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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Alpha Boys - Episode 25 & 26



Alpha Boys - Episode 25 & 26


Tyson's hand went down IMMEDIATELY.

The air froze as Killian stepped into the scene, and the students crowd got bigger. 

Seems it's gonna get sizzling this morning.

Killian's eyes aren't even on Tyson at all. They're focused on Zinnia whose feet is still planted on her spot, and she's still trembling.

She looks too pale, and it's making him wanna pull Tyson out of his skin and make him into skewers.

"Zee, c'mon" Karen came over and took Zinnia away with the other girls.

"Killian Alpha? Long time no see. Last time we saw each other was last year during the organization black party" Tyson smiled.

The smile might look genuine to idiots, but Killian knows that smile is a facade to hide Tyson's fears.

Who wouldn't be scared of him? Not being scared of him is a punishable sin. 

Every mafia clan in the country knows Killian Alpha, the non-violent demigod, but once you pull out his violent side, you'd wish you were never born.

This Tyson guy right here is already doing that, and the moment it comes out fully, he'd regret ever meeting Zinnia.

He just has to hear what he did to Zinnia, even if it means forcing it out of her.

"Do you know my ex, Zinnia? I came to this school cos of her, and I hope we can get back together. Let's be friends" Tyson talked again, stretching his hand for a handshake.

Killian looked at the hand then at his face. His lips curved into his usual smirk, then he walked away, the air around him reeking of danger.

Jordan and Hardin followed him immediately, but Zade gave Tyson a small glare before following them too.

"I can't believe this! Why is she always hitting the blog? I can't wait for Papa to sweep her out of here f+ck!!!" Ludo spat, walking in angrily.

Tyson smiled to himself, facing the skyscraper.

"Finally" he muttered.



"What! Tyson Lockwood is your ex?" Britney gasped shockingly immediately Zinnia broke the news.

"Yeah, in my former school"  Zinnia replied.

She's starting to get her energy back.

"That's unexpected, but you seemed wary of him the other time. Like you're scared of him. Why?" Sunny asked, stroking her hair.

Zinnia looked up at the eyes of her four friends, and she sighed.

"It's ok if you're not ready to talk about it. We'll be here anytime you want to" Karen said, and she nodded.

"That prick. No wonder I hated him at first sight" Priyanka said, and she got a notification on her phone.

"What?" Sunny asked.

"Alpha Boys Club meeting is coming up by 10" she replied.

"Oh... I forgot Honoria became president... I can't imagine myself in the club despite my love for the boys" Karen said.

"I wish I can leave too, but there are benefits to being a member, and I can't lose. I'll just avoid Honoria and Ludo" Priya replied.

The girls left the room shortly, but then Karen forgot her fancy keycard and came back for it.

Luckily, she found it on the table, but immediately she came out, she bumped into someone and someone grabbed her right arm to keep her from falling.

"Geez! Thank you so...

Her eyes widened when she saw it's Jordan, and she didn't wait to finish her words before rushing off.

Jordan frowned a bit before leaving too.



The first class is currently ongoing, and every single student is in class already.

Even The Alphas are in attendance, sitting in a circle on their designated table.

It's Business Talk, the most compulsory subject in the school.

The teacher in her early thirties is so good, and Zinnia has a smile on her face as she jotted down on her laptop, but then there's the coldness on her skin again.

The hair on her nape stood at tension, and her skin got crazy goosebumps.

She slowly turned back to see exactly what she expected.

Killian's eyes are on her. He's staring so hard that she trembled immediately their eyes met.

No emotions as usual, just his hollow dark eyes staring at her alone as if she's the only one in class.

He didn't even bother to look away, and that made her wonder what he's thinking in his head.

Whenever he's trapped in his own head like this, the result is always unexpected, and she began wondering, holding eyes with him. 

"Will you look at that? She's hitting on him" Honoria whispered.

"Such a wench" Ludo scoffed.

Viktor is staring at Zinnia too, and Britney is staring at him.

The entry of Tyson made Zinnia face the front, and she folded her fist under her desk as he got introduced.

"Can I get a seat beside Zinn?" He asked.

"The available seat is beside the Bennett sisters" the teacher replied.

"Oops!" He said, and Ludo smiled widely as he walked to them and sat.

The class continued, but this time, Killian diverted his attention to Tyson, imagining how good he would look in a casket.


The class ended after thirty more minutes, and they got a free period.

Zinnia left class with her friends immediately, and The Alphas exited too.

Tyson made to follow Zinnia, but Viktor blocked him.

"The hell is your deal?" Tyson glared.

"We should talk" Viktor replied and led the way out of the class.

Tyson scoffed and followed him reluctantly.

They met in a washroom.

"Aren't you the weak Russian prince?" Tyson said with a clear degrading tone.

"Weak?" Viktor smiled meaningfully.

"Yeah. Viktor Ivanov. I heard you can't even kill a fly and you're even worse in bed. Your d+ck is the size of a...

Tyson couldn't finish that statement cos Viktor's fist met with his mouth violently.

Tyson staggered back as blood bursted on his lips, and Viktor made to give him another one, but Tyson did a counterattack.

They punched each other at once, but Tyson's punch barely did anything to Viktor's face while Viktor's punch nearly dislocated Tyson's jaw.

"Motherf+çker!!!" Tyson yelled, sending a kick to Viktor, but Viktor avoided it.

Tyson's leg met with the zinc bowl, and the bowl broke, shattering into bits on the ground.

He kicked one of the pieces to Viktor, and it got him on the face, giving him a huge mark.

Blood gushed down Viktor's face, and Viktor charged forward, grabbing Tyson's head to hit on the wall.

Blood covered Tyson's head too, and they hit their foreheads on each other madly.

Their teeth almost fell from their mouths as they fell down heavily at once, their blood painting the ground.

"You've been pretending to be weak! screw you!!!" Tyson yelled bloodily, his face bleeding.

"Stay the hell away from Zinn. It's a warning" Viktor's face shone with blood.

"Shove that back into your f+cking pocket! She has always been mine!" Tyson spat, and they stood at once, retrieving their guns to aim for each other while blood stained their faces more.

The door was broken down by the school guards, and ten of them rushed in, armed.

A sea of students are already waiting in front of the room, and eyes widened when they saw what's going on.

"Viktor Ivanov, Tyson Lockwood...guns down!" The guards shouted, but they kept aiming.

"Guns down!" The order came again, and their arms went down at the same time.

Viktor stormed out first, then Tyson followed.

"Hey your face!" Ludo tried touching him, but a glare from him sent her hand down, and he left.

"Why the f+ck did they wound each other this much?" Honoria said, looking at the messed up washroom.

"Let's just go for the meeting" Ludo replied, leading the way out of the place.

The club meeting happens on the second floor, they have a special hall there. 

The club hall was already so full when they entered, and the over one thousand members began cheering her on, both genders.

* All hail Honoria Bennett!

* I'm glad you won!

* Priyanka is not worth it!

* You own it!

Honoria was feeling so on top of the world as she sat on a tall chair in front of them and crossed her legs.

Priyanka is in the middle of the crowd, sitting calmly while sipping from a cup of milkshake.

"Now that I am on this throne, it's important to know that disobeying my orders means you're ready to leave the club" Honoria said, and the hall went calm.

"We created this club to honour the boys, and I'm not against y'all crushing on them, but Killian is off limits. Understood?" She further said.

* Of course!!!

"And Ludo is my vice as from today" she said, and Priyanka stood 

"Seriously? Ludo didn't even compete, and she's suddenly your vice cos she's your sister?"

"You wanna beat me cos of it?" Honoria rolled eyes, and Priyanka sat back.

"And as we all know, there's an important member of this club who hasn't resumed yet. Our third friend, Sasha. She's coming soon, wait for it" Ludo added.

The meeting ended shortly, and after the members left the hall, Sasha's call rang on Honoria's phone.

It's a video call, and they could see Sasha in a pool float, having fun in a bikini.

She's a petite looking girl with blonde hair and sharp eyes, big round earrings.

"Finally you decided to call on video! We miss you here!" Honoria smiled.

"What's that garbage on the blog? Who's Zinnia Holt? I decided to check the blog today and I almost threw up! What the fûck is going on in school!" Sasha shouted.

"Just return soon. We need you here to put her in her place... you're closer to Wildfire yunno?" Ludo replied.

"Damn her!" Sasha spat.



Malachi is currently in his Den but he's not alone 

He's with Don Bennett, and they're playing chess silently.

Chess is the most popular game in the dark mafia world cos it's the only game that puts distinctions on hierarchy and differentiates the powerful from the powerless.

Malachi won that round, and Don Bennett smiled dryly.

"Voila" he said, and Malachi let out a small grin.

"The Swiss bastard... He's growing wings in the region. He killed another man last night" Don Bennett said.

"My boys will take care of him pretty soon. It's not an issue" Malachi replied, resting back gently.

"And about the new girl in the kids school. You know who her father is, and yet you allowed her admission? I'm not trying to pry, but...

"I was asked by someone I can't turn down" Malachi interrupted cooly.

"Who?" Don Bennett asked.



Zinnia just returned from the store where she got Gabriel his alcohol just now 

She left the house with the plan to stroll so she won't inhale the smell, but then she met a black car waiting in front of it.

A guard in black came out and bowed.

"Master Killian ordered for you to be brought" he said, and she scoffed.

"Seriously? What does he even take me for? His property?" 

Her phone buzzed, and she checked to see a text from the devil.

Killian: You in the car already?

Zinnia: No, I'm not your property!

Killian: That guard received special trainings from me, and he's gonna do as I say even if I tell him to bundle you into the car trunk and bring you to me.

Zinnia: You wouldn't do that.

Killian: Then you don't know who you're dealing with.

Zinnia sighed and looked at the guard.

He opened the car door, and she inhaled.

Two minutes later, she was already in the car, riding with the guard.

Killian Alpha never jokes, so instead of getting abducted in the trunk, she chose the easy way.

She was surprised when she was driven to the cottage, and no matter how much she hates Killian for his manipulate ways, she still can't stop loving the smell of this place.

She went in alone and met a note on the wall.


She scoffed before opening that door where she met him sitting devilishly on a sofa, dressed in all black again.

He's wearing Alpha Boys gang jacket this time, and his eyes settled on her immediately.

"What am I doing here?" She questioned.

"What did Tyson do to you? " He questioned point-blank.

"That again? Can't we just drop it already? Why are you so invested?" She replied.

"Answers only, little flower" he stood.

"No" she shook her head and started going for the door, but he already caught her before she could get there.

"You want some charging before your mouth will work?" He muttered, and her eyes shone with something he recognizes as his hold on her intensified.

Her skin turned frozen.

"Don't" she shook her head.

"Talk" he replied.

"No" she shook her head again.

"Fine" he replied, and before she knew it, he already pulled her panty down from under her tulle skirt.

He lifted her off the ground and picked up the white panty.

He inserted it into his pocket and dropped her on the sofa 

She became powerless when he spread her legs and entered her trap.

She was already so soaked when he got there, and the pinkness of her clîtoris made his veins shake.

He closed his eyes before attaching his lips to her pinkness, sucking her into his mouth.

"Ohh!" Zinnia moaned, forgetting the fact that she's not supposed to be here on this sofa.

A myriad of emotions filled her insides as he ate her out, flipping, lapping, sucking and skimming like she's some special meal.

She wasn't herself anymore after the first minute. He used his tongue tip, and that gagged her in a dangerous chokehold. 

She grabbed his hair, twisting the locks in her palms as he feasted on her p+$$y, draining her brains out.

Her moans filled the chess room, and her stomach flipped over and over and f+cking over as she orgasmed times without number.

The touch of rain on the roof made her eyes open, and her senses returned.

She pushed his head away and stood, her legs shaking so much.

She started rushing away from him again.

"If you run , I'll chase, and if I chase, I'll catch you. If I catch you, I'll f+ck you" he warned, but she opened the door anyways, rushing out.

There's nowhere to hide in the living room, so she rushed into another room, but immediately she entered, he entered with her, and she gasped.

He wasn't joking cos he began unbolting his belt immediately.

The metal in the belt clanked on each other, and her head banged.

She held it tight and almost fell, but Killian was already with her.

She fell on his chest, landing in a semi-conscious state as a streak of tear fell from her eyes.

"Zinnia" he called her name, shaking her.

"Tyson ... Tyson was the hottest boy in my former school" she mumbled, and he went silent, holding her still.

Only her mouth is working, the rest of her body is paused.

The rain is pouring outside so much, almost drowning her words.

"Aunt Vivian warned me so much about him, but I didn't listen. He asked me out and we started dating. He asked for s+x, but I was so scared that if I gave him my virgi#ity, he'd leave me like his exes, so I always declined"

"One night, he invited me to his house for a party, and I went. I was served mojito, but it was spiked. I became paralysed and he took me to a room with three of his friends. They set the cameras and stripped me... Their plan was to take turns to s+x me, but the clanking of their belt metal as they undressed made me have my traumatic episode, and I passed out completely. That ruined their plan, so they left me there after photographing my almost-naked pictures. I had just my panties and bra on in all the pictures.. Tyson and his three friends still have the pictures till now, and I'm so scared. Now that he's in school, he'd start threatening me again and... "

Zinnia trailed off at this point, and she fell unconscious completely, her small fragile arms falling from Killian's sides.

Killian carried her in his arms and looked at her tear-streaked face, but there's no bit of pity in his eyes.

Malachi trained him to feel no emotions... they were stripped from him since he was young, and his heart is a cold stone. 

But then...this revelation finally called out his monsters, and right now they're ready to feed on the motherf+çker...Tyson.

How dare he?

How dare he f+cking show up after doing all of this?

How dare he appear like nothing happened?

Him and his three friends will feel so much pain that the devil will weep for them.

Killing them will be too merciful.

He'd give them unending sequence of agonizing tortures, and they'd beg for death eventually. 

More tears fell from Zinnia's closed eyes, and his eyes reddened.



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