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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Alpha Boys - Episode 39 & 40



Alpha Boys - Episode 39 & 40


Ludo's tears finally fell like a river.

The paparazzi took two short minutes before the boys made their dignified entry into the mansion, accompanied by loud screams that's not ending anytime soon.

Ludo wiped her tears with an hand then went over to Honoria who's still on the ground.

No one is looking their way, they're like invisible to the eyes of the guests.

"You peed on yourself? Hono!" She snapped.

"You know how I am!!! I can't control my bladder anytime I'm crying!!!" Honoria's mouth widened as her tears fell from her cheeks to her chest.

"Stand and let's leave" Ludo pulled her up.

"But... But the party...

"We shouldn't have come here in the first place. Mama and Papa only fooled us with their promises and it's so obvious we mean f+ck to them right now! Let's just go! " Ludo pushed Honoria into the car then drove off with her.



The entry of the boys caused quiet a stir, and the girls had to leave the red carpet for them.

Zinnia is doing all she could to avoid eye contact with Killian, and it's the most cumbersome task ever cos she could feel his dark eyes on herself throughout.

Karen could be seen staring openly at Jordan, and she didn't try to look away when their eyes met.

He flashed her a camera-worthy smile, and she felt her heart swelling as she returned it cheerfully.

The boys left the carpet and mixed with the guests, carrying their wine cups like royalties.

Zinnia kept staring at her phone, though there's nothing to do inside, but anything to avoid looking at Killian whose stare is burning through her skin at the moment.

The dress is backless, but the blowing AC all around did nothing to cool the heat she's suddenly feeling.

Two days ago, she wasn't sure if she'd join the girls for this party, but she just took her chance and told her aunt about it.

Vivian didn't complain before transferring the cash, shocking her.

It's a huge amount for an ordinary teacher to release, she has plans to ask her about her real source of income after this party.

She was happy to be here, but it all got robbed away the moment Killian came in with his brothers. 

If only someone could just start a conversation. 

"The boys are hotter tonight" Priyanka gushed.


"Sure, especially Jordan" Karen chirped like a fangirl.

"I think it's Hardin" Sunny replied, her short hair bunching beside her ears.

"Is Wildfire a joke to y'all? Zee I need your support here! Look at that dark flipped hair!" Priyanka said loudly, and Zinnia pinched herself hard on the thighs.

Why does she have to mention her while involving Killian? Now she lost all her control and was even unaware of when she turned her neck around to take a look.

Her jaws dropped immediately their eyes met, gagged by his new look. His hair which is perfectly styled to leave sprinkles of it on his cold face.

He's not wearing a suit or jacket like the rest of his brothers, so she could clearly see the bunch of uncut muscles and his inky tattoos under his shirt.

Holy f+cking shit!

No... control, Zinnia.

She met his eyes one more time and saw him smirking his usual.

She gulped, then received a text immediately.

It's from him, first one in two days.

Psychopath 001: Do you love my new look? You don't have to answer though, your eyes did the answering already.


She needs to get out of here before she'd explode, but before she could escape, Britney was called out.

The birthday girl entrance was fancy, but it's also shocking for the rest of the crowd cos she came out with Viktor, arms linked.

* Viktor and Britney?

* Weren't they besties?

* Whoa! iconic birthday party indeed!

Students wouldn't stop running their mouths till she got to the front, and the clapping stopped.

"Thank y'all for gracing my party, and thanks for following the theme. Special thanks to my parents too for making today a memorable one, and my friends...." 

She looked over at them, mentioning them one by one.

"I love you guys, and everyone! Enjoy the party!"

Her speech was short, and the party resumed afterwards.

Zinnia quickly escaped the hall, and Killian dropped his wine cup then followed suit.

"Hey, Kar" Jordan appeared beside Karen, and she faced him fast in a swirl, causing her heels to match her gown.

Her wine glass fell from her, and she began falling back, but Jordan's right arm caught her while the left one caught the glass.

"Easy" he smiled before bringing her back to her feet.

"Thanks" she said, taking her bottom lip into her mouth.

"Adorable" he smiled again, and a red hue appeared on her cheeks.

"Oh! Your book! I got you a new copy and...

" I have several copies of it" he cut her off, and she blinked.


"But bring me the one you bought, I'll add it to my collection" he said, and her smile returned.


"Want another glass of wine? Your glass is empty" he said.


He offered an hand, and she placed hers on it, then he took her away.

Britney is currently in the middle of greetings with her parents, but then Viktor suddenly disappeared from her side.

She bunched up her gown in her arms as she began searching around for any sign of him, but he's not inside the hall at all.

She'll soon be cutting the cake and he has to be with her. Where's he?



Zinnia turned on the water dispenser and began washing her hand repeatedly inside the zinc bowl.

It's the best option in situations like this where there's no option. 

She can't possibly leave Britney's party suddenly. Also, she doesn't want to be in the same room with Killian when she can't keep her eyes off him___same way he can't keep his eyes off her.

She washed harder, her hands turning red under the pressure...

"Does that calm you down, little flower?" His voice came behind her.

The annoying bass voice!

Her heart did the racing thing as she turned off the dispenser.

Without wiping her hands, she turned to leave the room, but he easily grabbed her arms and trapped her on the nearest wall.

Seems like his favorite talking position.

"You don't get to do the running away thing again tonight, i think I gave you enough space... Do you know how f+cking insane I've been without hearing your voice or smelling your scent for two damn days?" He slammed the words at her face, and her eyes finally met his eyes.

No matter how mad she is at him, she won't deny the fact that she missed the brown balls and the coldness surrounding them.


How easily he gets under her skin without having to try, even his hold on her bare arms is heated, sending shivers across her skin.

"Let go of me, Killian" she told him, and she saw his eyes darken.


"I'm Gabriel's daughter to you, so I see no reason why the name Cameo should be important to me. You won't always have your way" she replied.

"I gave you choices, you denied"  He said calmly.

"To either be your plaything or go to hell? Huh? I'm not doing it anymore cos either ways, it leads back to you" she said, and he tightened his hold on her, knowingly pressing his chest on hers.

Her br+àsts met with his abs, and she held her breath as his scent assaulted her nostrils.

She turned her eyes away from him, and he looked down at her popping br+àsts.

"Then maybe you shouldn't have dressed this hot and steal my attention the moment I stepped in. I couldn't look elsewhere immediately I saw you in this dress, I couldn't think and my sanity dropped on the f+cking floor!" He poured out the words at once, and Zinnia had to bite the side of her mouth to stop herself from talking.

"Are we silent now?" He said, his brows rising.


He finally let go of her, but she still didn't look at him as he stepped back.

"Wanna know what happened to the mafia Lord with four sons? He picked out one of them to be his heir who'd receive inhumane trainings to make him emotionless. To achieve that, he hired a new trainer, and his tragedy started from there. The trainer" he said and waltzed out of the room.

Zinnia released all the goddamn breath she has been holding, then she took some extra breaths before leaving the room too, mulling over what he just said.

Hardin was the first person she bumped into when she entered the hall, and she automatically smiled.

"What's up school daughter!"

"Ladies man" she chuckled, and he raised his arms dramatically.

"Yo! Did you stab Kill in the penis or something?" He asked.


"It started two days ago. He normally doesn't sleep at nights, but it got worse. He smoked more than he always did and sat in front of the burner all night, staring at his phone. I got a peep at his phone yesterday and saw he's staring at his chats with you. He hates excess alcohol but he consumed eight bottles in the space of two days. We thought he was running mad" Hardin explained, and Zinnia's heart skipped beats 


"Hardin!" Zade's voice hollered.

"Let's hope he gets better" Hardin winked at her and went to Zade, leaving her breathless.

All of these happened to him within the two days space they gave each other?

Meaning? Meaning what?

She badly wants to read a meaning to it 

Is it because of her?

She started searching the hall for him, but he's nowhere.

She bit her lip and started worrying even when she doesn't want to.

Is he ok?



Sasha stood beside a pillar, rolling a curl of her hair in her index finger while her other hand is crossed on her chest.

Minutes later, Viktor appeared, and she turned to face him, sneering.

"What do you think you're doing? I gave you the sketch and the next thing I expected was strike! It's been two days!"

"Even with the sketch, I still have to plan ahead before going into the mansion. You think it's easy? They're Alphas!" He spat, and she scoffed.

"The plan is tommorow anyways" he said.

"Viktor? " Britney came out to them, and he nearly jumped.

"Brit, sorry i was...

"What were you doing with her? You were supposed to stay with me throughout, not chatting with this devil's spawn!" Britney pointed her finger at Sasha who twisted her lips in mockery.


"Did you just..." Britney made to go closer, but Viktor blocked her.


"It's your party, you can't ruin it" he said.

"I don't care! Why were you talking to her in the first place!" She shouted.

"Can you stop acting like an attention seeker already? Your parents came to beg my mother before I could agree to be your date tonight! Don't make me regret it! " He shouted at Britney, and a tear fell from her eye immediately.

Viktor sighed...

"I didn't mean it that way, i...

She already rushed back in before he could finish, and Sasha began laughing derisively.


"You shut up!" Viktor shot back and rushed in too.



Ludo and Honoria were already wearing armour of anger and fury when their parents arrived .

The adults met them crying in their rooms with ruined makeup on their faces and tears of mascara.

"The Overlord decided to give the statue to the Spears family at the last minute, not our fault so wipe those tears and go cut the cake. Where are the guests? " Dona asked, picking a cigar.

"You expect them to still wait? I can't believe you! You abandoned us when we needed you most!" Honoria ranted.

"Did you pee? Tell me it's not publicly" Don Bennett said, looking at her wet dress.

"So what if it's public? You deserve every disgrace for that you did to us tonight! You're both worthless!" Ludo shouted, and the next sound is a smack on her face from the mother.

Ludo fell on the bed with a bleeding nose, and her hairpin fell on the ground.

"You don't have that right, parasite" Dona Bennett muttered and grabbed Honoria.

"Come here Ria" she took her out of the room.

Ludo started crying again.

"Know your place" Don Bennett said and left her too, slamming the door behind.



Like his routine since two days ago, Killian is presently sitting in front of the burner, shirtless.

The fire scotch means nothing right now as he downed the third bottle of alcohol direct from the bottle.

Britney gave them the invitation since the beginning of this semester, and he had plans to go there just for Zinnia.

They'd talk, and if she acts stubborn and stuff, he'd kidnap her, bring her to the cottage and f+ck her brains out even if it means she'd cry and hate him forever.... Not like he cares anyways.

That was the initial plan, but immediately she called him Killian, he felt a dysfunction in his system that he can't pinpoint.

It was a sting, a damn sting in his heart. 

Was it supposed to hurt?

Wasn't he supposed to be blind to emotions?

She's the same girl who made him feel anger, longing and jealousy, and now heartache?

Where the f+ck did it go wrong? Where the hell is the monster that Malachi raised?

Wasn't he supposed to be hating the f+ck out of her?

Confusion is an understatement, he has never felt this before.

He downed the alcohol again, hating how he's feeling now more than anything.



Sitting on her bed with her phone in hand, Zinnia is currently staring at the flower pot.

The flowers are withering already, but she has no plans to trash it. 

It's the only thing she has ever gotten from Killian, and it smells like him.

She left the party an hour ago after Britney cut the cake, and though the party still continued after that, she couldn't wait.

Not after what Hardin told her about Killian.

She's so worried as she shifted her gaze from the flowers to her phone.

She's on their chats, but she honestly doesn't know how to start a conversation.

It's not as easy as he makes it look.

She typed "Hey" for the fifth time and erased it, then dipped her face in the pillow.


He's driving her crazy for real, and it's so f+cking unhealthy.



Malachi is walking the marbled floor of a pavement in the middle of stony walls.

He's at the underground compartment of the castle, and as he took each step, a light comes on.

He's with two guards, but they stopped when they got to a steel door.

He entered the small room, and a yellow bulb came on, different from other lights.

The room looks old like it's been long since it got any visit, and there are several interwoven thread of cobwebs.

There's only one object inside the room.

Malachi went closer to it, and though the wood is dusty already, it's still so obvious.

It's a coffin, and KILLIAN was written boldly on top of it.

Malachi sighed heavily.

"He had it toughest, why is he deviating? Why is my masterpiece getting swayed by a worthless female?" He muttered.

And right now, killing the girl by himself would only make Killian lose it more, and that's why he implored Gabriel to do it.

What's taking so long?



Hardin was the first to come out for morning jog in the forest.

Killian is still grumpy so it's sure he's not coming this morning, but Jordan and Zade are joining him soon.

He was enjoying the cold morning breeze on his shirtless muscled skin when he got a text.

He must have forgotten to activate flight mode.

He stopped to check, and his lips curved into a smile when he saw it's a shagging video of him and the girl he f+cked last night.

He was about to press play when he felt suspicious suddenly.

The breeze getting replaced by sudden heat.

He looked around and immediately detected a slight movement behind the trees.

There's no animal here, and he's the only one who's supposed to be on this property right now so...

His eyes twitched, and he suddenly jumped when a bullet flew towards him from a silent gun.

He was able to dodge that one and hide behind a tree with ragged breaths 


Why the f+ck is the intruder alarm not sounding???

He texted his brothers on their group chat, but before he could drop the phone, an arrow flew to his direction.

He caught it with his hand, but that was it.

It was obviously poisoned cos that arm went down immediately.

"F+ck it!!" He groaned, but then the worse one came.

A bullet he couldn't dodge.

The bullet rammed into his chest, and blood splattered out of his mouth.

He tried to move from that range, but another one hit him on the stomach.

His phone fell from him, and his own blood was the last thing he saw before air left his lungs completely.

He fell heavily on his face to the black soil, his blood pooling around him.


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