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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Johnson Jr. - Episode 8 & 9




Johnson Jr. - Episode 8 & 9

Written by Sadiq Infinity

NoticeThis story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


Houseboy!? WTF

Well, it wasn't a bad idea as long as it won't make her husband suspect anything! I stood there looking at them both as they were arguing between themselves! 


Vivian ➡ you know I need a houseboy to take care of the house! I can't be tracking of working in this house, its too tiresome! 

Fred ➡ But he's a little mature,  can't you find someone little or doesn't look as old as he is! 

Vivian ➡ A little boy can't do all the house work here besides it's only Saturdays and Sundays, he's a student so...... 

Fred ➡ Alright then, you houseboy! What's ur name? 

Johnson ➡ My name's Johnson sir! 

Fred ➡ Alright then, you'll be helping my wife on weekends so try as much as you can to help her with the work and make sure there won't be any trouble! 

Johnson ➡ Dont worry sir😏 she... I mean you both won't be disappointed. 

Fred ➡ Okay, Honey I need to bath and go to work, make sure breakfast is ready before I come down! 

Vivian ➡ 😡 Yes, Dont worry! 

Vivian's husband went to have his 🛁 bath, when he was out of site, I confronted Vivian! 

Johnson ➡ Houseboy!? Really? You could have done better! 

Vivian ➡ Oh, what should I have done? Call you my bf? Besides, we have time to ourselves on weekends so don't worry!.

Johnson ➡ I still need an apology for calling me a houseboy! 

Vivian ➡ Apology!?  Really!?  Go fuck 🖕 urself. 

Johnson ➡ oh, I'll do that but I won't do it alone. 

I grabbed Vivian from behind, kissing her neck and massaging her boobs, I needed to have  a quickie, cause Vivian's @$$ was making me go gaga! 

I pulled down her shorts and inserted my dick inside her from behind! Damn, that was good, I shoved my 🍆 d+ck in and out fast and deep, she held the dining table for support, m+aning from the pleasure she's getting, I f+cked as quietly as I could so her husband won't hear us, despite the fact, we fucked hard last night her pussy was still tight, her p+$$y walls were clinging tight on my d+ck, and I was soon going to cum, after some minutes I came inside her honey pot. 😥 whew!! 

After the quickie, I left Vivian's house and went straight home, as I reach home, I went straight into my room and flew straight at my bed, cause  I needed to rest and  the F+ck  with Vivian was a marathon! 

Just a few minutes, after I slumped on my bed, my cousin Mike called. 

Mike ➡ Cousin! How r you? Where were you last night? 

Johnson ➡ Hmmmm! I had a crazy night with some female! 

Mike ➡ Really? Who's she? A new bird

Johnson ➡ Yeah a married bird! Fucked her right next to her husband! 

Mike ➡ Ohhh, shit cousin, you're bad to the bone! Give me her number? 

Johnson ➡ What number? Cousin lay off, she's my personal Bitch! So back the fuck off! 

Mike ➡ Okay man, if you say so! See you later! 

Mike hanged up the call and I was finally gonna need some rest but fate wouldn't allow me to rest because another call came in! And Guess who it was? 

It was Felicia!  

I waited before I picked the call, I didn't want to let her know I was desperate to fuck her, after a while i picked up the call! 

Johnson ➡ Hello, Bitch

Felicia ➡ Johnson don't you have respect? What's wrong with you? 

Johnson ➡ you should have told urself that b4 she started treating us rudely on the first day of class! 

Felicia ➡........ See Johnson pls delete the video, I'll do anything you want! Plss just... 

Johnson ➡ Hey lady, do you think am a kid? Don't f+ck around with me? Have you agreed to my terms or not? If not don't waste my time, I post the video. 

Felicia ➡ Okay, okay, I agree, I'll do it! 

Johnson ➡ Now you're talking Bitch, and let me warn you! Don't think about trying to do anything to me cause if anything happens to me! That video goes viral and you will be disgraced and humiliated. 

Felicia ➡ Okay, but after this ordeal, if you post this video, I'll kill you! Understand? 

I hung up the call, stretched myself and slept off to dream land. 

Tomorrow is going to be a big day, its Monday and I need to have my strength 💪  back, Mrs Felicia, you're next. 

Monday had arrived, I bathe, ate my breakfast and went straight to school! I don't usually feel happy on Mondays but something in me made me feel this was going to be my day, I came early and went to school and mind my business as usual! 

A few minutes later, we the students all went out for assembly, and after all the usual assembly stuff, Our principal came out to make an announcement! 

Principal ➡ Morning students! 

Students ➡ Morning sir

Principal ➡ I'm here to announce that the senior students will be writing the Waec / Neco exams which will commence in a few weeks, I would like them to study hard and not bring disgrace to our school because it is a school of excellence, we don't tolerate failures! Is that understood? 

Students ➡ Yes sir!!! 

Principal ➡ Good have a good day! 

After his stupid speech, the assembly was scattered, everyone went to his respective class! The peeps in my class were happy about the 📝 exam, each and everyone of them was planning on how to do examination malpractice! (😕 Hmmm that's why this country 🇳🇬 will not progress, everyone is corrupt) oh, well, as I was sitting in my own space, I felt eyes looking towards me! As I turned around I noticed her looking at me! 

Ohhh my bad, the her has a name, her name is Cynthia! Cynthia is my classmate and she's a nice, sweet and silent girl, she's the kind of girl that looks like a computer 👓 geek! Yeah, her dress and her behavior is that of those ancient and uncivilized people! She always wears big outfits that covers her all up (No offense) But she's kind and different from all this Crazy bitches in our class, Despite her appearance she's beautiful and attractive, she would dress properly and normal, she would be an angel! Seriously!. 

Nobody in the class notices Cynthia, but when it comes to do assignments and our classroom activities, that when the class patronize her, the girl is a genius! So Cynthia actually has a crush on me, yeah each time, I greet her she always smile, she always looks at me with love crazy look in her eyes, when I was sick she even helped me do my assignment! Seriously, I'm grateful but I can't be with her, she's so innocent and calm, I can't just fuck her and ditch her that would be cruel and selfish, I can't do that, so the only way I could avoid treating her that way is to stay far away from her she deserves better. 

So while, I was looking at her, Mike came along! 

Mike ➡ Cousin! You lady killer, that girl like you! 

Johnson ➡ Which girl? 

Mike ➡ Don't be stupid man! Cynthia of course! 

Johnson ➡ Hmmm, no she's not 4 me! 

Mike ➡ See idiot oo, bros I dey tell you the girl is a diamond in the rough! 

Johnson ➡ Diamond ko? No its gold!  Mumu

Mike ➡ Fool, I'm telling you, you don't know what you're missing! 

Johnson ➡ Fuck off Homie

While, we were arguing, I saw Mrs Felicia passing by going straight to her office! So I left the class and went to her office, before I could enter, I heard some moans and talks in the office. I peeped through the door knob to see what was happening! I couldn't believe my eyes! The principal was holding Felicia! WTF!!! 😠 that pig was trying to bypass me! Hell no, not on my watch! I stood for some seconds then I knocked the door! 

It was as if the angel of death came to take their souls from the sound, the idiot was struggling trying to find somewhere to hide! I knocked again and there was imminent silence, after a while, I knocked again, then Mrs Felicia opened the door. 

Felicia ➡ What is it, Johnson? 

Johnson ➡ Ma'am, you said you wanted to see me(I showed her my phone to let her know my presence) 

Felicia ➡ Oh, Come in! 

I came into the office, I looked around to see where that toad hid himself, then I saw the window open! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I started laughing, the Goat must have escaped through the window! 

Felicia ➡ What's funny? 

Johnson ➡ Nothing! 

Felicia ➡ Mind urself. 

Mind myself?!?, she dey mad ni? I grabbed her, and kissed her, Damn, this woman can kiss, I pressed and massaged her br+ast, then I played with her p_$$y, Wow this lady is a slit, she was already 💦 wet, I kissed and licked her neck, then her earlobes, her body was mine at that moment cause she surrendered herself to me completely, she held me tight as I was fingering her p+$$y! 

"Yess, hmmmm, my cunt! Jeezzzusss, yessss oh God please make me cum, Arggggghhhh, eeewwooooo! "

She was busy m+aning herself out and she was starting to get loud, so I told her to shut the fuck up! 

"Bitch shut up, if you m+an louder than this, we'll absolutely get caught "

She couldn't cover her mouth so she bit my shoulder to suppress her scream! Damn, her bite was painful after some minutes, she came hard!!! 

After she came, she passed out! After a while, she was conscious, she knelt and removed her shirt, pulled down my trousers and brought out my Hammer! She played with it and started sucking the life out of life! She wasn't that good but she managed, she wasn't putting it all in her mouth so, I pushed her head toward my dick to suck it deep, I kept pushing her head till I felt my di/+ck reach her throat! 

Damn! Her throat was tight, it seems she's never giving anyone a bj before, She was terrified when I pushed her head toward my d+ck 🍆 but eventually, she got used to it, after some minutes, I Came inside her mouth! 😥 Whew! (E no easy) 

After some time, she started massaging and sucking my dick 🍆, she sucked and cleaned my d+ck clean! After she was done, she looked at me in the eyes and asked! 

"Okay, Sir, What's next??? "

(Damn, this bitch is on fire) 

To be continued 

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