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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Alpha Boys - Episode 23 & 24



Alpha Boys - Episode 23 & 24


"What the hell! Zinn!!!" Vivian screamed.

Zinnia rushed out of the bathroom, and when she saw the broken mug on the ground, she gasped.

"No dilly-dallying, tell me what this means" Vivian gave her the phone, and Zinnia couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the message which is obviously from the devil.

Screw you wherever you are Killian Alpha! Screw you!

She was screaming in her head as she stared at the message, not knowing how to face her aunt.

"I'm waiting" Vivian's voice said, and she bit her lip slightly before looking up.

"The sender must have been mistaken. The number is not even saved on my phone so there's no way this message is for me" she said, hoping Vivian will buy that lie.

"Seriously?" Vivian narrowed her eyes.

"Trust me, Aunt. I'm still intact" Zinnia smiled.

'Of course you're a virgin, but you got fingered last night!' her subconscious told her, and she almost screamed at herself.

"Yunno i'm not against you having a boyfriend or s+x, but obviously not this type. Perverted!" Vivian said.

"Of course...not" Zinnia said with an awkward smile, and her eyes went to the broken mug again.

"I'll clean that up" she said.

"I have to go now... Have to prepare before resuming work tommorow" Vivian replied.

"I'll call you aunt" Zinnia said, and she carried her bag.

Zinnia saw her off, and when they got to the door, they met Gabriel just coming in, looking bitter like his usual self.

"If he touches you, just give me a call" Vivian said, loud enough for him to hear.

"I'll do that" Zinnia smiled.

Vivian entered her car and drove off.

Zinnia held her chest and inhaled, going back inside to meet Gabriel in the living room.

"Good morning dad" she greeted.

"Keep it to yourself! Get me something to eat instead!" He snapped.

"We ran out of groceries in the kitchen. I can't cook till I shop for it later" she replied, and he threw the TV remote with him away.

"You're useless! Useless like your late mother Nica!" He yelled.

"Don't talk about mum that way!" She snapped back, and he shot her a glare which she returned.

He stormed into his room, and she entered her room too.

"Such a sick father" she muttered, and her mind went back to the message.

"And a sick guy! Why am I surrounded by sick psychos!" She said, getting her phone.

He already sent another one a minute ago.

• Not replying? That's a turn-on. What should I do next? Eat you out?

She clenched her thighs after reading that, then she began texting back.

Zinnia: You beastly devil! My aunt saw the message how could you send me such early in the morning! Have some shame!

Killian: Shame? What's that? Is it eatable?

Zinnia: Ugh! You're mad!

Killian: What did your so-called aunt say about the message?

Zinnia: So-called? Screw you!

Killian: I'll be the one to screw you hard if you say that one more time.

Zinnia: Just get off my phone!

She sent that and left his chat.

She went to the girls group chat, but her phone clicked itself, going back to his chat.

She left his chat again, but her phone automatically came back to the chat again.

Her eyes widened, and she began typing....

Zinnia: You didn't do what I'm thinking, right? You hacked my phone!

Killian: Maybe.

Zinnia: I hate you!!!!

Killian: Coming from a girl who came allover my fingers last night while moaning for me.

Zinnia bit her lip torturously, clenching her thighs again. Why is his dirty words affecting her.

His message came again when she didn't reply.

Killian: Did that make you drip?

Zinnia: Creep! What do you want exactly?

Killian: Why did you break up with your ex?

Zinnia: Why should I tell you that?

Killian: You only answered two questions at the cottage. This is my third one.

Zinnia: I don't wanna talk about it.

Killian: Why? He cheated on you? 

Zinnia: Killian just please... Not today.

Killian: Not to worry, I know how to wrench answers out of your mouth. We'll see about it the next time I get my hands on you. 

Her tits hardened after reading that. She knows the meaning.

He left the chat afterwards, and she peacefully went to the girls chat.

Luckily, they're all online, and Karen even posted the pictures they snapped last night on the dance floor.

Zinnia smiled as she stared at their faces.

She can easily brag of the hottest friends in the whole school. Her friends are all so pretty.

She was smiling as she typed...

Zinnia: Morning beauties!

Karen: Are you just waking up?

Zinnia: Kinda

Britney: I didn't do anything silly while drunk last night, right?

Sunny: Me too, right?

Priyanka: I'm sure I handled myself well 

Zinnia: You threw up on Karen, bî+ch! *Laughing emoji*

Priyanka: Shit! I'm so sorry babe! 

Karen: It's nothing, what are we doing today? It's Sunday!

Britney/Sunny: Let's meet up and hangout throughout

Karen/Zinnia: In!



The forest at the back of the property is so large, several acres, and every morning, Jordan works out there.

Though, all the boys do it, but Jordan frequents it more.

He's currently on the workout with earpieces in his ears though he's not listening to music.

He's not a fan of music, but Zade loves music a lot.

He stopped jogging when he came across Killian who's sitting on a log in the middle of the forest.

He came to workout too, but he's currently resting.

His phone is in hand, and he's staring deeply at it.

Jordan walked to him, and he turned off the phone screen, but Jordan already saw what he's staring at 

It's a picture of Zinnia sleeping on his bed the day he brought her to the mansion.

"This is deep, man" Jordan said, sitting with him.

Killian kept quiet.

"Are you sure still torturing her like you planned? I'm not seeing that, and you even took her to the cottage. I saw her footage on the cameras" Jordan talked again.

"Does it look like I have a stupid crush on her or something? That's dogfood" Killian replied.

"I know, and that's why I'm confused too. What's your plan? " Jordan asked.

"Jordan and Kill are talking? New development!" Hardin's loud voice interrupted them as he jogged towards them.

"You're a menace" Killian stood with a frown.

"I thought we all agreed to use the gym this morning" Zade appeared after Hardin.

"Change of plans. My territory here in the forest is the best shit!" Jordan said with a s+xy hint in his eyes.

"Jordan for real? Wait a damn minute...he f+cked last night obviously!" Hardin said.

"Yeah. Dude ate up a 25 years old lady! You should have heard her screams. She was dying" Zade laughed.

"Did she bleed?" Killian asked sadistically.

"Almost" Jordan shrugged.

"Cool enough" Killian patted him and jogged away.

"The human in him is at 0 percent already. We should trick him to his therapist soon. He needs it" Hardin muttered.

"I forgot to announce... The twins are returning to Italy this year" Zade said.

"Those bitchy bags of troubles" Jordan replied.

They returned to the mansion after they finished up, and they met in the Axis room where they plan out their missions.

Picture of the Swiss man is on the wall, and every single information about him is there too, all-around him.

"He hates women, He hates ordering food. He's single, and he walks alone with no guards. Yet, he's so dangerous. He killed more than 30 people this year alone" Zade said.

"I should make him my role model" Hardin grinned.

"We have to take care of him straight by ourselves. Who's drawing the plan?" Jordan asked.

Killian picked a gun and shot the man's forehead in the picture, leaving a hole.

"He's already dead. I'll draw the plan" he said.



The time hit 10am before Don Bennett arrived, the father of the girls.

Just like most of the mafia bosses, he has a sturdy build, but he's leaner, and that made him look younger than the rest.

Don Bennett's clan is the biggest in Italy, and that's why he's the closest to Malachi.

His bolrado suit fell richly to his sides, and he undid the front button immediately he came out of his car.

He moved with entourage of guards, and they surrounded the house together with the original mansion guards.

He removed his black shades, and the girls came out of the house.

"Papa!" They shouted excitedly, rushing to give him a hug.

"Princesses" he smiled, hugging them back with his both arms.

"Mama didn't come along?" Honoria asked, looking around for any sign of Dona Bennett, their mother.

"No. She's currently on a mission for the organization. She sends her gifts though, they're in the trunk" Don Bennett replied.

"Sad, but that's not important right now. There's another pressing issue" Ludo said.

They went in together and settled at the dinning to eat breakfast together.

"There's a new girl in school. Zinnia Holt or whatever, she's...

"Holt? Her surname is Holt?" Don Bennett interrupted with a suspicious look.

"Papa you know her? " Ludo asked.

"Press on" he replied.

"She's a total bî+ch and Killian even made us kneel for hours because of her. Her parents aren't even in the organization so I dunno why she's in the school or why we have to suffer because of her! Just take a look! " Honoria showed her knees.

Ludo showed hers too. They knowingly wounded themselves on the knees with blades.

"We got these while kneeling cos of her!" Honoria spat.

"Wrong. Totally wrong" Don Bennett said, and his phone began buzzing.

One of the guards behind passed it to him.

It's Malachi calling, and after speaking to him for a minute, he hung up 

"I'm going to see Malachi right away. We'll settle this soon" he said.

"Seriously? " Their eyes shone.

"Trust me princesses. I have to go" he stood, hurrying out.

"Yes!' Honoria stuck hands with Ludo.

"Gosh! I can't wait for her to be finally gone" Ludo said.

" Wait... We should have talked to him about our upcoming birthday!" Honoria gasped.

"There's still time" Ludo replied.



The table is already full of snacks and drinks and various goodies when Zinnia arrived with Karen.

Karen actually picked her from her house and they came together.

They had to book a room here for their privacy, and a kdrama is ongoing on the TV.

"Welcome boo!" Sunny widened her arms when she came in, and Zinnia smiled as she hugged her.

She hugged the rest too, and Britney pecked her cheeks.

"I love your choker necklaces! Should I start using chokers too?" Priyanka asked.

"It can only fit Zinnia, just stick to your nose rings" Britney replied, and Karen grinned.

"What's the title of this one?" Zinnia asked, resting her head on Britney's chest as she picked a foil cake.

"Pyramid Game" Karen replied.

"I think I might love it" Sunny said, resting on Karen too.

Priyanka picked a pillow to rest on, and they were about to focus on the drama when someone knocked.

"Room service I think" Priyanka went to open, but Viktor came in instead.

"Viktor?" Sunny said.

Everyone blinked in surprise.

"Britney told me about the hangout, so I joined" he smiled.

"It's for girls only!" Karen whined 

"I'm bored at home! Britney is my only friend yunno?" He replied, coming to sit beside Britney and Zinnia.

"You're welcome" Zinnia said.

"Thanks, Fearless" he winked, pouring wine for himself.

The room went silent again as they returned their gazes to the movie, but then Viktor suddenly started touching Zinnia's hand.

She noticed and broke the contact, but he held her hand again, tighter this time.

She looked at him, and their eyes met.

He smiled sweetly, and Britney saw it ... Both the smile and the hand contact.

Zinnia took her hand from Viktor and stood 

"Need to use the washroom" she said and left.

Viktor rested back, still smiling.



It was already past 7 before Zinnia left the hangout with her friends.

Though, Viktor left around 2pm after disturbing her hand throughout.

He kept holding her hands, and she kept breaking it.

He left after whispering something in her ear, and the rest of the fun ended with the girls at 7 

Karen offered to drop her again, but she knowingly declined.

She rode a taxi to her street entrance and started walking the remaining distance home.

Just like she expected, she could perceive the bergamot scent again, but no one is behind her, no sound at all.

She retrieved her phone and texted Psychopath 001... She saved Killian's number like that.

Zinnia: I know you're following me again.

Killian: Keep walking.

Zinnia stopped walking before typing...

Zinnia: What if I don't?

Killian: Maybe you love to get shagged in the middle of a street.

Zinnia: arsehole!

She resumed walking after sending that, but he never came out to her, though she's sure he followed her till she got home.

Gabriel isn't in. She just had her bath and chatted with the girls for an hour.

She did her assignments since Friday, so she fell on the bed and slept peacefully.

Ten minutes after she fell asleep, the window at the balcony opened from outside, a guy in black jumped in.

His steps are calm and calculated till he got to her bedside.

He's holding a bouquet of zinnia flowers which he dropped on her bedstand.

In the process of bending to drop it, his hoodie fell, revealing is face.


He took a long look at her sleeping figure on the bed, and the way she's even hugging Ms. Cuddles so tight annoyed him.

He almost snatched the teddy from her, but he stopped himself and his eyes caught her exposed fresh thighs.

Her skin is giving so much, f+cking delicious to the eyes.

She's wearing bum shorts, and the duvet isn't covering her well.

Holy f+cking shit!

He almost pounced on her right there, but he used caution and just covered her.

He left through the window afterwards.



It was Britney who came to pick Zinnia up this morning, and when her car pulled up in the school parking lot, they came out at once.

"Another Monday morning! F+ck! I hate Mondays!" Britney complained, but no answer came from Zinnia.

Her mind is still on the bouquet of flowers she saw on her bedstand this morning.

How the hell did it get there?

Ok fine, Killian is stalking her, but he has no reason to drop flowers for her.... Flowers that's bearing her name for that matter???

He's just her tormentor who loves making her blood boil.

If it's not him, then who?

"Hey Zee! You ok? You were silent throughout the ride too" Britney asked, bringing her back.

"Oh... nothing much... I just hate Mondays" she pouted.

"Me too" Britney pouted too, and they laughed.

Sunny and Priyanka drove in in the same car, and Karen came after them.

They were about to start walking to class together when a new limo drove into the park.

Immediately the owner came out, girls began gasping.

* Gawd! Another hottie?

* The new student?

* He's hot as f+ck!

* Geez! His style!

"I'm leaving Alpha Boys for you Honoria. This guy is so fine!" Ludo said beside Honoria.

"Ok he's really handsome, but he still doesn't beat the Alphas" Priyanka said.

"I'll agree with you on that" Sunny replied.

"He looks pompous" Britney muttered.

"Exactly" Karen said, but Zinnia couldn't talk 

How would she talk when one of her dark memories is right in front of her.

How could this happen to her? What is Tyson doing in this school?

Ok his father is in the mafia but didn't he swear that he'd never mingle with mafia kids?

Zinnia's hands stiffened, and even when the girls moved, she couldn't.

Tyson has this confident smile on his face as he walked in her direction.

Her... direction?

She wants to walk away, but she still couldn't.

Memories of what he did trapped her down, like her feet is gummed.

She gulped nervously, folding her palms into small fists. 

'Please don't come closer! Please!' she screamed in her head, but nah.. 

He kept walking in her direction, and Ludo smirked.

"Her again?"

He finally got to her and smiled wider.

'Don't touch me!' she screamed in her head again, still unable to speak or move. 

"I missed you, baby" he said, but then Viktor appeared and blocked him from her.

"Who are you?" He questioned.

"F+ck the hell off!" Tyson pushed Viktor to a side. 

Students gasped, filming the drama on their phones already.

So much for a Monday morning.

"We have a lot to talk about baby"  Tyson said again and made to take Zinnia's hand...

"Touch her, and she'll be the last thing you'll be touching... " A popular voice warned, and Tyson's hand went down IMMEDIATELY.


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