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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Alpha Boys - Episode 37 & 38



Alpha Boys - Episode 37 & 38


"My middle name. Call me Cameo whenever we're together. Cameo is for you, Killian is for everyone else"

Zinnia doesn't know much about how the heart works, but she's sure something happened to her heart immediately.

Maybe a skip? Or a race? Something definitely happened, and though he's as moody as a rain cloud, that one reply is enough to lift the heaviness on her chest.

Their eyes are still mirroring, and she doesn't even want to look away. He's not blinking either, and she could hear the slow beat of his heart in her ears.

It's the first time she heard it, and she raised her hand to his chest, trying to touch, but he held it.

The smallness of her hand inside his own made her smile brightly, feeling much better.

"Just sleep" he said.

She nodded once before shutting her eyes, snuggling closer to him.

She doesn't even mind the fact that she's almost naked, all that matters is his warmness that's wrapped around her, and the safeness she's feeling right now.

He was still staring at her when she drifted off to a peaceful sleep, and he brought an hand to her face.

He didn't stop this time, he touched, tracing his thumb on her cheek before caressing it. 

He brought his thumb to her lips, and the moment he touched, wild thoughts filled his wild head.

He almost started eating her lips right there, but she needs this moment of rest at least, so he let go and began stroking the pulse point on her neck gently, thinking of how he got here. 

It was actually Hardin who told him about it, and thanks to the fact that he hacked her phone, he was able to track her to that swamp.

He had serious plans to make her cry in regrets after the GAME ON text he sent to her earlier, but right now...

He doesn't even know what he's doing here or why he's here trying to make her feel better.

Whatever it is, should better be on his good side.

And as for the culprit, he has plans stacked in his head. 



"You all need to do the calms, Kill will handle it" Hardin reassured the girls for the uptenth time.

He has been on it since Zinnia's disappearance, trying to convince the girls of her safety.

"How can we be so sure? He needs to tell us the location so we can go to her" Sunny said.

"She's fine, I'm f+cking sick of convincing y'all! I need my peace too, man!" Hardin complained.

"We only need rigid assurance, like a picture?" Karen said.

"Are you f+cking with me?" Hardin laughed.

"Zinn is fine." Jordan joined them, and Karen started feeling awkward immediately.

"How sure are you?" Priyanka asked.

"Kill would have called if there's a problem. Zero call means zero problem so chill and enjoy the party" Jordan said.

"Thanks, bro!" Hardin saluted him before returning to the dance floor where girls rounded him again.

"That freak" Britney muttered.

"Then let's dance too! No we should snap selfies first!" Sunny suggested.

"Sure! Let's go girls!" Priyanka shouted.

Sunny and Britney followed her, and when Karen made to do the same, she bumped into Jordan and he knowingly threw down his book.

"Oh! I'm...I'm sorry I...don't be mad it's...not... intentional...here"

She was stuttering as she picked the book and gave it to him, still avoiding eye contact.

"Keep it, will come for it later" he replied and walked away, smiling lightly.

Karen looked up and blinked thrice before looking at the book.

She sighed and hid it in her bag.


At another side of the hall, Sasha is busy dancing with Honoria.

Ludo is seated, drinking directly from a champagne bottle.

"You look too happy tonight" Honoria said, and Sasha laughed, flipping her blonde hair sassily.

"Of course! Remember what I told you about having a plan? Misfit should be dead by now" she said.

"Seriously? " Ludo stood.

"Are you kidding?" Honoria's eyes widened.

"Kidding? Do I look the type? She's dead!" Sasha hissed, and Honoria got a brand new champagne.

She popped it and wet Sasha's hair with it.

Honoria was hailing loudly, and Sasha was laughing.

"Finally? F+ck! I'm the happiest person alive!" Ludo said.

"But why am I not seeing any sign of Killian?" Honoria looked around.

"He's probably still coming!" Sasha shrugged, and she got a call.

Seeing it's one of the guys she sent to capture Zinnia, she walked out to a silent spot and picked with a round smile.

"Tell me that pest is dead already." 

"There was a problem" the voice came.

"You can't be serious" she shook her head.

"She vomited in the car after we forced her to drink moretti, and we got irritated. We let her go in the middle of a road" 

"What! The plan was to take her and bury her alive somewhere, so what are you talking about!!! " Sasha yelled, flinging the phone to the wall.

The gadget shattered, and she clenched her arms before screaming out like a madwoman.


"Sasha what's up?" Honoria and Ludo came out to her.

"My plan... My plan failed... It f+cking failed!!!"

"What!" They chorused.



Zinnia almost melted when she opened her eyes to find Killian's eyes on herself.

There's just something about the way he looks at her.

A possessiveness.

An obsession.

A... madness.

She saw a flash of something in his eyes, but the flash disappeared so fast.

Was it affection? No way ... Killian can't possibly give her an affectionate look.

She'd classify that under future impossible tense though she craves it. 

They're still in the same position they were last night, arms around each other.

"Hey.....good morning" she said awkwardly.

"No one told me stubborn arse girls can be awkward too" he said.

"I'm not stubborn" she muttered.

"What are you then?" He replied, the cold morning weather cooling his bass voice.

"Zinnia Holt" she muttered again, and he stroked her pointed nose.

"You can be cute" he said, and she almost screamed, but the entry of someone made her face the door with wide eyes.

"Mrs. Cartwright?"

"It's been a while, Zinn. I saw you both sleeping here last night when I came to shut the door. I'd have offered you a bed inside, but I didn't wanna wake you" the bulky woman said.

Killians eyes bounced between the two,, awaiting an explanation.

"Oh... she's Mrs. Cartwright who's in charge of this animal shelter, I come here often" Zinnia explained

"This is a f+cking animal shelter?" His face concocted into yucky.

"Yeah, but this room is for our field workers who're on vacation so it's safe and clean as you can see." the woman smiled.

Ten minutes later, they were already out of the room, and since their clothes from last night is still wet, she got them shirts though Killian refused it.

He sat alone wearing his boxers, and Mrs. Cartwright came closer to Zinnia.

"Does he ever smile? He's too cold" she muttered, and Zinnia smiled.

"He's just built differently"

"A weird boyfriend you've got" Mrs. Cartwright said.

"He's not my...

Before Zinnia could finish, Killian stood and started walking down the place.

Zinnia quickly followed him, walking beside him as they strode past different animal houses 

Dogs, goats, cats, hens, peacocks and even mouses.

"I wish I could find the dog I met at the park that night, I planned to bring it here" she said.

"What night?" He talked.

"The night I saw you for the first time, triangle mask" she replied, facing him when they got to the hens house.

He didn't look at her like she expected, so she stood on her toes and leaned into his ear...

"Cameo" she whispered, and then he faced her, his eyes softening half an inch.

She smiled prettily, and he suddenly grabbed her by the waist, hauled her to himself then claimed her small lips.

When she opened with a stunned gasp, he growled into her mouth and devoured her.

If the kiss at Sunny's party was out of control, this one is head-turning.

Killian threaded his fingers into her brown hair, tugging the strands lose as she began kissing him back, their kissing sounds filling the air.

He slammed her back on the wall and brutalized her mouth more...

The kiss is Savage.

It's like he never kissed before, like he's only just discovering what it feels like to kiss.

She's at that point where her head becomes empty and there's no thought but him and his lips.

His soft, sweet dominating lips.

His body crashed into hers, all his hard lines moulding into her soft delicate curves.

Her hands found refuge on his both sides, and she moaned into his mouth.

Killian pulled away, breathing harshly as hot breaths escaped their mouths.

He rubbed her lips with his thumb, and she held his hand on it, her heart beating sporadically.

"I'm obsessed with your lips" he said, his thumb stopping below her chin.

'Me too' she thought in her head.

Dàmn! Her too?

Oh Zinnia you're finally going insane!

They didn't wait for Mrs. Cartwright's breakfast since Killian was being grumpy, they left the shelter house after their clothes dried up.

Walking to the car took ten long minutes, and he drove her home afterwards.


Zinnia fell on her bed immediately she arrived, and when she remembered the kiss, she licked her lips, touching it like some treasure.

She could still smell his scent on herself.

It's so strong that it could dominate anything just like his presence.

She was still fantasizing about their night together when she heard a familiar car honk outside.

Rushing out, she met Vivian, but she's with a brand new car ... A Volvo!

"New keys dear! It's yours!" Vivian said, and her eyes widened.



Hardin is eating chips at the dinning, Jordan is reading comics in the living room while Zade is just coming back from his jogging exercise.

He wiped his sweat and threw the towel knowingly at Hardin.

"F+ck you man! I'm eating here!" Hardin shouted.

"Shouldn't you worry about Killian's wrath first? You lied to Zinn about him and Sasha" Jordan said.

"Why am i just hearing about it?" Zade said.

"I only wanted to piss Wildfire off, no hard feelings" Hardin replied, and then Killian came in.

"I'll give you the chance to chose your burial song, you have two minutes" he said straight, retrieving his gun.


"One..." Killian counted...

"Kill, calm the f+ck...

"Two" Killian finished the count and shot for real, but Hardin ducked under the dinning table, and the bullet hit the wall, bouncing back.

It's a wooden bullet.

Jordan and Zade began laughing hard, and Hardin stood.

"That was an expensive play" he said.

"Is it because I used a wooden bullet and knowingly didn't target you well? What you did wasn't f+cking funny!" Killian glared.

"But I had my fun though. Was she mad at you? Tell me everything in details" Hardin winked, and Killian went after him this time.

Hardin took to his heels, running upstairs.

Killian didn't chase, he just went upstairs icily. 

Jordan and Zade are a laughing mess in the living room.

Killian went to his room and the first thing he perceived was Zinnia's honeybee scent.

It's still on him, and though it's not as strong as his own scent, it's f+cking addictive like her lips.

He remembered how her br+àsts molded his chest throughout the night, and his royal majesty hardened habitually.

He has been starving it for so long, and no doubt she'd be the one to feed it when the time comes.

He swiped his tongue on his bottom lip, sighting his baseball bat in a corner.

Will he be using it tonight? 

He's not sure if the Swiss man will be dying by the bat or by bullet, but all he knows is that before 10pm, he'll be dead.

He got his phone and texted Sasha.

While texting, he got a notification and clicked. He landed on Zinnia's IG page and saw her new post.

First time she'll be making a post.

It's a picture of herself sitting on a car and flaunting the key.

The capture is __ FIRST KEY plus a dancing emoji.

He's liked the picture, and when he realized he's not following her, he pressed the follow button.

He dropped a comment too before dropping the phone.

The bastards who did her kidnap will lose their lives today unfailingly.

He smirked cruelly and exited the room. 



The sisters birthday is next week, and preparations started already.

Their stylist is currently at home with them, deciding the dress they'll be using for their party.

"I'm not a fan of elegant dresses. Find me something showy... I can't keep my thighs to myself yunno?" Honoria said.

"I understand" the stylist nodded.

"If mama and papa won't come home on our birthday this year too, I'll really get mad" Ludo said.

"Me too, and also we need the Lion Statue!" Honoria replied.

Lion statue is the overlord's symbol built with pure gold. It means even if Malachi is not at your party, his presence is there 

Any party the statue appears at is an ultimate talk of the organization.

"I know, right? If Britney gets the Lion Statue in her party instead of us, I'll die. I dunno why she has to share the same birthday" Honoria fell on a couch.

"And Alphas need to come too!" Ludo squealed.

Alphas never attend any party they didn't organize except if there's an important reason for invitation, so bringing them to a birthday party requires connections too.

"Not to worry,I'm the club president anyways. I only have to talk to Hardin" Honoria smiled.

"What the f(ck!!!!" Ludo suddenly screamed, pushing the stylist away.

Honoria checked what made her scream on her phone, and her eyes widened.

Killian doesn't follow any f+cking body on IG, not even his brothers, but he just followed Z-Fox, Zinnia's account!

He even liked and commented on the picture she posted minutes ago.

"Misfit again? Damn it!" Honoria ran upstairs.



Zinnia's friends decided that her house is the hangout spot today, so they've been with her since noon.

It's currently 5pm, and all they've been talking about is Killian's comment on her IG.


"He's weirdly hot, must he separate the Y?" Sunny laughed.

She's laying on Zinnia's bed with Karen.

"This guy is obsessed with you, for real" Britney said, eating from Zinnia's snack bowl.

"Killian? Obsessed? Nae, he's madly obsessed" Priyanka said from the wardrobe where she's checking out Zinnia's clothes.

"Last night's kidnap, Britney's upcoming birthday, Killian's comment, Zee's new car. There's a lot to celebrate tonight" Karen said.

"Birch! You got that right!" Britney replied.

Zinnia is not even hearing them.

She's on her texting spree with Killian again.

Zinnia: What was that vulgar comment?

Psychopath 001: Figure it out.

Zinnia: Arsehole!

Psychopath 001: Call me that one more time and I'll show you what an arsehole is capable of, starting from your appetizing b👀bs. 

Zinnia bit her lip.

Zinnia: Your dirty mouth.

Psychopath: You like it. My dirty words turn you on, don't they? I see the way you always clench your thighs, little flower.

Zinnia dropped her phone immediately, heat coating her cheeks. 

His sharp eyes will be the end of her. Is there anything he doesn't know?

She doubts it, and though she can't put a label on what their relationship is right now, but one thing is sure.

She's madly attracted to this psychopath.



There's one hour left before the boys mission right now.

Sasha already knew what awaits her, so she didn't meet Killian like he wanted in the text he sent.

 Killian had her tracked, and she was found at the castle.

He went there and met her chatting with Aurora at solarium.

He barged in, and the two females stood.

"Mon Cherie" Aurora smiled delightfully, but he walked past her and went for Sasha,.

He slapped her with the back of his right hand, and she staggered on Aurora, bleeding from the nose.

"Killian!!" Aurora shouted.

"You f+cking did it...last night.." he muttered.

"Yes I did! And guess what? I was discussing our engagement with Her Ladyship before you came! I can't watch that pest take you away! I have our rings ready we only need to buy dresses!" She cried, bringing out the ring box.

Killian snatched it from her and walked out of the solarium.

"Give it back!! Give it to me!!!!" Sasha ran after him in tears.

He got to a burner and threw it inside to burn, but Sasha knelt in front of the burner and shoved her hand into the fire, searching for the box without minding the burns.

"Sasha!!!" Aurora screamed in horror.

"Killian loves me! He's only just pretending! He loves me!!!" Sasha cried insanely, fishing out the ring box from the fire.

Her hand got burnt badly, and she began kissing the box without minding.

"Killian loves me!!!"


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