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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Alpha Boys - Episode 27 & 28



Alpha Boys - Episode 27 & 28



He carried Zinnia out of that room, but his eyes never left her face even as he started walking in the direction a room. 

He placed her in bed and covered her, then he wiped the ball of tears on her cheeks, crushing it between his thumb and index finger.

Zinnia didn't move a bit, it's like none of her body works whenever she's in her unconscious sleep like this.

Sleep paralysis.

He suddenly started bringing his hand to her face with the aim of caressing it, but he stopped halfway and dropped the hand, standing from beside her.

He turned his back on her and faced the wall.

Why is she scared of belts? Why is the metal clamps sound always making her pass out?

Back then in the hospital... He's sure there was no metal clamps but he heard the screaming of a name NICA.

According to his research, that's her late mother's name... Is she traumatized by the name too?

There's so much to find out about her, but her stubborn head will never speak easily unless he forces or threatens her.

He's not tired of doing that anyways. If she thinks she can escape by putting on a stubbornness charade, then she's f+cking joking.

He turned to look at her again, and  he got a reminder on his phone.

• Mission by 10.

They're supposed to clear the Swiss man tonight, but right now he's having other thoughts



Britney's car drove into the compound, and the guards welcomed her respectfully.

It's not her first time here.

She's holding a first aid box as she stepped out of the car, looking so worried and distraught.

One of the housemaids actually called to tell her that Viktor refused to get his face treated after the fight with Tyson earlier in school, and she came because of that.

Viktor wasn't in the living room, so she climbed the stairs and entered his room.

She met him about to come out too, and just like the maid said, his face is still a mess with the fresh wounds.

"What the f+ck! What is wrong with you Viktor! You can't leave your face like this! " She gasped, dropping the box to hold his face.

He cringed in pains, and she gasped again.

"I don't think first aid kit will work, we need to go to the hospital you might get sick! " She said urgently.

"I'll be fine, really. Just chill" Viktor said simply.

"No you won't be. There's no way you'll be fine at home with your face like this" she insisted, holding his face again.

"Stop!" He snapped, shaking her off. 

She staggered, looking at him shockingly.

He relaxed and inhaled then held her arms.

"I'm sorry, Brit. But I'll be fine for real. You don't have to worry" he smiled, and she nodded.

"Ok ..."

"You're not mad at me, right?" He asked, and she smiled lightly.

" No. Can I cook something for you? The maids said you didn't eat too" she said.

" Britney...

"You won't let me do that too?" She said.

"Fine, but I have to go somewhere first" he replied.


"It's personal. I'll be back in a jiffy" he winked.

"The meal will be ready before you return" she smiled, and he left the house afterwards.

Britney called one of the maids with herself in the kitchen, and they began cooking together.

She's closer with that one... she's the one who called to report Viktor's wounds.

"I think Master is interested in another girl. He has been staring at a particular Bloody Dance video since he came back from school" the maid said.

Britney knew immediately that it's Zinnia, but she pretended not to hear.

"Pass me the salt" she smiled.



Karen looks like she's married to her phone screen as she descended the stairs in her short pleated gown.

She's on her Instagram, trying to snap some selfies and upload.

She adjusted her bra and snapped one, but then she got a notification that Jordan posted a new picture.

She quickly went to his page, and as usual she's the first to like his picture before others.

It's a picture of him and Hardin, working out in a gym.

A raw smile painted her face as she zoomed on Jordan's face to get a clearer view of him.

She has been crushing on him since their primary school days at Royal Pride Elementary, but she dare not admit it.

He's one of the great Alphas, and she's just a mere daughter of betrayers.

Her eyes went to her parents pictures on the wall, and she almost started crying.

They abandoned her without looking back, and she'd have to live in fear for the rest of her life.

How could they???

She started crying for real, sitting on the stairs, but then the doorbell made her stand.

She rushed to open the door, and her eyes widened when she met the Bennett sisters.

She made to quickly close it, but Honoria held the door and pushed it open forcefully.

Karen fell on the ground, and Ludo pulled her up harshly, smacking her face three times consecutively.

Karen staggered and fell again, bleeding from the mouth.

This is not their first time doing this. They come here at least once a week to take out their frustrations on her.

Anyone in the organization can bully her, and it'd continue like that till her parents will be found.

Honoria took her fallen phone and started laughing when she saw she's on Jordan's page.

"Look at that! Babe! She's crushing on Jordan I think!" She said, showing Ludo the phone screen.

"Oh my! Hilarious! " Ludo took the phone and started laughing too.

"Jordan? And you're not scared? Do you know what's gonna happen to you if he finds out?" Ludo said, and Karen quickly went on her knees.

"Please... Please I promise to stop my feelings don't tell it to anyone!!" She began rubbing her palms together.

"Then kiss my shoes, and I won't tell the organization" Honoria said, and Karen sniffled.

"Huh? "

"Post it on the blog right now, Ludo" Honoria ordered.

"Ok sis!" Ludo started making the post, but Karen quickly bent her head to Honoria's shoes.

She began kissing the two, and Ludo started laughing hard.

"Lick with your tongue too, wretched girl!" Honoria said, and Karen cried as she began licking with her tongue too.

Honoria kicked her on the chin with the shoe, and she fell flat on the floor, almost going unconscious.

The sisters began laughing again as they walked out of the house.



Zinnia recognized the scent in the room as Killian's immediately she opened her eyes, and it took a minute before she was able to get up.

The room is heavily illuminated that even her shadow looks bright.

She looked around the room, getting her bearings and studying the room features.

Horror sketches occupied the wall, and there's a canvas painting too beside the room table.

On the table, there are binoculars and Polaroids.

She got down from the bed and was about to go to the table when she began hearing the soft tune of piano playing.

She ditched the table and walked out of the room.

There's so much friction between her legs as she walked cos she's still naked underneath.

Her panty is still with Killian, and her thighs are rubbing on each other as she descended the stairs.

She got downstairs and opened the door of the room she's hearing the piano tunes from.

Killian is sitting in front of the piano, he's the one playing the tunes surprisingly, and she almost choked.

Killian? Piano?

They don't look related at all. A guy like him can only be related with guns, bombs and swords.

She stood by the door quietly, staring at him from there.

His eyes are closed as he played, but he still doesn't miss a tune.

His slender fingers pressed perfection, and when she remembered what those fingers did to her at the red party, she rubbed her thighs on each other.

She never knew she'd love foreplay till she met this creep who touches her in ways she doesn't know of.

He brought out that side of her, and though he's still as dangerous as a bomb and cruel like the devil, she wants to believe there's still an atom of good in him, and if she gets the opportunity, she'd bring that out.

He suddenly stopped playing and opened his eyes then turned in her direction, making her freeze.

When is she gonna get used to his eyes???

"Nice tune..." She said awkwardly, and he stood, striding silently to her.

Surprisingly, he felt her temperature, and she stayed still.

Despite her tallness, she only reached his upper arm.

When he felt she's ok, he got his car keys and led her out of the room without another word.

She followed surprisingly.

Killian is not disturbing her with questions? That's new.

The ride to her house was silent too, and he screeched to an halt when they finally arrived.

She faced him slowly. "Goodnight" she said.

No reply.

She stepped out of the car, and he drove off almost immediately.

She was staring at his car till it went out of sight, then she bit her lip torturously.

Why does that hurt somehow? What's up with him going solo suddenly?

"Hey fearless!" Viktor's voice brought her turn back to see him standing in front of her house.

"Viktor? OMG your face!" She gasped.

"Looks bad, right?" He smiled.

"You should have treated it, you look unrecognizable!" She went closer.

"You can treat me, so far you have a first aid kit" he winked.

"Do I look like a nurse? And how did you even know my place?" She rolled eyes.

"Come on!" He acted cute, and she scoffed.


She entered the house, and he entered with her, smiling so big.



"What! You're shifting the mission? The Swiss bastard has to die tonight what are you talking about? " Hardin said when Killian broke the news.

He arrived not long ago.

"We'll attend to the mission tommorow. There's a more important issue" Killian replied.

"And what's that? " Jordan asked.

"I'll handle it" Killian replied.

"No way you're handling it alone. We always do things together and this isn't gonna be different" Zade said seriously.

"I need to track down the three friends of Tyson Lockwood tonight" Killian replied.

"Why? You can just capture Tyson himself and torture it out of him" Hardin said.

Killian sighed... that's not gonna happen.

He's gonna capture the three of them at the same time with Tyson, and that's why he needs to find their locations on his own.

The four boys entered the logic room together and started work together on different systems.

Zade, Hardin and Jordan learnt things from Killian, so they're useful in the search.

Killian located two of Tyson's friends in an hotel outside the city, and Jordan found one in this same city.

"Dinner, Kill" Zade said in a baritone voice.

"Not interested" Killian replied.

"More for us" Hardin grinned, and the three left the room.

Killian returned to the system and started making deep researches about Tyson himself.

Luckily, he has a fear. He fears tarantulas most in this world, those giant spiders can make him pee on himself.

Killian rested back and sighed, staring at the screen with red eyes.

The time is 12am already, midnight.

Ignoring Zinnia earlier was intentional. She only just woke up from her unconsciousness, and talking to her might turn him on.

No. It will actually turn him on.

 Her voice has that much power, and he doesn't even know why that timbre soprano affects his royal majesty everytime.

There's no time to stalk or jump her window tonight, but he already sent someone to make sure she's safe. 

He shut down his system and rested back on his chair.

Tommorow night will be so busy. Tyson has to pay and the Swiss man has to die at the same time.

He stayed in the room till daybreak without sleeping a wink, then he left for his room to clean and dress up for school.

He was about to use belt when he remembered Zinnia's fear of it from last night.

He dropped it and wore his jacket.

He received a mail from Malachi, questioning why the Swiss man is still alive, but he didn't reply before leaving the room.



Zinnia was staring at her phone as she wore her sneakers like she's expecting a call.

Maybe she's expecting a call after all.

Killian didn't disturb her with messages like he does, and surprisingly, it's getting her fúcking worried and expectant.

She has been on the edge since last night. She even went to read their chats.

She still has no idea why he ghosted her after they left the cottage last night.

He can be weird and hard to understand, but he has never pulled this attitude before.

She spranged up when her phone suddenly dinged, but she was disappointed to see Priyanka's text instead.

• I and Sunny are coming to pick you!

She pocketed her phone and left the room, and she gasped when she saw Viktor on the couch in the living room.

He actually fell asleep last night after she treated his face for him, but she was thinking he left at midnight already.

"You're still here?"

"Was nice sleeping in your house" he winked, and she scoffed, pulling him up roughly.

"Follow me jerk!"

He was whimpering as he followed her till they got out 

She pushed him into his car and shut the door hard.

"See ya in school!" He blew her kisses through the window, and she made faces as he drove off.

Priyanka's car appeared, and she got in, driving off with her and Sunny.

At a distance from the house, Killian's black car could be seen. 

There's a murderous look on his face, and his hands are still wrapped on the steering, choking it like it's a human neck.

The veins on his neck are nearly popping.

Viktor spent the night here? In her house?

Two of them alone? Just The Two Of Them?

His eyes were still gleaming toxicity when he got his phone.



"You won't believe this Ludo!" Honoria shouted from her room, and Ludo rushed in.

They're dressed for school already.

"Dad just called, saying nothing can be done about Misfit, she can't be expelled! " Honoria said.

"What! You mean we have to wait for Sasha's arrival for real? Gosh! I f+cking hate this! " Ludo ranted.

Honoria was about to rant on when she got a text, and her eyes widened so much that she almost fainted.

"Argghhhhh!!!!" She screamed madly.



Zinnia kept looking everywhere for any sign of Killian till they arrived at the park, but nothing like it.

She came out with the girls, and Sunny held her back 

"You ok? You look distracted" she asked.

"I'm fine" she replied, rubbing the choker on her neck gently.

"Hey Fearless!" Viktor appeared, and she sighed.

"You again?"

"Thanks for last night" Viktor smiled.

"Last night?" Priyanka and Sunny chorused.

Before Zinnia could reply, a new car drove into the park.

Killian came out of it, and the usual screams that comes with his presence started, but then the screams got insane when Honoria came out from the car too, dressed like a bî+ch she is.

Her top is like a bra, and her skirt is micro...her panty is visible, and f+cking tall heels. Her make up is over the top!

* Honoria and Killian?

* OMG I didn't see this coming!

* Is she the new f+ck mate?

* F+ck! Honoria hit the jackpot!

The blog became filled with stories and pictures within one minute, and Zinnia couldn't believe her eyes.

She felt her palms closing into fists and she bit her tongue hard as she stared at the unbelievable scene.

Killian didn't look her way at all as Honoria held his right arm, and they started walking into the building together.

Honoria was shinning her teeth sheepishly, waving like a celebrity.

"Extraordinary everyday" Sunny muttered shockingly.

"Tell me about it, but I'm hurt" Priyanka pouted.

Zinnia couldn't form a word as she started leaving without them...

"Fearless!"  Viktor held her back.

"Let go!" She took her arm from him crankily.

"Can you treat my face for me again? I hate hospitals" he said, taking her hands again.

"I said let go of me!" She snapped her arms off roughly and resumed her walk, feeling numerous stings on her skin.

"Fearless, come on!" Viktor pulled her back persistently again, and that was it.

She turned around at once, and her hand found it's way to his face, slapping him thunderously.

Viktor's cheek reddened immediately, and his lips bursted!

"Don't touch me again!!! Don't!!!" She shouted loudly.

The school blog scattered.


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