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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Witches Lust 3 - Final Episode




Witches Lust 3 - Final Episode

Written by Sadiq Infinity

Notice: This story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


Laying alone on her bed, Christen cries softly rubbing the empty bed space of Riley, her eyes is filled with tears and her cheeks have turned red due to excessive crying.

Ever since Riley died, Christen hasn’t been herself at all, the world seemed empty to her and there was no thrill or joy in her life ; she has attempted many times to commit suicide numerous times but she fails to do so because of her unborn child. She wouldn’t want to send her innocent child to a fate it didn’t deserve, so she decided to give up taking her own life.

After a while, Christen reached out for one of Riley’s boxers inside his wardrobe and stuffs it on her face, she inhales the scent of his boxers and then moans softly.

Suddenly, her quiet moment was interrupted by a knock on her bedroom door, she fumes angrily and gets off her bed heading straight to the door ; as she gets to the door, she opens it with fury trying to lash out at the person knocking the door but then she stops as soon as she sees Morenike standing in front of her.


Christen ➡ Morenike.


The little girls trembles in fear as she sees the furious look on Christen’s face but she stands her ground and talks to her.


Morenike ➡ I’m…sorry…for…disturbing…you ma.. But I….was….worried….about….you. I told Ebinoluwa….to….check if…..you were okay….but…she didn’t, so…I came…by… myself.


Soften by the little girl’s words, Christen lowers her temper and bends down in front of the girl rubbing her head.


Christen ➡ Thanks for you concern.. But I’m okay.. I’m just feeling lonely, that’s all.


Morenike ➡ Well.. I’m.. alone.. too.. My parents…are…. dead.. and..and… (starts to cry)


Christen ➡ It’s okay… Don’t cry.. Please don’t.. You’re not alone.. You will not be alone.


Morenike ➡ (crying) I.. didn’t.. even..say….. goodbye.


Christen ➡ Don’t worry.. You won’t be alone.. You’re now part of this family.. I can be your mother if you want.


Morenike ➡… Really?


Christen ➡ Of course.. I’m sure Ebinoluwa will like to have you as her sister. Wouldn’t you like that?


After hearing what Christen said, Morenike gives her a warm hug showing her gratitude, Christen hugs her too, patting her softly on the back ; while they were hugging, Morenike’s stomach grumbles out loud indicating that she was hungry, Christen lets go of her and stares at her smiling.


Christen ➡ It seems like you’re hungry?


Morenike ➡ (nods her head in affirmation)


Christen ➡ Well, Let’s go to the kitchen and see what I can whip up for you.


In that moment , Christen grabs Morenike’s hand and goes straight to the kitchen with her, Ebinoluwa’s cat that was laying around begins to meow and follows them steadily.

Moments later as they all arrive in the kitchen, Christen checks the fridge and cupboards to see what she could cook for Morenike, there was nothing left inside the cupboard and the only thing that was available in the fridge was the local fulani cow milk *Fura* and some frozen honey combs. Christen then pulls out the jug of Fura and serves it Morenike inside a small cup.


Christen ➡ Here.. This is all I have, it’s very delicious.


Morenike ➡…. Thanks ma..


Christen ➡ You’re welcome.


Just as Christen was about to leave the kitchen, Ebinoluwa’s cat 🐈 rubs itself softly between her legs, meowing out loud. Christen looks down at the cat and sighs slowly picking it up from the ground and began rubbing it’s fur.


Black Cat ➡ Meow!


Christen ➡ I’m sorry little one.. There’s nothing for you.. Ebinoluwa will sort you out when she returns.


Black cat ➡ Meow. Meow!


Christen ➡ What’s wrong?


Suddenly, the cat jumps out of Christen’s hands and rushes straight to the living room; Puzzled by the cat’s behaviour, Christen follows it to the living room to see what’s going on and soon as she gets there, She stands still and freezes with shock as she see the person standing before her in the living room.

Standing in the same manner as his wife, Riley stares at Christen unable to utter a single word, He sees the state that she’s in and notices how disturbed she was ; After a while, he begins to approach her slowly trying to reach out to her, Christen who couldn’t believe her eyes, starts crying silently.


Christen ➡ It can’t… be. You’re dead.. I saw you die.


Riley ➡ Honey.. It’s okay.. I’m here.


Christen ➡ This Aura around you.. You’re not my Riley.. Your essence isn’t human at all.. What are you?


Riley ➡ Christen.. I’m really here.


Christen ➡ This must be a trick.. It has to be.. There’s no way that you’re here.


Riley ➡ Christen. It’s me.


Christen ➡ PROVE IT!!


Riley ➡ You hate noises… your favorite spot is the Iroko tree…. You tried to kill me when I discovered your secret…. You love old ancient music and you hate being in gatherings… Your best Friend is Esther and you’re 230 yrs old…. and your mother was killed by humans…. Your grandmother died when you first heard that you were pregnant.. Christen, you have to believe me.. I’m your husband, the one you’ve always been in love with.


Christen ➡ I don’t know… I wish I could believe you… It’s just that, you’re different.. Your essence is different.


Riley ➡ Look at me.. I’m the same man.. The same RILEY,…. Please try to see that.


Caught in the web of doubt, Christen bends down and grabs her hair crying out loud, Riley approaches her and tries to touch her but she quickly avoids him.


Christen ➡ Don’t you dare touch me.. DON’T YOU DARE!


Ebinoluwa ➡ Mom that’s enough.


Christen ➡ Ebinoluwa!…


Suddenly appearing into the room, Ebinoluwa stands next to her father and explains the situation to her mom but it took a while to finally convince her.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Mom.. This is your husband.


Christen ➡ So you’re a part of this too? Who’s this imposter?


Ebinoluwa ➡ No mom.. This isn’t some act.. Dad is alive.. I brought him back.


Christen ➡ Really? How?


Ebinoluwa ➡ It’s quite complicated but it’s true.. He’s the one mom. No tricks, no illusion.


Christen ➡ I don’t believe you.




Christen ➡ You dare talk to me like that??


Ebinoluwa ➡ I’m sorry but will you please just do the mind reading and find out.


Christen stands still and stares at Riley for a while, Ebinoluwa who was anxiously waiting for some kind of reaction was surprised when her mom quietly turns back and heads back to the bedroom.

Riley who was getting a little bit uncomfortable follows his wife steadily and orders Ebinoluwa not to come into their bedroom or interferes in their conversation.


Riley ➡ This isn’t good.. I need to talk to your mom alone.. Don’t come inside or interfere in our conversation.. Understand?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Sure.. Just be careful though, I don’t think she’s convinced.


Riley ➡ Don’t worry she will.. What time is it?


Ebinoluwa ➡ 3:00 am.


Riley ➡ Well, you should head to bed now.. It’s still not yet morning.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Okay father. Good night.


Riley ➡ Good night.



Poor Christen, I can’t imagine what she went through while I was dead, seeing her all roughed up made my heart feel heavy with discomfort.

I never wanted to leave her side, If only things didn’t turn out the way they did, None of this would have happened. As I got to our bedroom door, I stood in front of it and took a deep breath before going inside the room.

Immediately I stepped inside the room, Christen was laying on our bed, her back was facing me and despite how rough she was, she looked so tempting.

The nightie that was on her body was the one I bought for her during our honeymoon and it still fitter her perfectly. Moments later, I walked towards the bed and climbed on it laying next to her, I wanted to touch her but I was afraid that she might lash out on me.

After contemplating in my mind whether not to touch her or not, I finally took the leap and got closer to christen, wrapping my hands around her waist. Christen twitched a little immediately she felt my hands around her.


Christen ➡ Hands off.. Didn’t I tell you not to touch me?


Riley ➡ I know and I’m sorry… You feel hurt and sad, I don’t blame you for feeling that way but it wasn’t my wish to make you feel that way. I want you to understand that what happened was out of my reach, and if I hadn’t done what I did, we wouldn’t be meeting here right now. Our daughter’s life was also on the line and I couldn’t just let her die. I’m sorry my love… I don’t know what Fate holds for me but I promise never to leave your side ever again.


After I said that, Christen turned around and looked into my eyes, She was still silent and the look on her face was blank ; Suddenly, she got closer to me and planted a french kiss on my lips, her hands were wrapped around my head and her mouth was firmly stuck on mine.

From her reaction, I could tell she was in the mood for some love making and I didn’t hesitate to give her what she wanted, I pulled her closer to me and wrapped my hands around her bre-sts and nyarsh pressing them softly.

After a while, I soon mounted on top of her and before things could get steamy and intense, Christen stopped me.


Christen ➡ STOP!


Riley ➡ What is it?


Christen ➡ I’m mad at you.. But I admire your bravery.. You shouldn’t have faced him alone.. You have me. Don’t ever try to take on someone more powerful than you with out my help.. Understand?


Riley ➡ Sure.


Christen ➡ Alright then.. Let’s continue.. We have a few hours until the sun rises. Let’s make good use of it.


Riley ➡ Gladly.



Oh Mephistoph, who knows what I could have done to myself if this miracle hadn’t happened.

Figuring out how Riley came back to life was just too much for me to comprehend, not only was he back but he was also different than he was before ; I can’t explain it but I could feel it, everything about him was different except for his looks, anyways it doesn’t matter how he came back to life, all I know is that I have him within the wraps of my arms once more.

Having the love of my life on top of me on our bed made me wet 💦 like crazy, my s-xual hormones skyrocketed when I felt Riley’s touch on my skin.

After we shared a steamy and loving kiss, Riley parted legs and pulls down his trouser ; before he could submerge, he poked 2 of his fingers into my pink p+y making me møan sensually. Feeling his 2 fingers swimming inside my c-nt made me scream out excitedly.

As if that wasn’t enough to drive me crazy, Riley tore off my nightie and began to s-+-k my br+sts hard, his lips stuck on my n-pples like super glue, the sensation was driving me mad with ecstasy. Riley kept s--+--g my n+pples squeezing out milk from my br+sts, I tried to slow him down but he was stuck onto my br+sts like magnet.

After being drilled and s-+--d, I came hard squirting on Riley’s fingers, He soon stopped what he was doing and planted his d+k inside me.

The feeling of his d+k was a pleasure of a whole new level, It made my body twitch tremendously and excitedly, I laid flat on the bed biting my lower lips pleasurably waiting for Riley to r-vish me.


Riley ➡ AHH.. Christen, you’re so soft and warm on the inside.


Christen ➡ Oh Mephistoph! Make love to your wife, darling. f+k me hard.


Riley ➡ As you wish.


Shortly after that, Riley began to t-+--t his d+k into my p+y slowly, it wasn’t what I expected but it was great all the same.

Though he was going at a slow pace, His penetrations was hard and deep ; as I felt his d–k digging into my p+y, I clutched onto him tightly shoving my tongue into his mouth, we kissed wildly as we f–ked each other. Riley’s d+k was digging deeper into my p+y that I could feel the tip of his d+k touching my w+b, the thrilling experience made me squeal out pleasurably ; After 10 minutes of deep pøunding, Riley ntted inside me, flooding my w+b with his thick pool of c+m.

I stared at his face as he groaned excitedly pouring his s£minal fluids inside my p+y. After he was done, Riley reached down and kissed me romantically.


Riley ➡ Oh Lord… It’s good to be alive.


Christen ➡ Seems like you enjoyed yourself.. My w+b is full of your baby formula.


Riley ➡ I hope you have room for more cause I’m not done. Turn around.


Without hesitation I did as Riley ordered, he grabbed my waist adjusting in the døggie pose ; He then tore my nightie completely and reached down licking my neck, all the way down to my back line and b-tt cheeks.

I trembled excitedly as I felt his tongue on my skin, my c-nt itched with pleasure waiting for Riley’s d+k to sink in deep inside my p+y.

Riley took his time as usual enjoying himself on my expense, he rubbed and grabbed my b+tt cheeks, squeezing them tightly and shortly after that, He held my waist firmly and pinned his d+k deep into my p+y.

No words could describe the incredible sensation I felt all over my body, Riley was making feel extremely good that it was making me lose my marbles. I was also surprised by his strength of his grip, it was so incredible and I began to wonder how Riley got this strong.

As Riley kept hammering my p+y from behind, my body jerked with sensually making my milky br+sts collide against each other ; I tightened my c-nt hard around his d+k as it slid in and out of me, the sound of his d+k strokes merged the smacking sounds that we made due to the collision of my b+tt cheeks and his lower abdomen.

Before long, our silent bedroom was echoed with the sounds that we made, our bed itself was soaked in saliva, sweat and c+m ; We were doing it roughly but we sure messed up our bedroom.

Riley soon began to moan out softly as he felt the tightness of my p+y around his d+k, he soon increased his tempo slamming his d+k deep into my c+nt, he spiced things up but pulling my hair and lick my neck and ear lobes like a puppy. His actions made me drool excessively and made me surrender my body to him but despite how much fun we were having, Riley soon reached his limit.

His d+k twitched inside me and his thrusts began to get faster, he tightened his grip on my waist pushing his lower region harder against my b+tt cheeks and in a matter of seconds, He inseminated my w+mb once more filling it with another thick pool of c+m. After that, I fell on the mattress wagging out my tongue as I felt his sp–m circulate inside me.


Riley ➡ (breathing hard) Oh my… That was incredible.


Christen ➡ AHH.. I’m stuffed with your c+m.. I can feel it leaking out.


Riley ➡ Well, this was a payment for interrupted family vacation.. So i user this chance to finish what I started.


Christen ➡ (chuckling) You certainly did. Come to me, darling.


Riley ➡ As you wish, honey.


Riley and I gummed with each other and began to kiss each other ; We spent almost an hour kissing and fondling each other but by the end of it all, we managed to sleep before sun rise.


By 10:00am in the morning, I woke up feeling good all over my body, I stretched myself hard on the bed feeling like a new woman. As I looked by my side, I noticed Riley was still asleep, he looked so cute as he dozed off peacefully. So I got closer to him and gave him a good morning kiss on his lips.

Immediately our lips collided, Riley woke up from sleep with a smile on his face, He quickly grabbed and pulled me closer to him.


Riley ➡ Hey..


Christen ➡ Hey..


Riley ➡ It’s good to see you.. You look beautiful.


Christen ➡ You say that all the time.


Riley ➡ And I’ll keep saying it.


Christen ➡ It’s sure good to have you here with me.. You don’t know how it feels being all alone.


Riley ➡ You won’t be alone anymore.. That I promise you.


Christen ➡ Good.. By the way.. You know Morenike?


Riley ➡ Ebinoluwa’s friend? What about her?


Christen ➡ Well, she doesn’t have anyone.. So I was hoping we’d adopt her?


Riley ➡ Doesn’t she have any relatives?


Christen ➡ It’s quite complicated.. She needs a family, Riley.


Riley ➡ Okay then.. We’ll adopt her.


Christen ➡ Thank you darling.


Riley ➡ You’re welcome. So why don’t we have a quickie before we leave the bedroom?


Christen ➡ Ohh Riley..


Just as we were about to have a quickie session, Ebinoluwa came into our room interrupting the moment.


Christen ➡ Ebi… Can’t you knock? What has gotten into you?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Hmm, I see you 2 got back pretty well, Although it would be nice if you reduce your voices at night.. You’re both lucky Morenike was a heavy sleeper.


Riley ➡ Oh.. So what brings you here? Is it time for school?


Ebinoluwa ➡ School hasn’t opened yet…Our relatives are all in the living room waiting to see you both, especially father.


Riley ➡ Tell them, we’ll be coming down.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Sure.. Just don’t take long.


After that, Ebinoluwa was gone, she might been a little snobby but she’s still our daughter. It’s sure nice to have the family back together in one piece, not to mention one guest that will be joining us in months to come.. Although it’s a shame, Riley’s parents aren’t here with us, It would mean alot to me if they were.

Well, What’s done is done, The past can’t be changed and the future is what I’m looking forward to.. Things won’t be the same as they were but as long as there is life, there is hope.




Christen and Riley had once again have their happy ending but that doesn’t mean everything is alright cause little did they know, A greater evil more than any kind they’ve encountered is coming and she’s lurking in shadows.

Here in the Dark Forest, Iyunloye enters a dark cave holding a golden jar in the palm of her hands, she walks steadily and n-kedly into the cave, mumbling some words as she goes deeper into the cave.

Finally, She stops at the middle of the cave where there is a carving of the devil’s triangle, She then places the jar in the middle of the triangle and then places her hands on the lid.


Iyunloye ➡ Mother of Evil, Queen of chaos, Empress of death, and goddess of dark magic.. Today I free you from your prison.. The world will know your fury and every soul will crumble at your feet.. Your time has come to cleanse this world of all that is good..


As soon as she says that, She brings out a knife and cuts her hand, allowing the blood to spill on the jar 🍯, the blood drips down from the jar and circulates the triangle.

Suddenly, the jar begins the shake and the triangle shines bright with fire and smoke ; Fearing the outcome of this ritual, Iyunloye runs out of the cave and stands outside waiting for whatever that is going happen next.

In that very moment, The cave begins to rumble and the ground itself begins to shake ; despite what was going on, Iyunloye continue to watch waiting to see what would happen. In the blink of an eye, The cave explodes and out of the explosion emerges a big cloud of smoke that engulfs into the sky like a tornado 🌪.

After a while, the smoke hurls back down and dispersed into the dark forest. Iyunloye who realizes that ritual is over, rushes over to the rubble and sees a scary yet bewitching woman standing in the middle of the rubble ; The woman glares at Iyunloye with her bright red eyes making Iyunloye to bow before her very feet, The woman then approaches Iyunloye and places her right hand on her head for some seconds before talking to her.


Evilyn ➡ Your name is Iyunloye right, do you know who I am?


Iyunloye ➡ You’re Evilyn.. The most powerful witch that ever walked this earth.. I’m here to serve you.


Evilyn ➡ I know.. You have nothing to fear child… Something tells me I’m going to have lots of fun, So many souls within my reach for me to devour … HA, HA, HA, HA,…


EVILYN Returns in Season 4…. Keep an eye out.. Until next time.


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