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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Alpha Boys - Episode 35 & 36



Alpha Boys - Episode 35 & 36


Psychopath 001: Game On.

She sucked in a cold breath after reading that, folding her palm tightly on the phone.

She has no idea what he means by that, but whatever it is, it's surely no good.

She looked at the message again, biting her bottom lip torturously like her habit.

Is he finally gonna leave her alone? Will he do her that favor?

It sounds great if that's the case, but why does it also feel somehow?

She was still staring at the letters when Karen came in.

"Zee! I've been looking everywhere for you! Why do you like disappearing on us? You got me worried again!" She said with a relieved sigh.

"I'm sorry I... Came to use the washroom" Zinnia smiled to cover up.

"Let's go, we're in the same team" she said, and Zinnia followed her out of the room, but surprisingly, they met a girl waiting in front of it.

The girl who stained Zinnia's skirt with the ice cream.

Zinnia was about to walk past when she went flat on the floor, prostrating in front of her.

"Step on me" she said.

Zinnia and Karen gasped at once.

"What did you sniff?" Zinnia questioned, but she continued laying on the ground.

Zinnia pulled Karen and took another way, but the girl crawled to them quickly, blocking them again.

"Step on me please!! I'm not leaving here if you don't step on me!! " She started crying, taking them by shock.

"What's up with her?" Karen muttered as the girl lay flat on the ground again.

"Please step on me! Do it!! He'll kill me if you don't" She cried out.

"He? Who?" Zinnia asked.

"It doesn't matter. I'm sorry for staining you with ice cream just step on me!" The girl cried again.

"Fine! If it'll make you stand" Zinnia replied and stepped on her.

The girl's face met with the floor in the process, and her uniform got stained too.

She stood and ran out of the place in tears.

"Weird" Karen muttered.

"I know, right?" Zinnia shrugged as they left for the field.

The games are already in full swing when they arrived, and they joined the girls.

Lacrosse game is about to start too, so the field is currently a beehive.

"Where's Britney?" Priyanka asked.

They looked around the field and saw her talking with Viktor.

"I said I'm sorry, believe me" Viktor said.

"Sorry? Everytime you get pissed about Zee, you take it out on me! You think it makes sense?" she replied.

"What if I promise it won't happen again? You know I've never been this way, just that...

"Do you really like Zee that much?" Britney cut him off.

"Britney, the game! " Sunny's voice came.

"We'll finish this talk later" Viktor said, and she nodded once before they parted ways.

He joined the boys, and she went to the girls.

The games kicked off, and the field got busier.

The handball was fun than Zinnia expected. At least, it kept her mind away from everything that's happening.

She took her time enjoying the flow, and she scored so many points for her team.

The screams from the cheerleaders started getting louder, snatching the attention of some of the handball players.

Viktor's lacrosse team is currently on the same score with Alphas team, and one more goal from any of the team, it'll be game over.

"Alphas!!!!" Sasha led the screams, and the rest of the cheerleaders took it from them. 

Members of the Alpha Boys club joined the cheering too, and it got so intense.

"Oh my gawd, this is the first time Viktor's team equalized with Alphas" Priyanka gasped.

A lot of the handball players crossed to the main field immediately to watch the game.

"Let's go join them too!" Sunny and Karen pulled Zinnia at a time, but she resisted 

"No. I'll just stay here"

Another scream came from the field, and the two rushed there, leaving her alone.

She's seeing the field from there though. She folded her fists as she watched.

She's clearly seeing number 5, Killian who's playing like his life depends on it.

She badly wants to look away and focus on other players like Hardin or Viktor, but...

Jordan passed the ball to Zade, Zade to Hardin and Hardin to Killian.

Viktor tried to double-cross, but a high jump from Killian humbled him.

Killian threw the ball in the net, and the field went mad with screams 

The cheerleaders took off their tops and began running around the field in their bras, but Sasha is worse.

She even took off her bra, and she has Killian's name tattooed between her bôobs.

The two were jumping on her chest and students began photographing her, she's even posing.

"That's first-class crazy" Hardin grinned. 

"She got worse in France" Zade shook his head.

 Jordan only sighed.

"Killian!" Sasha ran all the way to him, juggling her br+àsts in front of him.

He looked at the two, and Zinnia bit her tongue from her spot.

He looked at it???

Wait...is that supposed to hurt? What is wrong with her?

She left the field quickly.

Killian returned his gaze to Sasha's face blankly.

"And?" He said, and she blinked.

"C'mon. Ok I know you're mad at me for talking like that to the Misfit girl, but...

Before she could finish, he turned and left, making her twist her lips.

"You can't throw me away!!!" She shouted..

"Nice tattoo, but too bad Killian doesn't really like the name. It'd have been better if you tattooed his middle name" Hardin said.

"What's his middle name? " She quickly asked.

"Kill would murder me" Hardin replied and left.

"Didn't you claim to be close to him? You should know his middle name" Zade said, looking at her disgustingly before leaving too.

Jordan walked past her without a word...

"Jordan" she called softly, and he turned back...

"You'll never change" he said meaningfully and left.

Sasha turned around to meet Honoria and Ludo.

Quietly, they left the field together.

Viktor is among the last to leave.

He's taking a rest at the bleachers when Britney came to him.

"Your team got better. Can't believe you almost won against the Alphas" she said.

"I know, right? " He replied sullenly.

"You good?" She asked, and he faced her.

"Yeah, and I really like Zee... I dunno but... It just happened" he said, and she felt a sting in her chest.


"You'll help me get her, right? " He asked seriously.

"You're up against Killian here... I can't risk my life and my father's clan" she shook her head.

"That motherf+çker is only just toying with her, he has no heart and you know!" He stood.

"But he's Killian Alpha! You're not in Russia! He rules this place! " Britney stood too.

Viktor carried his bag and stormed down the field.

Britney sighed.



Students cleaned up in bathrooms and changed back to their uniforms after the game, then they  head to the cafeteria for late lunch.

12pm will soon tick, and anxiousness shawled the atmosphere as students kept looking at their phones, waiting for Shadow Princess update.

"Why do I have a feeling I'm the one who's gonna get bursted today?" Priyanka said from the girls table.

"Why? You did something dirty?" Sunny asked.

Before Priyanka could reply, the boys came in.

* F+ck!

* They're eating here today?

* It's been a while!

* Their face cards always on point!

* Kill was so s+xy on the field earlier!

* Just give me all of them!

"Ok today looks yummy" Britney said.

"Tell me about it!" Priyanka squealed.

Jordan's eyes met with Karen's, and she quickly shoved her face into her table.

He scoffed before settling with his brothers.

Though, Zinnia kept her face down, but she could feel Killian's eyes on herself.

The goosebumps covered her as she ate her salad quietly.

At exactly 12, Shadow Princess uploaded on the blog.

She uploaded a picture again this time. It's the picture of the girl who spilled ice cream on Zinnia earlier (Gretchen), and the secret is that her senior brother f+cks her every night inside her closet.

* Bloody f+cking shit!

* Oh my gawd!

* Brother?

* Where's Gretchen!

* Gretchen come out!!!

The students in the cafeteria rushed out to fetch her, but she was already running out of school in tears 

They began chasing her, throwing things at her even stones.

She couldn't even take her car, she escaped in a taxi.

Zinnia felt her throat drying up.

Just what kind of school did she get herself into?



Aurora was already waiting in Malachi's Den when he came in sturdily, taking his seat then grabbing his pipe.

"I wanted to discuss this with you in the morning, but you were absent" Aurora said.

"What is it?" He looked up.

"Gabriel's daughter"

"You found out" he said gravelly, blowing smokes.

"What's Killian planning to do to her? She looks too young and innocent and pretty to incur his wrath" she said worriedly.

"Why would you worry about her? Paying for her father's sin isn't bad" he raised his brows 

"You have no right to talk like this yunno? You're the root cause of everything! Gabriel was just following your instructions!" She snapped.

"Aurora!" He growled angrily.

"Your Ladyship!" A female voice broke the talk.

Aurora left the Den only to meet Sasha outside with a fruits basket.

"My goodness! Sasha! You're back?" She smiled brightly.

"I missed you, your ladyship. Mother sends her greetings" Sasha smiled, and Aurora hugged her fondly.

"I missed you too, glad to have you back"



"This time tommorow, the Swiss bastard will be at a fundraiser. We only have to get the entry cards and penetrate" Killian said, tapping the last button in the system.

He's in the control room with the boys.

"Meaning, he's dying unfailingly tommorow?" Hardin said.

"Not sure yet. The death of his driver will make him extra vigilant, and he's super sensitive, so it's a 50/50" Zade said.

"He's dying tommorow, no debate about that" Killian stood and started walking out of the room.

"Party tonight?" Jordan asked.

"In" he replied, finally exiting.



Sasha is currently preparing for the TGIF party with the sisters.

She's stark naked in front of the mirror, checking herself out.

"How could he ignore this body when he's not sick, I mean look at me!" She said, turning to face the girls.

"Fuck! You even have his name tattooed on your pussy and áss too? Girl! " Honoria gasped.

"Hands up! " Ludo stuck her tongue out, and Sasha laughed, putting on g-strings.

"But anyways it's a wrap already. Misfit should know her place by now, and Aurora is on my side so..." She said.

"You rock! " Honoria stuck hands with her, and Ludo laughed.

"And I have a even better plan tonight" Sasha twisted her red lips.


The girls agreed that Sunny should be the one to go pick Zinnia up so they'll all meet at the party.

Though it looks like it's gonna rain, but that still won't stop the party.

Sunny was on her way to pick her up when her car suddenly stopped working.

She had to come out of the car, and her eyes widened when she saw someone intentionally placed a nail wood on the road for her 

Her tyres flattened completely.

"Shit!" She hit her heels on the car body angrily before dialling Priyanka.

"Babe are you with Zee already?" Priyanka asked.

"Nope! I'm stuck on some goddamn road I need you to come get me" Sunny replied.



Zinnia checked the time for the fifth time on her phone, sighing out afterwards.

She has been standing in front of the house, waiting for Sunny since ten minutes ago, but no sign of her.

She's wearing a lace vintage one-shoulder beige dress which looks too chic on her figure,  then black elegant heels and a small glittering bag.

She checked the time again and was about to dial Sunny's line when her car finally arrived.

She smiled and opened the door, hopping in, but instead of sunny, she met five hefty guys in the car, and her eyes widened.

She made to come down quickly, but she was punched in the stomach.

Air escaped her lungs as the car drove off.



The party is already ongoing when Karen came out with Britney, her phone glued to her ear.

"What do you mean you can't find Zee in her house? Weren't you supposed to pick her?" She said.

She's on phone with Sunny actually.

"Someone punctured my tyres and I had to call Priyanka to come get me but now we're at her house and she's missing! Her bag is lying on the ground in front of the house!" Sunny replied.

"What!" Britney and Karen chorused over the music.

"What's up with my school daughter?" Hardin's voice came behind them.

They turned to face him.


The car is still moving, and each time Zinnia tries to struggle, the guys punch her.

She already spit out blood twice, and the cackles of the men penetrated into her head, making her sick.

It got worse when one of them got moretti alcohol and they started drinking.

They even smeared it on her face, forcing her to drink.

Her body was shaking as the smell messed with the deepest part of her, rummaging through her memories.

She started getting a traumatic episode again...

She could see herself in hiding in the basement with her mum.

Gabriel is drunk again, and he's searching for them.

"Nica!!!! Come out here!!!"

The yell of that name, the clapping of belt metal, the smell of alcohol...

Gabriel found them and began thrashing them again, but Nica covered her as usual, receiving all the hit.

Zinnia was already sweating and shaking from the inside as the memories filled her head, and a strong nausea hit her.

She threw up her dinner, vomiting inside the car 

* Eew!

* What the f+ck!

The guys threw her out of the car cos of irritation, and she fell out to the road, rolling off to land in a slope.

She continued rolling, and heavy rain started before she could get to the end of it.

She fell in a shallow swamp, and her body went still as she the rain continued beating her.

Two minutes later, a guy in black rolled down the slope too, landing beside her then pulling down his hood 


He knelt beside her and held her up.

"F+ck! F+ck!! Fuck!! Zinnia! Zinnia!!!"

His voice came out like a roar as he called her name, the rain beating them both 

When there's no hope of her waking up, he lifted her to his back and carried her out of the swamp, walking chilly muddy waters and holes till he got out after five minutes.

Going back to the car would take too long since he parked it far from here, and also, the rain got heavier now, each stroke landing harshly on his open neck skin.

He just searched for any nearby building, and he luckily found one.

He pushed one of the doors open with his leg and took her in.

There's a burning fireplace in there and several beddings plus woods . Looks like a workshop, but no one cares.

He placed her down and started removing her wet gown.

He bunched it in his palm and raised it over her head, peeling it off.

Her wet br+ followed, but he left her panty on.

He lay her unconscious body on a bedding and started taking off his clothes too, leaving just his boxers on.

He lay beside her and pulled her to his chest gently, sharing his body warmth with her.

He covered them with one of the beddings and held her tight under the covers.

Her eyes opened slightly, and immediately she inhaled him, she shut her eyes back, feeling safe.

"You came....again" she muttered.

"Shut up and sleep, Zinnia" he replied, staring at the fireplace.

"Did you and Sasha took each other's virginity? She was the first girl you ate out?" She asked weakly, her voice barely coming out.

"I've never f+cked or gone intimate with Sasha, and she means shit to me" he replied flatly.

Her eyes opened slightly...

"But Hardin said you both...were like f+ckmates and...

"F+ck Hardin, I'm gonna kill that twat tommorow" he interrupted, and she shut her eyes again.


He took a while before answering...


"Do you hate me?" 

The rain got heavier on the roof, and thunder roared in the sky, making her hold him tight, her perky nî+ples stabbing his bare chest.

"Do you hate me?" She asked again, looking up at his blank eyes this time.

He met his eyes on herself already, but he said nothing...she blinked slowly. 

"Killian" she called softly again.

"Cameo" he replied crisply.

"What's that?"

"My middle name. Call me Cameo whenever we're together. Cameo is for you, Killian is for everyone else" he muttered.


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