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My Name is AKA - Episode 63





My Name is AKA - Episode 63

Written By Amah's Heart.

I became worried and suspicious with Amara's message.

Daniel message came in, he reminded me to pray.

He sent a particular verse in Psalm 23.

"Lord, lead me not into témptation but deliver me from all ev!l.."

I will pray once I'm done talking with Ify.

Ify kept talking and wasn't ready to quiet down even when I appeared uninteresting.

"I'm both a huge fan of Law and Daniel. But my focus is on your happiness, which one of them will give you peace of mind, electrifying moment, rich girl lifestyle and happiness offcourse. Daniel seems like a novice when it comes to intimacy but Mr Law is obviously a pro. Daniel's serious believe in God and the fear he has towards offending God might make him not to explore other styles with you. other bedroom factors may seem sinful and abominable to his personality. Doing one style all the time for the years that will come and go will definitely bore me out if I were you..."

"...I tried different styles when I was single, now that I'm getting married I'm going all out for my man. He won't get enough of me...I will satisfy him at home and in the office or anywhere we find ourselves. No other woman will come close, I will make sure he eats the food and the "food" that's In-between both on the kitchen floor or in the bedroom..." Ify chuckled as she kept detailing 

"Okay...I have heard you. I'm okay with Daniel's boring style and whatever he finds sinful, will also be so to me. I don't mind one style for the rest of our lives. Life isn't about séx Ify, there are still séx styles that God frowns at, even as a married couple..I know you won't believe so I won't argue. The goal for us is to allow God be the centre in our home, the pilot in our marriage. That's the most important. I have no doubt about Daniel's love and I'm at peace with my decision.."

".... even with a lady's many bedroom styles offering to her man. A man who is a cheater is ready to cheat with a boring lady with no style. So relax Ify, don't overdo things, let everything be in moderation, even the Bible said it..."

And with that the night became more quiet

She told me that she prepared yam and egg sauce

I told her I was really full from the picnic and can't eat any other thing

I checked my friend and try to browse a little

I slept off, forgotten to pray or read the Psalm 

It was the following day, after Daniel called very early to know how my night went and to update me on the excitement of his family when he informed them about the engagement.

That he will come pick me later so that we can begin the wedding plan and arrangements on how to travel to go see my parents 

He reminded me of prayer before I step out.

I was excited too and informed him that I looked forward to it all with him.

I got a call from Amara after Daniel's call, she didn't sound too good

She said that she wasn't feeling well and it's serious.

I got up and quickly freshened up

I said I was going to pray later.

I picked up a taxi and left to see Amara that morning.

Arriving at Mr Law resident, I asked of Amara and Sylvester said he saw her this morning, having a cup of tea with Austin

They were laughing and enjoying their selves but he haven't seen her again.

She's probably in his room because they spend lots of time together.

Is Amara cråzy, why will she lie that she isn't well when she's obviously fine.

I was heading upstart when I ran into Mr Law

He was looking so fresh and fine in his short and beach blue shirt.

"Hey... Aka.."

"Good morning sir, I'm here to see my sister..."

"Oh! Your sister.. she's...I don't know. Why not ask the housekeepers.."

"I have and they said she's with your brother.."

"Hmm! Those two.. they don't listen. Maybe you should talk to your sister.. she's bit distracted this days from her job. I have spoken to my brother and can't make anything out of their friendship thingy.."

"I was beginning to suspect that' you put her up to calling me and lying that she was ill..."

He chuckled lightly 

"Why in the world will I do that Aka?

"I don't know...Maybe to get me here... anything is possible.." I said rolling my eyes.

" You really do think low of me but it's okay. That's how much I have become because of you. My feeling for you is genuine, very sincere but there are certain things I won't reduce myself to..."

He was about walking past me but suddenly pause

"If you don't mind or I will appreciate if you can come with me. I want to show you something in the library.."

He waited for answer but I was trying to have a rethink

"...I know what you're thinking. Believe me I'm no longer trying to win you over or show that I'm the best. I'm not..i already know that. I had a long thinking last night and came to a conclusion. Daniel is a nice guy too and has been your friend this whole years that passed. I will be glad if you're in safe hands with a man who loves you like I do...if you think that man is Daniel then congratulations to you two. Come with me... please?

I turned and followed him to the library.

He led me to a book shelf

"Do you remember this book..? He pointed at one of the books in the shelf.

I picked it up and smile "yes... very well. Priceless one..by Amah Heart. That's one of the books I read from this library. Very interesting and ever fresh in my heart.."

"Yea, I'm glad you remembers. It's also the novel that connected my emotions to yours. I still don't know what the content says but the book title, It fit into your personality... you're my priceless one Aka. after I gave you the last one in the shelf, I found a way to replace it. I told you the one I gave you was from my sister and how it found its way to my library I can't explain but I'm glad it did. The first time you hugged me, although a bit unexpected but my heart beat was running at abnormal speed, there's something special about you.."

"... you thought I was going to dismiss you after you had a fight with my ex staff.. Venus. For whatever reason you decide to return the priceless one back to the library and we talked. I erased your fear and you were so happy and hugged me. Maybe it was from that day my feelings form strongly for you. Funny enough I haven't seen anyone with a passion to read like you. They only comes in here, clean and leave... nobody has time to study or read except you. Well, although they're not allowed in here except for cleaning purpose but I looked forward to seeing at least one person and I'm ready to leave the library open for that person but I haven't seen any... not even your sister..."

I heaved quietly " why are you telling me all this?

"Just to remind you that you're still my priceless one. It was in this same Library we shared our first kíss. I love you Aka...i don't know what you will do with the information but it sincerely from my heart..."He said it quietly as he stares at nothing.

"I know...I believe you.."

"Thank you for believing. I may not get a lone moment with you again and no, I didn't put your sister up to anything. You showing up here is the best coincidence..."

"... the first time I met you. You were younger, stressed but unbending and tough to handle. I love Your relentless pursuit and didn't know I will be part of a big story..

"... I was looking for a particular club house and I wasn't very polite in my request, you had a choice to walk away but you went around asking for address until the security guy in the fast food came to give me a direction. I offered you little change but you rejected the money. You probably thought I was a r!tualist or something but you refused taking anything. I asked you where you were headed and you said you're in search of a job...".

I chuckled as I flashed back 

"Yea, you're right. I was afraid that you will turn me into a cockroach or something, maybe cover me up in a bottle...."

We both laughed aloud 

 "...I was new to the city and was only looking out for myself since I got nobody to do that. Even if I disappear, nobody will notice I'm gone and neither will anyone look for me. I had to be tough..."

He pat my shoulder gently with a smile 

"I observed. You've always been unrelenting and tough. When I offered you the opportunity to come work for me I never in my wildest dreams thought a peasant girl will make my heart race. I never thought a girl like you will  become this beautiful lawyer and make me emotionally unstable. I'm proud of the woman you have become..."

"... I'm most grateful that I'm part of your  life story.. your journey. I'm sorry if I did something I shouldn't have unknowingly or deliberate. But every moment with you was amazing... you gave me one of the most special gift that i will forever cherished and that's your vïrginity. I don't take it all for granted.."

Our emotions was running fast

I can sense his tensed voice and his struggle 

All I thought of was the night we spent together, it was indeed memorable.

Ify might be right when she said Mr Law isn't the boring type when it comes to bedroom moment

Every moment was beautiful.

Daniel might be a novice in that area but I'm sure it won't be as boring as Ify stated

Mr Law smells of freshness and fine cologne, it filled the library and my nostril.

I felt attracted in a way and it was as if nothing matters anymore except this moment.

I don't know if thinking right but I also had fears.

I don't trust myself at this moment with Mr Law alone with me in this confined place.

I wanted to end the conversation and be on my way but at the same time I was too eager to see the end but it's not looking like is going to end well.

DÃ¥nger was obviously lurking around this whole moment yet I wasn't alarmed enough to flee.

(Do not take credit or Plagiarize AMAH'S HEART stories.)

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