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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Alpha Boys - Episode 33 & 34



Alpha Boys - Episode 33 & 34


"Killian wait! Killian!!!" Sasha ran out after them, but they already went out of sight. 

She came to a standstill and twisted her lips diabolically, looking like a spawn of the devil as she stormed out of the cottage.

The three brothers came out of the room, and Hardin let out a small laughter. 

"Remember what I said earlier about dramas?"

"And what the f+ck is Kill trying to do with her? If it's not stupid love then what's his plan? " Zade said.

"Sometimes I wish I can live in that messed up head of his" Hardin replied.

Jordan remained silent.


Killian brought Zinnia to the indoor pool of the cottage, and she didn't try to yank her hand off his.

Even if she tries, she'd never be a match for his energy, so she just followed as he led her towards the pool.

She still couldn't get her mind off how he defended her in front of Sasha earlier, she's smiling at intervals.

She's so trapped in that moment that she didn't realize they're already beside the pool till Killian let go of her hand.

She felt the emptiness and looked up, but he already jumped inside the pool, making her gasp.

He swept his black hair back, and her eyes caught the coffin tattoo on his back again,

He faced her, and she blinked once, staring at his bullet necklace.

"Come in" he told her.

"I don't want to. The weather is too cold I might catch a cold"

"Yet, you pushed away the hoodie I gave you" he replied with a lift of his brows.

"That's because you refused to tell me who owns the cameras. You're not the only one who gets to ask questions" She frowned, and he moved slightly in the pool, making the water swirl around him.

"You never answer my questions unless I force it out of you" he replied, the water giving his lips a deeper shade of red.

"What do you mean?" She maintained the frown.

"Come into the water, and I'll tell you" he replied trickily.

"What if I don't? " She said.

"I'll have to force you in and f+ck you hard till we both pass out in here" he replied without blinking.

"You're an arsehole" she rolled eyes, walking out of the area while secretly pinching herself.

Of course, she got drenched just by the little raw words he just said, and she's sure he's knowingly doing it.

That connard!

"I can drop you if you don't mind" Hardin said when she got to the living room.

"Thank you" she agreed and followed him out of the cottage.

The sound of Hardin's car driving off could be heard after three minutes, then Killian came out to the living room all wet from the water.

"Where's Zinnia?" He asked.

"Gone with Hardin" Zade replied from the stairs, and Killian gritted his jaws hard, scheming ways to kill Hardin and hide his fúcking body.

"Easy, I can see your veins popping" Jordan said from the living room.

"You shut up Jordan!" Killian replied, and Jordan returned to his book.

Killian was about to go upstairs when cars arrived outside.

Knowing who it is, the boys anticipation grew but Killian remained stoic till Malachi came in, escorted by his army of guards.

"What are you trying to do with Gabriel's daughter? You weren't at the mission last night cos of her? I didn't bring you up for romance! I brought you up for war! I named you Killian for a reason! You think you have a heart to feel? I killed that ability in you and I made sure what's left is bitterness! What do you think you're doing! " He yelled as he walked furiously to Killian.

"Bitterness comes in various forms. You don't know what I have planned for her so if you have nothing more to say then go back to the castle!" Killian fired back.

"What you have planned for her?" Malachi said when he stopped in front of him .

"Return" Killian muttered and went upstairs.

Hardin and Jordan exchanged glances and followed him.

Malachi grinded his teeth, curiousness building a tent in his head.



"Sasha! My gawd!" Ludo hugged her when she stepped into the mansion, looking mad.

"Sasha? Finally!" Honoria ran down the stairs and hugged her too, but Sasha broke the hug as fast as possible.

"You ok? You don't look good" Ludo asked.

"I need to use your gym before leaving for school" Sasha replied.


Five minutes later, the girls were already in the gym, wearing tights and singlets as they worked out their frustrations.

Ludo and Honoria are using the stationary bikes while Sasha dealt with the punching bag.

She was sweating so much as she threw punches and kicks aggressively at the bag, her arm muscles contracting.

"So... you're saying Killian called you a bîtch for her? I thought you both were close?" Honoria said.

"You were the only girl he talked to before you travelled to France, you were like his girl toy" Ludo said.

"I tried my luck with him too when you were in France, hoping to have a taste of his c+ck, but he used me then went back to that tiny Misfit girl" Honoria said, dropping the handlebars.

"I didn't come here without preparations. You both need to do the calms and let me handle it" Sasha replied.

"What's your plan?" Ludo asked.



Hardin's red car screeched to a stop, and Zinnia came out of it, arranging her hair.

Hardin winded down the window and leaned out.

"Should we date behind Killian's back?" He winked playfully.

"Behind his back? He doesn't own me. He's not even my boyfriend" She muttered.

"But he considers you his. Why else is he so inclined to you? He didn't even treat Sasha this way when they were still close" he said.

"How close were they?" She asked curiously.

"They f+cked almost everyday before she travelled, and she...

"It's ok" she cut him off.

"I'll see you in school" she smiled slightly.

"Sure, daughter!" He winked again, saluting her funnily.

Zinnia couldn't help but laugh at his great sense of humor as he drove away, but her smile died immediately he left.

She went in with a sour face.

A car is parked at a distance from the house, and Aurora is inside with two guards and the driver.

It was easy to find Zinnia's address since she's a student of the school, and she came her secretly... Malachi isn't aware.

She has a soft smile on her face as she watched Zinnia going in 

"She's so pretty. I definitely can't wait to go shopping with her. I want to spoil her so bad" she said, but then Gabriel came out of a taxi in front of the house.

He went in, and her brows squeezed in confusion.

"Gabriel Holt? What's he doing here?"

"Your ladyship, the young miss is Gabriel's daughter" the guard by her right said.

"What!" Aurora's eyes widened.

"His Lordship is aware of it" the second guard replied.

"Hubby knows? Drive me back to the castle" she said, and the driver moved the car immediately.



Zinnia came out of the bathroom in her white towel and the head towel wrap around her head.

She saw her phone blinking on the bed, and despite the dripping water on her skin, she went for it.

As expected, it's a message from Killian.

Psychopath 001: Did you eat already? What was it?

"Connard" Zinnia muttered, then another message came in.

Psychopath 001: I had carbonara with my brothers, but you were all I tasted on my tongue throughout the meal. Can't wait to eat you up again and maybe f+ck you with my c+ck this time. I miss your tight little pu+$y already and...

She left the message and switched off her phone at this point..

"Gawd! I hate him!" She seethed, and it's true.

The way he says things to turn her on, forces answers out of her mouth, makes her crave his attention and the way his stare gives her goosebumps.

Who is he to make her feel all of that at once? He's just a cruel mafia prince who wants nothing but a plaything.

She won't be that plaything anymore.

She dressed up for school and left her room, meeting Gabriel downstairs.

He's eating at the dinning room,but she just ignored him.

She's not even feeling like eating.

"Be careful of the devil ... He's out to get you" he suddenly said, and she turned to look at him.

He continued eating, leaving her in suspense about that statement.

She left the house nevertheless, meeting Britney's car outside.

She's inside with the other three, and Zinnia smiled when she saw them.

She expected this.

She got in the car with them, and Sunny drove off.

"I know y'all have a lot of questions but can we not do it now?" She said.

"I should probably gist you about your ex first" Priyanka said.

"Tyson? What's up with him?" 

"It's allover the news. Masked men broke into his house and bashed him and his three friends so much that they landed in the ICU unit in the hospital!" Britney said.


"That's not all, they were shitting blood and weren't responding to treatment at all. Tyson has phobia for tarantulas, and someone intentionally filled his ward with the giant spiders. He got heart attack and woke up this morning, but immediately he woke up, unknown masked men invaded the hospital again and gave him round two of the beating together with his friends. They are all breathing with hospital oxygen right now, the four of them are barely alive" Sunny replied from the front.

"Geez! Who did that? Who are the masked men? " Zinnia asked, still in shock.

"No idea, but they're surely not small fries" Karen replied.

"Serves him right" zinnia said 

"Of course, girl!" Britney replied, and Zinnia chuckled.

"So now is the time you tell us about you and Killian" Priyanka said.

"Not now" Zinnia sighed.

"You've been postponing it and I'm dying to hear the gist!" Karen said.

"There's nothing between I and Kill" Zinnia replied, and they all recoiled back to their seats.

No one asked another question about it, so Sunny switched the topic to Britney's upcoming birthday party.

"Britney has the same birthday with the Bennett sisters? " Zinnia said surprisingly.

"It's the most unfortunate thing that could ever happen to me. Of all people, it had to be with them?" Britney made faces, and they all laughed.

"Britney you have a slight cut on your upper lip!" Karen suddenly noticed.

The cut from Viktor's kiss last night.

"Oh... I mistakenly bit myself" Britney lied.

"Another eventful Friday. Who's Shadow Princess gonna be bursting today?" Priyanka said.

"And the colour for tonight's party is beige, damn I can't wait!" Britney gushed.

They drove into the school, and as expected, girls started running after Zinnia with questions, some of them even have microphones.

* Tell us how it felt to kiss him!

* Was his lips soft?

* Did the kiss make you wet?

* Where did he take you to after the kiss?

* Did he shag you?

* How many inches is his c+ck? 

They were relentless as they rushed after her, but no one touched her anyways.

Her friends guided her till they entered the elevator and rode to their floor.

It's the general sports Friday today, so everyone is expected in the field.

They all went to the locker room to change into their sports uniform.

It's blue coloured mini skirt and fitting tops. Boys go with shorts and armless.

Karen was the first to finish changing, and immediately she took her phone, she saw a text which made her eyes widen.

• Why do you always stare at me? Want some good shag? And you ran away when we met when i'm not a horror gargoyle.

She held the phone to her chest, knowing who sent it immediately.

"Let's go girls!" Britney said when they finished up, and they all left the room.

Zinnia was the last in line, but before she could step out, Sasha stepped in, joining her in the room.

She's changed already too, but as the Chief Cheerleader, she's wearing their uniform of velvet and her micro skirt.

Her lips is black with lipstick, she even has black eyeshadow on plus dark mascara and long fisted lashes. Her nails are so long like she's in some competition with vultures.

She has small muscles which appears whenever she clenches her arms.

"Here to talk rubbish again?" Zinnia said.

"Proper introduction since I'm sure you heard fake. I'm Sasha Stone, Killian's childhood friend who stood with him throughout his dark days. I know why he's so emotionless cos I witnessed it all. My mother and his mother Aurora are friends and my father's clan comes after the Bennett's clan" Sasha said confidently.

Zinnia made to leave at this point, but she blocked her.

"Out of my way" she glared.

"No we're not done yet! Killian gave me his first kiss and his first s+x too! We took each other's virginity and I am the first girl he ever ate out! Our mothers were already planning to get us engaged in the mafia way before I flew out of the country! He loves me and no matter the mojo you use on him, you can never break us so know your place!" Sasha smashed the words like a dry ice, hitting every inch of Zinnia's body with it.

Zinnia gulped, not finding what to say again.

"You don't even belong here, so f+ck off or I'll f+ck you up" Sasha concluded and left the room.

Zinnia couldn't move her legs for a moment, they felt too heavy, but she recovered shortly and left for the field.

The field is already so full and merry when she arrived.

The girls are already getting divided into teams for their handball game, and the boys are getting ready for lacrosse..

Some will be playing football though, and some will be golfing.

There are different game spots and one is free to join any team.

She stood helplessly, looking at all of them 

Does she even belong here? She's the only ordinary student, and even if they kill her today, her father won't care a bit.

The cheerleading song began playing on loud speakers, and Sasha led the cheerleaders down the field.

They got in line and began dancing for the sports opening. Honoria and Ludo joined the cheerleaders too.

She saw her friends at the handball spot. They're snapping pictures without even noticing her absence.

Only Karen is looking around for any sign of her.

Her eyes went to the lacrosse team where she saw the boys.

Zade and Hardin are currently chatting nonstop.

Jordan is reading alone...

Viktor is walking towards Britney.

Then Killian....

She scanned for him, and her eyes finally caught him.

He's staring right at her!

Immediately their eyes met, she turned to walk away but she bumped into a girl with ice cream, and her skirt got stained 

"Misfit? Not sorry!" The girl rolled eyes and walked off.

Zinnia found the nearest washroom and nearly started crying as she washed off the stain.

She's all alone in this devilish school, no one needs to tell her.

She was still washing when goosebumps covered her skin , and the hair at the back of her neck stood, indicating his presence.

She turned with a sniffle to see him standing behind her..

When did he even get here???

She stepped back, but her back met with the zinc bowl, and her breaths hitched as his clean scent filled her nose.

"Are you gonna cry? Why?" He asked, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She froze at the contact but pushed his rigid chest.

"Stay back"

"Why would I do that?"

"Why can't you? Why can't you just leave me the fûck alone? Stop barging and prying! Stop trying to make me into your tool! " She shouted.

"You don't get to decide if I leave you or not, little flower" he said with his dangerous calm.

"What exactly do you want from me? Sèx? Will you leave me alone if I spread my legs for you and let you fûck me? " She said thoughtlessly, breathing incoherently.

His closeness is asphyxiating.

He studied her for a minute before tilting his head...

"No. It won't end by giving me sèx alone"

"What do you want?" She came closer daringly.

"Every. Fúcking. Inch. Of. You" he growled.

"I won't give you that... You won't own me. You're only looking for a plaything and I won't be one. Just leave me alone and stop tormenting and...

She couldn't finish her ranting when he smirked and turned his back, walking straight out of the room.

The rest of the words died in Zinnia's throat, and she held the zinc bowl so she wouldn't fall cos she lost balance.

Her phone buzzed, and she retrieved it breathlessly to see a text from the devil who just left.

Psychopath 001: Game On.


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