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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Johnson Jr.2 - Episode 24




Johnson Jr.2 - Episode 24

Written by Sadiq infinity

NoticeThis story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


I thought about my next move before I proceeded! And why should I worry myself? Its not like Nicole is related with anyone that’s trying to kill me and besides its her husbands request to put a baby inside her, so there’s no need for me to worry!

I removed my clothes, folded them and placed them on the couch, after that I went to Nicole’s room! It wasn’t hard to find though, cause she had placed flowers on the way to guide me!

As I reached her room, There she was, laying on the bed fingering herself, she didn’t care to bother that I was there, she just continued pleasuring herself, I went to her and rubbed her body massaging her Br+asts, she m0@ned softly, still fingering herself, I s--+--d on her b👀bs hard and bit her n+pples, she screamed hard, slapping me hard across the face!


Nicole ➡️ Don’t get full of yourself, I’m in charge here not you.


Johnson ➡️ Sure what ever you say!


Nicole ➡️ Now! Lie down.


I laid down flat and she mounted on top of me, she grabbed my hands and cuffed them to the edge of the bed, after she did that, she kissed and licked all over my body, she reached down my d-+-k area, and s--+--d on my d-+-k, my head felt light, pleasure was surging around my body, she was good at this, and she did it expertly, her warm tongue was flickering around my d-+-k, my d-+-k felt like it was going to explode, before I could c-m, she stopped s--+---g my d-+-k, she stroked my d-+-k with her hands as she smiled at my face.

Just then, she mounted on my d-+-k, I could feel the warmness of her c-+-t, it made my d-+-k throb with craze, as soon as she swallowed my d-+-k into her p-+--y, she started riding me hard, her waist and hips were moving in a crazy way, and she was going fast, her c-+-t was tightly wrapped around my d-+-k, her c-+-t was driving me crazy, I pushed my hips up to t---+-t in more deeper into her p-+--y, she m0@ned hard, rolling out her tongue in pleasure.

J couldn’t believe I would f-+-k this woman, here she was being a s-+-t, this same woman who kept a serious face in lecture class, How the mighty have fallen!

She rode on harder, bouncing hard on my d-+-k.

She then tightened her hold on my neck and screamed hard as she came hard on my d-+-k! She fell on me breathing hard, her body was sweaty and luscious, her br+asts was pressed on my chest.

After she recovered from her s+xual shock, she removed the cuffs from my hands and told me to leave, Was this lady serious? I haven’t c+m yet and my d-+-k is still hard and she expects me to go? She dey mad? Has she ever heard rain without lightning or fire without smoke?


I grabbed her hands and pinned her down, kissing and s---+--g her, she tried to push me off, but I didn’t budge, besides she’s no longer my boss, I work for her husband now and my payment was at stake, millions of dollars is not to be played with!

I shoved my d-+-k hard and deep inside her, making her shout with pleasure, I f--+-d her hard, thrusting my d-+-k deeper and faster, lashing out her c-+-t!

Her eyes were wild open and her mouth opened like she was stabbed, I pounded her faster, banging her p-+--y with every ounce of energy I had, she held on to me as I f--+--d her, her m0@ns and squeals filled the room, she grabbed on to my @$$ digging her nails deep into my flesh, I hammered her more faster and deeper, making her body jerk with every t---+-t of my d-+-k!

After a few thrusts into her, I released and deposited my c+m into her womb! Finally, my investments were secure and contained!

I pulled out of her and went to the toilet to take a bath! God, I wish this woman would get pregnant soon so I can collect my million dollars, after I was done, I came out cleaning myself with a towel, Nicole was still on the bed, she hadn’t move since I entered the toilet, she laid flat and her legs were opened, my c+m was slowly flowing out of her c-+-t. I decided to check if she was alright!


Johnson ➡️ Are you okay?


Nicole ➡️ Ahh, I’m…….. I’m……….. Jesus,….. I’m fine.


Johnson ➡️ Well, I’ll be going now, your room is messy, should I help you or…….


Nicole ➡️ Don’t bother, I’ll clean it myself as soon as my head stops spinning!


Johnson ➡️ Okay, see you then.


I left the room and went to put on my clothes, D-+-n! Having s+x with Nicole was great, I hope she recovers from her dizziness.

After I wore my clothes, I went out of the house, Dan Fulani was outside still listening to his stupid radio!

He looked at me and gave me a thumbs up! I couldn’t believe this guy, was he listening to what we were doing?. I also gave him a thumbs up and walked out of the house.

I walked straight to the main road and boarded a taxi to Kate’s house! I just hope she’s not mad about me being late, I soon arrived at her house and went inside, as I entered the main building, She was sitting on her couch smoking shisha, Richard was there with her watching TV! After all I told her about smoking she still refused to listen! I walked straight in and sat down, she didn’t even look at my direction, she just kept smoking her thing!


Johnson ➡️ Kate!


Kate ➡️ You’re late!


Johnson ➡️ I know, and I’m sorry, can you please stop smoking?


Kate ➡️ Its not a cigarette! Richard darling say hello to your dada!


The boy looked at me, like he was looking at a corpse,, The boy does have my Looks but he sure looked a lot like his mom, I went up to him and rubbed his head, trying to make him acknowledge me.


Johnson ➡️ Hi Richard, how are you? How’s school?


Richard ➡️ …….


Kate ➡️ Don’t mind him, he doesn’t like to talk.


Johnson ➡️ I see you’re a big boy now! I hope mommy is treating you well!


Richard ➡️ (shakes head)


Kate ➡️ Little p-+--k!


Johnson ➡️ Kate! Language please!


Kate ➡️ Sorry! Kids these days can lie….


Johnson ➡️ Okay, don’t worry, I’ll beat her so she won’t bother you again ok?


Richard ➡️ Yes…


Johnson ➡️ Good now here’s a little something to buy biscuit ok?


I gave him a thousand naira and he quickly collected it and gave me a hug, It was nice having a kid give me a hug, He stood up and went to his room laughing and feeling excited, Kate looked at me with a disgusting look on her face.


Johnson ➡️ What?


Kate ➡️ You’ve just spoiled that little worm!


Johnson ➡️ Come on, he’s just a kid!


Kate ➡️ Kid? That boy is a pain in my neck, he’s so stubborn and bossy!


Johnson ➡️ Well, that’s what being a parent is, you just have endure.


Kate ➡️ Easy for you to say, you’re not the one looking after him.


Johnson ➡️ Just take it easy with him.


Kate ➡️ I will, but if he stirs up again, I’ll deal with him properly cause I won’t tolerate any bullshit.


Johnson ➡️ So why did you call me?


Kate ➡️ I have the perfect plan for you to get rid of Chief Akanga,


Johnson ➡️ How? Are you going to kill him?


Kate ➡️ You’re crazy, first Akanga is involved in some deep shit, but the one that pains me the most is He rapes innocent girls and gets away with it, I won’t let that stand. And he’s been sleeping with some of the females detectives that usually investigates him and I have photographs, Here take this.


She gave me the one he slept with a female detective and as I saw the lady, I recognized her, she was the lady that slept with dad the night that idiot tried to kill me, I hope this lady is not working with the Chief!


Johnson ➡️ Are you sure about this, cause this lady slept with my dad before, I know her, can she be trusted?


Kate ➡️ Relax p-+--y! She’s in our organization, she works for me, I own her.


Johnson ➡️ What?


Kate ➡️ Yes! I told you before I have eyes every where.


Johnson ➡️ So what should I do with this?


Kate ➡️ I don’t know, you figure it out, just make sure you kick him out completely out of that bitches side and I’ll do my part to lock him behind bars for good, cause once he’s gone, Barbie’s vulnerable.


Johnson ➡️ Okay, then I’ll be going! See you soon.


Kate ➡️ Bye…


Johnson ➡️ Oh and that reminds me, Quit smoking!


Kate ➡️ F-+-k you! GUARDS!!!!


Guard 1 ➡️ Yes madam!


Kate ➡️ You see the boy?


Guard 1 ➡️ Yes?


Kate ➡️ Throw him out!


Guard 1 ➡️ as you wish.


The bulky guy, grabbed me and threw me out of the gate, I couldn’t believe she did that! Well its her house and I can’t complain cause she’s done enough for me! I dusted my clothes and went back home.

As I was on my way, Regina called me on my phone, I answered to see what’s up.


Regina ➡️ Johnson.


Johnson ➡️ Regina, what’s up?


Regina ➡️ Can you come to the station?


Johnson ➡️ Sure! What’s wrong?


Regina ➡️ Your friend T-gun committed suicide!


Johnson ➡️ What???

To be continued...

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