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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

15days Fiancee - Chapter 39




15days Fiancee - Chapter 39

They are stubborn, but the perfect couple

You don't want to mess with any of them

Genre: Comedy , Romance, Drama , suspense

Written by Authoress Ti Fe 



After taking my bath, I dressed up and so did Elena. We walked out of the hotel room, heading to Regina’s room.

“Elena, I am so sorry.” I said, looking at her and she furrowed her brows.

“You shouldn’t be. Why are you sorry?” She asked, smiling.

“I wanted this vacation to be the best of our lives, with no distractions. But it’s a pity it didn’t work out as planned. I am so sorry.” I apologized and she smiled.

“Look here, Jace…” She muttered, standing in the middle of the hallway and holding my hands. I turned to face her as she kept speaking.

“I love you, and I am happy. This vacation is still the best, knowing you have a son is so cute. He is so cute like you, and he has an heart of gold. You are happy and so I am.” She said and I smiled, hugging her.

“I love you, Elena.” I replied.

“Hey, Dad! You are late.” I heard Jason say, running to me. I disengaged from the hug and bent down to catch him.

He ran into my hands and I lifted him, rolling, making him giggle.

“I am sorry, Jason. Elena and I were busy looking nice and I was heading to your room already.” I said and he touched my hair.

“Your hair is shining.” He said and I laughed.

“And yours too. You look hot.” I said and he laughed.

“Yes. Mother tells me that everyday before I go to school.” He said and I raised up my head to look at Regina who was smiling.

I smiled back faintly and then looked at Elena.

“Are you ready?” I asked Elena and she nodded. I looked at Jason again and he pouted his mouth.

“Mother is coming too.” He said and I looked at Regina. Then I noticed she was dressed up too.

“I can’t let my son out of my sight.” She stated and I nodded, smiling.

“I understand. Jason, Aunt Elena would be coming too.” I said and he looked at her.

“She can come. All I want is to spend time with you and Mom.” He said, hugging me again and I looked at Elena who smiled and then looked away.

I put Jason down and held his hand, he stretched his hand out to Regina and she walked to him, holding his hand. I was at his right hand, he was at the middle and Regina was at his left hand.

I looked at Elena and I saw she was just staring at us.

“Here, take my hand.” I said to her and she shook her head.

“Jace, that isn’t necessary.” She replied, trying to smile, but I knew she was hurting.

“I insist, Elena, you are my fiancee, so take my hand.” I whispered in her ears and she nodded, taking my right hand.

We all began to walk down the hallway to the exit and I could see a very beautiful grin on Jason’s face. I could relate to how happy he was.

We got to the car and then we all stopped.

“Jason, get in the back with your Mom.” I said and he nodded happily. I opened the door and he jumped in, Regina also followed.

I opened the front door for Elena and she smiled, getting in. I rushed to the driver’s seat and sat on my chair.

I ignited the engine, and we began to move. I drove out of the compound in a great speed and I heard Jason laugh behind me.

I smiled and I looked at him through the mirror.

“Dad, that was so cool. Super cool.” He said admist laughter.

“Oh yeah.” I said and we began to laugh together.

We hit the road and I tuned on the radio, and luckily for us they were playing songs.

“Dad, do you love Raggae?” He asked and I looked at him.

“My best style of music.” I said and he jumped up happily.

“I love Raggae too! The style is so cool.” He said and I smiled.

“That’s great! You sure have a great taste for music.” I said and he chuckled.

“That’s because I am your son. I have to have great taste.” He said and I smiled again, looking at Elena who was just staring at us with a faint smile.

“So where are we going?” He asked and I sighed, looking at the road.

“The hospital, Jason.” I said and I saw fear on his face.

“What? Are you sick?” He asked fearfully and I shook my head.

“Not at all.” I replied, smiling.

“Is Aunt Elena sick? How is she feeling?” He asked in fear and Elena turned to look at him.

“Not at all, cute head. We are going to run some tests. You are still very young to understand. But it is called DNA.” She said and he arched his brows.

“Is it bad?” He asked Regina.

“No, baby. It’s not, you shouldn’t be scared. You would do just fine.” She said, pulling him to her and he nodded, smiling.

She has been a great mother to him. Any father would be proud to be his dad.


We got to the hospital and I parked the car in the designated area.

We all came down, and walked into the hospital. This time Regina was holding Jason, and I was holding Elena.


Jace walked to the receptionist with Regina, and I sat waiting for them. Then Jason came to me.

“Dad really loves you.” He said before sitting on the car next to me.

“I know. But how do you even know what love means?” I asked, looking at him. I was kinda impressed.

“I know. Mother said anyone you care for, you want to see everytime, someone you don’t want to see get hurt, someone you want to spend all your time with is someone you love.

“So I love mother and father, and I see how he treats you, so he loves you too.” He said and I laughed.

“Jason, you are a very wise boy. I envy that about you.” I said and he smiled, swaying his legs as he sat.

“Do you know what I envy about you?” He asked and I shook my head.

“Tell me.” I said to him.

“That father doesn’t love mother the way he loves you.” He said and gradually, my smile faded.

“Hey Jason, come on.” Regina said and he got off the chair and ran to her.

I looked away and swallowed hard. This would be harder than I thought.

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