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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Witches Lust 3 - Episode 57 & 58




Witches Lust 3 - Episode 57 & 58

Written by Sadiq Infinity

Notice: This story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


Ever since I showed up at that P.T.A meeting and invited some of the female parents to my house for my natural beauty products, My house has been bombarded with regular visits which was turning out to be really annoying.

At first, the visits was occasional and less crowded but now it was frequent and more crowded, The female parents weren’t just coming to my house for my beauty products instead they were coming for unnecessary gossips and eye service.

One Saturday afternoon, I was alone in the house hoping to relax and enjoy the day but that didn’t last long because I got another unexpected visit and this time around, I could swear all the female parents were at my house.

Telling them to leave would be rude and I couldn’t find any possible excuse to tell them that I wasn’t in need of their company, so I had to tolerate them for as long as I could.

Among the female parents, there were four Big disturbers that thrive pleasure in bothering me and they’re also the cause of this frequent visits.

The first one was Pamela Okoye, a business woman and a real talkative, she’s also goes to the same church that Riley’s late mom used to go.

The second one was Rukkayat Obawomi, a wealthy tailor and a real hypocrite, she pretends to like me but deep inside her mind, She’s jealous of me.

The Third one was Sekina Jacobs, She’s a well known Lawyer and a nosy B—h. She likes to involve herself in things that doesn’t concern her.

Lastly, there’s Tife Adebayo, she owns a restaurant and a club in the poshy parts of Ibadan, she’s quite composed and don’t do any over-sabi but she has one problem! She’s an addicted nympho and she always asks me about Riley.

These 4 women are worst than a 24hour headache and I’m really tired of seeing their faces, I’m pregnant and I really need to rest and relax so that I won’t bother or put pressure on the baby inside me.

But I realized that these B+tches won’t leave me alone until I take matter into my own hands and that’s what I did.

Here in my living room, I found myself sitting in the cluster of these annoying women and all they did was talk and talk and talk. After they were done with their gibberish, they turned their attention towards me.


Sekina ➡ Christen.. Kiloshè? You don’t look so good.


Pamela ➡ Is anything wrong?


Christen ➡ 😒… No, I’m just bored.


Rukkayat ➡ Look don’t worry.. We know just what to do to make you feel better.


Christen ➡ 😒 Really?


Rukkayat ➡ Yes.. Tell her Tife.


Tife ➡ You know I own a club right? Why don’t you come later in the evening and I’ll hook you up with a real man and a few mind blowing drinks, The good stuff . By the end of the night, You’ll feel like a new woman.


Christen ➡ 😒… Are you 4 real?


Pamela ➡ She’s right Christen.. You should try it.. All of us here have done this.. It’s wonderful, whenever we feel bored or our husbands can’t satisfy us, we branch over to Tife’s club and have a really good time.


I couldn’t believe myself when I heard all this, What was I thinking inviting these Pr-stitutes into my matrimonial home?. They’re married with kids but still they have secret affairs with other men outside, I could never bring myself to cheat on Riley and besides there’s no need to.

He cares, loves and provides for me, He’s always there when I need him and he tolerates my BS, not the mention the thrilling and amazing S+x we usually have every now and then.

These B+tches irritate me and their habits is absolutely revolting, It’s time to send them packing. (Jakpa ló).


Christen ➡ Well, that’s not going to happen cause, I love my husband and he’s a really good well digger, Also I’m pregnant.


Rukkayat ➡ Pregnant??


Pamela ➡ Seriously? But I don’t see any baby bump.


Sekina ➡ You don’t even look like someone that is pregnant. The signs aren’t showing on you.


Christen ➡ Well, I’m 3 weeks old so.. Will you ladies excuse me for a moment? I have a treat I want to share with you. You’re going to love it.


Rukkayat ➡ Okay o.. We’ll be waiting.


Christen ➡ I’ll be right back.


After that, I stood up and left the living room walking majestically to the Kitchen, and as soon as I got there, I closed the door and summoned Ovarkt.


OVARKT ➡ Mistress.. You look so divine.


Christen ➡ Thank you my loyal servant.. There’s something I’d like you to do for me.


OVARKT ➡ Your wish is my command.


Christen ➡ Good… I want you to go to the Witches Realm and get me the ingredients for the *MAQÓ*


OVARKT ➡ Alright.. I’ll be back in a blink of an eye.


In a double blink of an eye, OVART disappeared and then reappeared with the ingredients in hand, I collected the ingredients and began to make the MAQÓ.

For those of you who don’t know, MAQÓ is a fear exploitation drink, this drink is used on Witches to get over their fears, The first time I took this drink, I thought I was going to die cause I saw lots of scary things that nearly drove me wild with fear but eventually I overcome them when I realized they’re weren’t real.

So after I was done mixing the ingredients together, I boiled them really hard up to the point that steam was coming out of the pot. Once I was done boiling it, I served it in four cups and waited for the heat to cool down a little, and after some seconds, I took all four cups and headed to the living room where the other 4 where.

Immediately I dropped the cups, Each lady took one and sipped the drink little by little, another interesting thing about the MAQÓ was that, it smelled and tasted really good that a human can hardly resist.


Pamela ➡ Hmm 😋.. This is delicious.


Tife ➡ I concur.


Rukkayat ➡ This is nice.


Sekina ➡ What do you call this drink?


Christen ➡ 😏… MAQÓ.


Pamela ➡ What an odd name.. What are the ingredients?


Christen ➡ It’s a secret.


Rukkayat ➡ Abeg tell us jor.


Christen ➡ Alright.. The ingredients are, Dried bat wings and t-sticles, black berries 🍇, spider fluid, and lastly snake scales and pineapple peels🍍.


Immediately I said that, Pamela spat out the drink and took off like a goat 🐐, What followed after that was Rukkayat shouting and running around the room shouting there’s a big snake trying to swallow her head.

The other female parents thought she was joking until Tife and Sekina jumped and screamed out loud crying that they had seen a ghost 👻, That still didn’t rattle the female parents until OVARKT turned one of my couch upside down in mid air.

This alone struck fear into the women and they ran blindly heading to the door, before long they were gone and everywhere was finally quiet.

The House was a mess but with my magic, cleaning the house won’t be hard, but before I could cast a spell around the house, Riley stepped into the place looking around the house.


Riley ➡ My God.. What happened here?


Christen ➡ Hey darling.. Welcome back.


I went over to Riley’s place and gave him a kiss, he dropped his briefcase 💼 and wrapped his hands around my waist savoring my lips 💋. After that, Riley bent down and kissed my stomach rubbing my stomach softly.


Riley ➡ How’s the little one?


Christen ➡ It’s fine.


Riley ➡ Why don’t we go for a scan to see what the baby’s gender might be.


Christen ➡ Okay, But first.. Can you help me clean the house? I’ll be waiting for you upstairs when you’re done. 😉.


Riley ➡ For real?


Christen ➡ Of course honey.. I’ll be on our bed waiting for you.. Just help me out and you can have me through this afternoon.


Riley ➡ Okay then, I’ll do it. Make sure you get ready when I come.


Christen ➡ Alright then.. I’ll be waiting.


After that, I took Riley’s briefcase and headed upstairs laughing to myself, Men are so unpredictable especially Riley, it’s so easy to make him bend to my will. Well, I’d better hurry up and get ready cause things are about to get a little intense.



GOD! What a day, Having a conference meeting on a Saturday really sucks but things sure got more interesting when I got home.

After hearing Christen’s proposal, I was pumped up with energy and a overwhelming desire of lust. Immediately I was done cleaning the house, I went upstairs and practiced my kerewa bedmatics skills with Christen.

Our love making lasted for 30minutes but it was satisfying and amazing. Having my d–k deep inside Christen’s p_$$y really eased the tension that was building up inside me, I took my time and ravished her the best way I could, we had s+x in 2 different poses which was the m-ssionary and the d--+--e and we spent 15 minutes doing each one.

Hearing Christen’s sensual m0@ns and the smacking sounds that we made drove me to the edge, I kissed and licked her luscious body with my tongue lubricating her all over, her bre+st milk was so delicious as I tasted them, my d+k got harder and thicker that despite ej+culating 2 times, I was active and my tank was still half full.

Our bodies and bedsheets was soaked with our sweat and c+m, the atmosphere got really tense making the s+x more sweeter, Eventually after pounding about hundreds of deep strokes inside Christen’s p_$$y, I released my third load filling her w+mb with my c+m.

After that satisfying org-sm, I laid on top of Christen s--+--g her bre-sts with my d+k still buried inside her. We soon slept for a while and then woke up minutes later having an interesting conversation.


RILEY ➡ My God! This is how I want to spend my weekends..


Christen ➡ (chuckles) So.. Did you have a good time?


RILEY ➡ Absolutely.. I had an amazing time, that third ej+culation really hit the spot.


Christen ➡ I know, I could feel your d+k throbbing as you spurted our your c+m inside my w-mb.. My c+nt is still leaking with your milk product.


RILEY ➡ Too bad I can’t fill you up once more. I’d like to have many children with you.


Christen ➡ (laughs) Take it easy jor.. I’m not a breeding machine.


RILEY ➡ I know.. So what about our family vacation? We were supposed to go last week.


Christen ➡ Well, it seems like we forgot but this time we won’t. How about we go this coming Wednesday.


RILEY ➡ What about work or our daughter’s school?


Christen ➡ You can make an excuse and as for Ebinoluwa, I’m sure we can think of something.


RILEY ➡ Alright then.. So be it.


Christen ➡ I heard about your brother’s misfortune.. Is he alright?


RILEY ➡ Oh.. He’s fine.. Your sister took care of the problem.


Christen ➡ Really? Tell me what happened.


RILEY ➡ Well……


😈 ROSE 🔯

The world 🌏 is a Jungle and in every Jungle, there is one law that exist and that is :- “Survival of the fittest “.

Just like in every Jungle, there are two entities struggling to survive and these two entities are the :-

– Prey.

– Predator.

The Prey struggle to survive by avoiding contact with the Predator by all means and the Predator survive by feeding on the prey every now and then.

Humans believe or fool themselves thinking they’re the prey but they have no idea that the predators are lurking in the shadows watching them.

I myself for instance, I’m a predator and I love preying on the humans.. Nothing gives me more joy than seeing them in misery and at my mercy.

The look of Fear and anguish on their miserable faces turns me on so much, but the funny thing about all this is that, I’m in a relationship with someone I tried to k-lled decades ago.

Lionel isn’t by far the best human I’ve been with but there are 2 reasons why I’m infatuated about him.

-First, its the taste of his blood, Hmm Yes 😋, It’s so rich and delicious and I’ve been dying to taste it so badly.

-Second, He’s also the best well digger I’ve ever had, He and his brother really know how to f-ck and whenever he makes love to me, He always makes me c-m so hard that I sometimes nearly pass out or go crazy.

So This are the reasons why I’ve allowed him to leave but recently, I realized that I’m starting to fall in love with him. At first, I thought it was just one of those silly obsessions or crushes but as time went by, I realized I could not stop thinking about him.

Despite my feelings for him, I never told him or anyone else, Instead I decided to keep a cool head and pretend that I don’t care about him, but I managed to keep him strapped around my little finger marking him as my own personal property.

But not everyone took notice of this, Especially one human with the name of Chief Wale Kehinde.

Chief Wale Kehinde was quite a well known man in Ibadan and like most of these influential elites, Chief Wale was a greedy and selfish man who wanted more public fame and power, The fool was into the occults and amateur witchcraft believing he was skilled in the dark arts.

Being the ungrateful pig that he is, Chief Wale began to establish his dominance and take wherever he laid his eyes on, especially things that belonged to people who had lower financial status and unfortunately for him, His eyes rested on Lionel’s personal house.

He wanted the property but Lionel politely said no but that wasn’t enough for the pig! He began to use his influence but all of that was worthless when I stepped into the picture, Money and influence are no magic for a Witch’s magic.

So after losing to Lionel in every round, The idiot decided to okay really dirty but using violence which nearly cost Lionel his life if I hadn’t appeared that night. So 2 days after that attack, Nancy and I paid a little visit to Chief Wale in his private lodge one night. We were granted easy passage into his house without even forcing our way in, as it turns out, Chief Wale who was upstairs in his room had seen us both and was drooling over our enticing figures.

While entering the house, I took a good look around the place, there were CCTV cameras in every corner of the house and the guards were 50 in number. Without any further delay, I used my shadow magic blinding all the cameras in the house.

Finally, as we got into the living room, Chief Wale came down and welcomed us with hospitality, the pig was covered in his robe but inside the robe, there was nothing except his birthday suit.


Wale ➡ Good Evening ladies.. My aren’t you both splendid.


Rose ➡ And you look absolutely delicious (licking her lips)


Nancy ➡ I agree.


Wale ➡ (laughs) Really? Well, you’re both lucky that I have my candy stick here but before we get to that.. Who are you and want are you doing here?


Rose ➡ My name is Rose.


Nancy ➡ Mine is Nancy.


Rose. ➡ We’re here because of my boyfriend.. His name is Lionel femi, I’m sure you know him?


The Chief shifted uneasily in his chair and stared at us with a serious look on his face.


Wale ➡ What about him?


Rose ➡ I’ve heard of your problems with him and I’m here to negotiate.


Wale ➡ (smiles) I see.. So. What do you propose?


Rose ➡ Well, I was hoping you’d make the proposal.


Wale ➡ I see.. Well, let me think.


Looking at us both with lust in his eyes, The Chief leaned back in his sofa licking his lips slowly and dug his right hand between his legs scratching his d+k. Eventually, he made up his mind and laid it out on us.


Wale ➡ Well, it’s quite simple.. I’ll leave your boyfriend alone if you and your friend agree to taste my candy stick in your mouths and c+nts.


Nancy ➡ Is that all?


Rose ➡ Nothing else?


Wale ➡ That’s it.


Rose ➡ Well, I have a better off.. (Laughs hysterical)


Wale ➡ What’s funny?


Rose ➡ (Laughs hysterical) HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA.


Wale ➡ Is your friend alright?


Nancy ➡ She’s fine… That’s the way she reacts if she wants to k-ll someone.




Nancy ➡ YOU!!!


Wale ➡ GUARDS!!!!



After calling out for his guards, Nancy jumps on him and bites his fleshy shoulder tearing off a pound of his flesh.

Chief Wale screams and pushes Nancy away running like an antelope as he heads into his bedroom. Despite his weight, fear allows him to run freely with ease, after leaving the living room, The Chief’s guards bombard the room each carrying a machete, Without wasting any time, they descend on both Rose and Nancy trying to cut them to pieces but before they could get any closer, Rose uses her magic by making the shadows strangle all the guards within and outside the house and as soon as they were all caught in her shadows, she drains their life force completely.

Within minutes, the guards were nothing more than empty dried up corpses, after filling her stomach full, Rose and Nancy head into the bedroom of Chief Wale whom they saw on his bed holding amulets and a bone covered in a red cloth.


Rose ➡ What is this?


Wale ➡ STAY BACK!!! I’m well protected with Juju.. If you don’t want to be cursed.. I suggest you stay back.


Rose ➡ (laughs) 😂… Seriously? Is that suppose to frighten me?


Nancy ➡ You humans are pathetic.


Rose ➡ Let me show you what real witchcraft is.


Immediately after that last statement, Rose snaps her fingers and in a blink of an eye, The room was surrounded by black enormous serpents and deformed monsters.. Chief Wale who saw this was truck with fear that he couldn’t even talk, all he did was piss himself.

Realizing that he was finished, the Chief went down on his knees and begged.


Wale ➡ Please.. Don’t k-ll me.. I’ll pay you any amount of money..


Rose ➡ I don’t care about money.. I just want your soul. HA, HA, HA.


Wale ➡ (crying) Please… I have.. wives and kids.


Rose ➡ Wetin concern me? Is that supposed to make me feel sorry for you?.. HA, HA, HA,… My pets have your dinner.




After hearing their mistresses order, The snakes and monsters descended upon Wale tearing him apart limb from limb as they ate him.

Amidst that savagery, Rose gets a call from Lionel, She hesitates and plays it cool for some seconds before answering.


Rose ➡ Hello?


Lionel ➡ Where are you?


Rose ➡ Negotiating with Chief Wale.


Lionel ➡ How did it go?


Rose ➡ It went south..


Lionel ➡ Please don’t tell me that you’re..


Rose ➡ I am.. It’s quite beautiful really.. Can’t you hear his screams?


Lionel ➡ Well, Can you come home now? I want to talk to you.


Rose ➡ I will once I’m done here.


After that, Rose ends the call and watches on as Wale was being eaten alive, in that moment, she notices his bl–d streaming down next to her feet, she bends down and dips her finger on the bl–d putting it inside her mouth tasting it.


Nancy ➡ So? How’s the taste?


Rose ➡ Awful.



Next Episode ➡ Family Vacation.

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