black guards outside.


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