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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Witches Lust 3 - Episode 62 & 63




Witches Lust 3 - Episode 62 & 63

Written by Sadiq Infinity

Notice: This story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


EVIL has always been around long before the world was created, in fact it’s older than mankind, many have tried to eradicate it in their own but no matter how hard they tried or what measures they take to eradicate it, Evil always finds a way to return.

Things were good during these few weeks, The D5 were gone and tranquility was back in Ibadan but all that came to an end when Aunt Jezebel told us danger and horror was back, Nobody knew what was coming but things weren’t looking so good.

A few days after Aunt Jezebel’s unfortunate news, There were reports of kidnappings and death all over Ibadan, especially Ile-ife local government.

Some of the local residents there claimed to have seen monsters eating people alive and in a week, the whole of the place was evacuated and sealed by the military, The soldiers thought the people were hallucinating when they said they saw monsters but as they were dispatched to take control of Ile-ife, They meet a tragic fate, Out of 150 soldiers only 3 came back alive but they too died 2 days afterwards.

In order not to sound ridiculous in front of the whole world, The State government announced in the news that this it was a terrorist invasion and assured the people that they would handle the matter with immediate effect but it was just talk and empty lies.

Just when all hope seemed lost, The Witches got involved in the matter, they swarmed Ile-ife one night and slew all the hell demons within an hour, Rose was the one who led the charge, and from what I heard from Lionel, she went berserk and unleashed her wild side showing no mercy.

Despite slaying the demons, More of them came and their number was a lot more than the ones that were killed. Seeing that the situation was getting out of hand, The Supreme Witch came and casted a barricade seal around Ile-ife, anyone could get in and out of the seal except the demons and that was how they were able to be contained.

Although people left Ile-ife and went to settle in other local governments, my family and I were the only ones still leaving in Ile-Ife. The reason why we’re still there is because of Christen, she insisted that she wouldn’t leave the house jam-pack herself with the other people in local governments, In her opinion, their evacuation was a good thing cause now she could live in peace and absolute quietness, her decision was very risky and could cost our lives but still I would have been worried if she didn’t have her powers back but now that she does, No wahala.

As a precaution to defend ourselves from the hell demons, Christen casted a spell around the forests turning the trees into her weapons and watch dogs, any demon that passed within or around that area was shredded to pieces.

As for myself, Aunt Jezebel made a special ring for me that would enable me to teleport to anywhere I wanted with just a thought, unlike the necklace which I must use a spell and a blood contract. I also wore my magical glove wherever I went to, in case I was cornered by the demons.

Things were going smoothly for a while and just when everyone thought things had lay low, the real danger was yet to come.

One Saturday morning, I woke up early for a conference meeting that was going to hold , Ebinoluwa wasn’t at home by then cause she had spent the night at Morenike’s house and as for Christen, she was still asleep in bed.

After I was done getting prepared and I was about to leave, Christen woke up and tried to prevent me from going.


Christen ➡ (yawns) Good morning honey.


Riley ➡ Good morning love.. How’s your night?


Christen ➡ Wonderful as always. Why are you so dressed up? Where are you going?


RILEY ➡ Conference meeting.. It’s urgent and I must attend it.


Christen ➡ Conference meeting on a Saturday? Forget it jor… Come to bed. Your wife needs you more.


RILEY ➡ Come on Christen.. I need to go. Don’t worry.. I won’t stay long. I’ll be back before you know it.


As I made my move trying to leave the bedroom, Christen instantly appeared and stood at the door with her arms folded across her bre-sts, blocking my way, she gave me a coyly look and then planted herself in front of me.


Christen ➡ I wasn’t asking… I’m demanding.


RILEY ➡ Come on Christen,… Don’t start now.


Christen ➡ Why waste precious time at some dumb conference meeting when you could be with your hot beautiful wife?.. Besides we can think of many ways to enjoy ourselves 😉 (winks)


After saying that, Christen came close to me and placed her hand in my lower region grabbing hold of my d+k softly. There was nothing more than I would love right now than to ravish and make love to her all day long but man has got to work.

So I pulled her closer to me and gave her a passionate kiss, persuading her to let me go to work.. All women whether humans, witches or animals have problem, it’s better you pamper them a little or they’ll keep bothering you with their wahala.


Riley ➡ Look darling.. You of all people know that I love spending time with you more than anything else.. But you know I’ve got to work and provide for this house. I promise you I won’t take long.


Christen ➡ 😒 Alright fine.. Go to your boring meeting but as far as I’m concerned, my body is off limits to you.. Have a nice day.


Christen teleported herself to bed and ignored me, I waved her goodbye but she didn’t even bother to reply, after I left the room, I wore my teleportation ring and disappeared out of the house.

Later that afternoon at the campus, The meeting was over and it was just as Christen said, it was boring to the core. After I came out of the conference room, I headed straight to my office to relax, the sun was full that afternoon and the atmosphere was very hot but thanks to the air conditioner in my office, I was free from the heat’s wrath.

As I sat in my office comfortably, I got a call from Khalid, I was surprised to see his call cause it has been a long time since we saw or heard from each other.


Riley ➡ Hello… Khalid… Shege, how far nau?


Khalid ➡ Prof. Riley… So you fit call person abi? Haba!


Riley ➡ Sorry man.. Things have been a little bit complicated and I haven’t been myself lately.. Why did you call as well?


Khalid ➡ My phone got lost and it took me a while to gather all my lost contacts… So how’s your lovely wife, Christen and you daughter?


Riley ➡ They’re fine.


Khalid ➡ And your parents? I hope they’re in good health.


Riley ➡ Uh. They’re…. dead.


Khalid ➡ Subahallahi!… O sorry Riley.. When did that happen?


Riley ➡ Last couple of months..


Khalid ➡ Oh.. I’m sorry.. I hope they find peace and may their soul rest in peace.


Riley ➡ Amen.. So. How’s Tina?


Khalid ➡ She’s problematic but she’s a good wife.. We’ve made 4 more kids during this decade.


Riley ➡ Wow Congratulations.. Christen too is pregnant as well.


Khalid ➡ HA!! Congratulations… Is this her 4th or 5th child birth?


Riley ➡ Actually it’s her second.


Khalid ➡ Second!? So your daughter doesn’t have any siblings?


Riley ➡ No. Not yet.


Khalid ➡ Haba Riley.. Are you impotent or something?? 10 yrs is a long gap to give birth to another child.. You should have at least 4 or 6 by now.


Riley ➡ Listen o… I’m not a Hausa guy like you that keep producing children countlessly.. I like how my family setting is.


Khalid ➡ Whatever.. I’m sure you don’t get laid at all.


Riley ➡ What? Of course I do.. Christen and I do it 3 to 4 times in a week.


Khalid ➡ Well, you need to man up.. Tina and I do it almost everyday..


Riley ➡ I’m not surprised there… You two are having doing it since our campus days.. Just let her rest small, don’t kill her before her time. (Laughs)


Khalid ➡ Allow me to chop my woman (laughs)…. So how’s Ibadan?


Riley ➡ Hmm.. That’s a different case Khalid, Ibadan has turned out to be something else.


Khalid ➡ I saw the crisis happening there in the news.. I believe there’s something supernatural behind this..


Riley ➡ (pretending) Really?


Khalid ➡ Of course.. The government and military have failed to accomplish their job and they’re now using terrorist scam to cover up their lies. I hope you and your family are safe from all this troubles?


Riley ➡ Yes. We are….. Hello.. Hello.. Hello.. (call disconnected)


In that moment, Something rather strange happened, there was a little vibration or some kind of shockwave as if an earthquake was going to erupt. The shockwave knocked out all electrical and mechanical devices temporarily for some minutes, I got up from my seat and stood still for some seconds waiting to see if something was going to happen. After that, I left my office and went outside to check what had caused the vibration, as soon as I stood in front of the department, I saw students and lecturers running helter skelter, they were running very fast as if they had seen some kind of horror, within that moment, I too saw what they were running away from.

Here before my very eyes were some kind of terrifying beings with multiple heads and one eye in each of the heads and their bodies was so skiing and pale like those HIV patients but what surprised me was how incredibly fast they were.

I quickly took off in an instant running as fast as I could, one of the creatures jumped forward and grabbed one of my students trying to bite her head off.


Female Student ➡ (screaming) YIII… OLUWA… EGBAMI OOO! EGBAMI OOO! EGBAMI OOO!!…. (help me, help me)


The poor girl was struggling and screaming for her life trying to keep the monster’s mouth from her hand, My body was telling me to ditch her and escape but my heart insisted I help her. I took the risk and charged at the monster kicking it off the girl, The poor soul quickly got off her feet and ran like an antelope with her shoes flying over her head.

Before I could take off as well, One of the creatures tackled me trying to bite off my head, I quickly used my glove and summoned a pistol in my hand, which I used to blast their heads.




The Creature instantly disintegrated into dust before my very eyes. I quickly stood up and ran as fast as I can trying to look for a place to hide, many students and lecturers had been caught by this creatures but I didn’t stop to save them, the creatures were multiplying like ants and there was no way I could save everyone.

Everyone headed to the campus gate trying to escape once and for all but their escape was cut short by Hell demons who began to gobble them up one by one.

The situation was very bad, blood had stained the campus grounds and bodies were laying everywhere. I myself was on the verge of death as I was defending myself from the monsters coming at me.. I wanted to use the big gun but there were still survivors in the midsts of this chaos.

Never in my life have I taken an innocent soul and I would not start now. Just when everyone thought all hope was lost, The supreme Witch appeared at the scene and rained down rays of light on the demons killing them instantly, after eliminating the demons, She froze everyone’s mind except mine.


Orisaye ➡ Dear Lucifer.. What a disaster!


Riley ➡ Your eminence.. How did this happen? I thought you contained them?


Orisaye ➡ I did.. It would seem that Amon opened another gateway of hell..


Riley ➡ AMON!! That b–stard is still alive??


Orisaye ➡ He is.. He even made a visit to your wife..




Orisaye ➡ DON’T!! If you go there you’ll die.. Your wife managed to escape.. She’s safe.


RILEY ➡ So what do we do now? This is getting out of hand..


Orisaye ➡ You’re right.. Things are getting out of hand and law of nature is being violated. It’s time for Ibadan to go be contained.


RILEY ➡ Contained??


Orisaye ➡ Yes..


After she said that, Orisaye made a small ball of light in her hands and launched it up high in the sky. The ball of light began to flicker in the sky uncontrollably and within an instant, the light scattered all over Ibadan touching any living thing except supernatural beings.. As the lights landed around me and Orisaye, I watched at the people who were touched by Orisaye’s magic turn into small particles of light, after their bodies had become small rays of light, Orisaye would then s--k them into one big glass ball.

Once the ball had been filled up, Orisaye and I teleported out of the place heading straight to the Witches Realm.



MEN! What ungrateful beings, no matter how you try to please them, they are never appreciative, they always try to show that they’re macho.

I couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong with RILEY, how could he turn down spending the whole day with me and then choose that stupid conference meeting?.. I understand that he has to work but who needs work when they have a witch as their wives.

Having a witch as a spouse is like been freed from every responsibility, no need to work or stress just to maintain their source of living.

That’s also one of the advantages of being a Witch, with my magic there’s no need for me to work or slave myself to work or earn a living, the life of a witch is responsibility free cause everything is possible and easy.

After RILEY left for work, I decided to close my eyes a little and enjoy my nap ; an hour later, I woke up and sat on the bed thinking of a way to spend and enjoy my day.. The first thing I did after I got out of bed was have a cup of delicious cow milk and a honeycomb after that I headed straight into the toilet to take my bath 🛁.

The hot shower 🚿 felt really good as the water ran through my skin, as I bathe myself steadily washing all parts of my body especially my lower region, I began to moan feeling aroused. Temptation got hold of me that I began to finger my p_$$y slowly pleasuring myself steadily, the sensation was thrilling but it wasn’t as the same as when Riley plants his d+k inside me.

D-+-N THAT RILEY… We could have been having a great moment by now but he chose that d-+-n meeting over me. What a wimp.

While I was enjoying my bath in peace, I began to feel this dark sinister vibe all around me and it was getting stronger and stronger. My instincts were signalling signs of danger and I quickly rinsed my body and left the toilet.

After I left the bathroom, I headed straight to my room and wore my clothes staying alert for whatever omen that was approaching, I soon left the bedroom and headed downstairs to the living room where I got the shock of a lifetime.

Here in my living room was Amon, he was busy strolling around the place when I came down, there was something different about him, His features had slightly changed making him look more of a demon than a wizard, he had a long staff with a red shimmering gem on it. Seconds later, our eyes soon met and he stood firmly staring at me.


Amon ➡ CHRISTEN!… Aren’t you appetizing and scrumptious? You never fail to turn me on with your s+x appeal. Oh Satan, look at the size of your milky bre+sts and your firm slender waist and that long lovely hair of yours. My Christen.. I thirst you for.


Christen ➡ 😡 The only thing you’re going to have a thirst for is brutal death and that’s what I’m going to serve to you, Monster.


Amon ➡ (laughs) HA, HA, HA… Just look at you… You look so hot when you look serious. My offer is still open.. Come and be my mate.


Christen ➡ GO TO HELL! Why are you here?


Amon ➡ Isn’t it obvious?.. I’m here to k-ll that husband of yours and I’m here to take you as my woman… With my new power, I will become a supreme being.. I WILL BECOME A GOD!!


Christen ➡ You really are demented..Even Satan the lord of darkness knows his limits.. You on the other hand deserve to be erased out of existence.


Amon ➡ Don’t refuse me witch.. This is your last chance.. Submit and acknowledge me as your partner and I’ll bring the world at your…. (pauses)….. You.. You’re pregnant.. I sence it now.. You’re carrying a child in your w-mb.. You’re carrying that human’s offspring inside you. ABOMINATION!!!




Amon ➡ There’s nothing you can do to stop me… I have the ultimate power in the world.. This realm will soon be swarming with demons and monsters from hell.. I’ll make this city my kingdom. I’ll be the king in my kingdom and you my queen.. Accept me as your partner and you’ll get all the pleasures of life including the love making moments..

Since you don’t have a baby bump yet, I could snag that cursed worm from your w-mb and once that is done.. I cement my seed in your w-mb. (Laughs).


Christen ➡ I’d rather die than c-pulate with a worthless being like you… My heart is with RILEY and I’ll always be his woman!


Amon ➡ You still dare to refuse me? Well if that’s the way you want it… I’m afraid you’re going to have to D-E!!!


Christen ➡ You stole the words right out of my lips.. BRING IT ON.



Shortly after Christen’s dare, Hell demons and 2 headed monsters broke into the house from all sides charging towards her, In a blink of an eye, hundreds tree branches smash into the house Impaling the monsters and demons like suya meat, Christen then turns some of branches at Amon, but he surprises her by dispelling her magic with his decaying magic.


Amon ➡ (laughs) Do you think this is going to be like last time??… Let me show you my new found power… HAAAH.


Just like an adrenaline boost, Amon’s magic skyrocketed like crazy overpowering Christen’s magic, His decaying magic quickly ate away the tree branches in an instant making them wilt and d-e.

Shocked by the overwhelming power of her foe, Fear grips Christen and she begins to back off slowly ; Suddenly, her eyes falls on gem which she notices was shining bright, she soon figures out the essence of the gem to Amon and makes a final statement to him.


Christen ➡ I admit you’re strong but that doesn’t mean anything.. You’ll never have me and your plans will fail… MARK MY WORDS… Your end will be brutal and existence will fade in the void of emptiness and nothingness.




Amon dashes towards Christen with sonic speed but Christen instantly disappears before he could even reach her. After she was gone, Amon destroys the house 🏚 and shouts out in anger.





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