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My Name is AKA - Episode 53





My Name is AKA - Episode 53

Written By Amah's Heart.

"My name is miss Akachukwu Peter, I'm a final year student here.."

"What's your faculty.?

"Law.. criminology and security studies.." I replied and watched as he went checking on his computer.

He had called me into his office after several threats to the students that we won't graduate if we don't come for clearance.

I know I don't have any outstanding. I only want to know what am faced with before proceeding.

As it is now, I'm having personal problems of my own and do not need additional headache.

Alot has happened in the past one year, my dream is to finish well and be out of here

I don't have much saved up but I'm hoping it will be able to clear any outstanding if there's any at all.

"Miss Peters, I'm sorry but this isn't looking too good for you.."

My heart skipped, it began to race.

"Oh God, what is it again this time..? I whispered to myself.

"... academically you're good, you did excellently well, I will say far more than others but you still have serious issue before graduation can happen for you..."

He began to list out some of the outstanding and courses that I had issues in 

The fees I was yet to clear.

He mentioned the huge amount I will use to clear all of it if I wish to graduate well.

I was surprised at everything he mentioned because none of it were true.

I had no outstanding, I was academically involved in all my year.

I paid all my bills, Mr Law kept to his word, he sent my tuition and clearance fees, exactly the amount I mentioned and I paid it into the school account like I was directed.

There shouldn't be any ridiculous outstanding or whatsoever this man was trying to say.

He said I have to pay it to a different bank account not the school account

So that the Money will be remitted to the school authority 

This is where it all seems suspicious.

With all my understanding and studies, it's clear that there was something illegal going on in some of the school departments

But who dares to come out and speak or challenge the authority

They will definitely turn the tables around in their favour and against the speaker.

I have always been careful not to be caught in their trap 

The only time I had issues was during my second semester

I missed a class test due to I went for a night vigil and overslept that very day

  The lecturer tries to take advantage of the situation, he tries  to make me sleep with him but he ran out of luck.

It was same period that God sent Daniel to the rescue.

Speaking of Daniel 

I miss Daniel so much, I don't know when I will ever see him again.

All this wouldn't have been if he was around.

He would've helped me as usual.

I know what Daniel will want me to do


I bent may head and began to pray

I prayed for few minutes and had this air of peace around me.

My unstabled heart beat normalised.

I knew God was already in control.

Daniel said I can talk to God over anything, whenever I find myself and however complicated the situation at that moment might be.

Talking to God while in a commercial bus, in the lecture hall, in the market or in my quiet place should become part of me because God is always listening.

No problem is too big or small for him to solve.

My prayer life has improved greatly because I pray both in good or bâd condition.

Daniel's teaching will live in my heart forever and I have impacted this godliness in the life of Dami and some of my friends 

Dami is doing better than she used to do spiritually and that makes me very happy

I don't know whatever the outcome of today's meeting with the head of my faculty department will be, I know God is already in charge.

I have faith in him and I know he will again take care of this situation for me.

Daniel had assured me that nobody will ever trouble me all through my stay in school.

He will do everything he can to keep me safe.

He also requested that I stay out of trouble to avoid anyone taking advantage of the situation.

Daniel has graduated over a year ago and he's out of the country

I wished he had stayed back in the country to do his master program, he also said he doesn't mind running his program in the country because he has done his research and there are good schools he can do so

According to him, his mother has insisted that he travels to Manchester for the program.

His Mom's younger brother reside there with his family.

Which was why Manchester was the best option.

He's been gone for so long and no words from him.

He has probably moved on and forgotten me which is still okay.

Our friendship was divine and he helped me greatly in my spiritual walk.

He came into my life just in time to help my unstabled faith.

I fall many times yet he never ceased to be my friend.

He had gotten so ângry with me after walking in to see Mr Law and I entangled together.

He didn't pretend but showed he wasn't please with me.

It took me over two weeks to gain back his full friendship.

I became more serious in everything he has been trying to teach me.

Húrting his feeling wasn't what I intended and I felt bâd watching him draw away from me.

I begged him not to let what happened to break us apart and he asked me to promise to be focused on my studies and my spiritual walk with God more than anything else.

Paying attention to what matters most than my emotions or feeding the desires of the flesh.

I agreed to do so.

He said I also needed to ask God for grace because he understands that it's never easy to overcome certain temptation.

He promised to be interceding for me.

I found peace with Daniel and my spiritual walk became better than it was.

I told him those things I was afraid to confess before.

My intimacy with Mr Law and all that went down with it.

He wasn't mad or disappointed but glad that I refused to be a slave to sin.

Indeed I was no longer a slave to sin or to my fears.

It has no hold over me or my future.

I became bürden free and spiritually inclined.

I also learn forgiveness for myself and others.

"Miss Peters, the man called while looking up to me and bringing my attention to the present..."

"Yes sir.."I replied  waiting for whatever he had to say 

"You're a relative of Daniel, Daniel Victor the formal students here,  his father is a vice chancellor in DOM university.."

"He's a friend sir, we're not related.."

"Your boyfriend or what.." he asked raising an eyebrow to look at me through his glassed.

"That wasn't very official but we were great friends.."

"What wasn't official, I know that have seen you together with him severally and you're one of the students under his father's list of "special.."

I was quiet, I really don't know what he was getting at and how Daniel who graduated over a year ago comes into the situation.

"... without much ado, I will have to let you go because you smell of trouble especially having the ear of a chancellor. We all know Daniel because of his Dad and also his Mom who's a judge. You're lucky one, you got no outstanding again. It's just occurred to me that you've done all your clearance..."

"... you will join others to graduate. Here is your clearance receipt, You're free to go now..."

I took the receipt, thanked him before walking out.

I was just chuckling as I went home that day.

This God is too much.

It was a great miracle and God kept proving himself in all my circumstances.

I sang praises and dance around in my room while a gospel music plays from my phone which I connected to a speaker

Mr Law's call interrupted the moment.

 Seeing his call brought a frown, followed by a heavy sigh.

(Do not take credit or Plagiarize AMAH'S HEART stories)

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