When A Woman Cheats - Episode 23
When A Woman Cheats - Episode 23
Clad in black I stood back as the pall bearers
walked out of the church whislt carrying the
coffin that held Caleb's lifeless body. He had
looked nothing like the Caleb that I once
knew. His body had completely decayes and
he looked green. The poison had worked on
the really important vital organs. I followed
the coffin amidst nasty whispers. I was the
black widow. I had heard people label me
that. Dawson had warned me about what
people were saying. After all hadn't my own
biological mother said the same.
I was glad for the veil that covered my face
and the presence of the man who walked
beside me. He had proven to be a real pillar.
Shielding me from the really nasty
"No one will understand all that you have
been through and you owe no one any
explanation for what made you leave," he
had said as he drove me from the airport
the day I landed from Zanzibar.
Alex had remained behind. Funeral was no
place for a little boy. He was in Rosy's
capable hands. I felt Dawson squeeze my
hand as the coffin was loaded in the St.
Ann's vehicle. We had hired them to cater
for the funeral. He then led me to the car
that was parked directly behind the St. Ann's
vehicle then told me he needed to speak to
Oscar. Oscar had come with his wife for the
funeral. She had come to pass her
condolences to me earlier and I had
acknowledged her. She seemed to have
gotten over whateve issues she had with
me. Oscar and I barely made any eye contact.
I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes.
My mother had come for the funeral. She
had been wailing dramatically. That was my
mother. Everything she did was dramatic. I
sometimes wondered why we were so
different. She had been in a black dress and
a blue chitenge. I shook my head as I
thought of the eulogy I had given. I had
struggled to write it. It had been hard to
find good to write about Caleb. After living
through abuse what kind words does one
have for their abuser?
I had simply said he was a man who at the
end made peace with his God and was in a
better place. I had said had he been given
the chance to live he would have been a
greater man than he was. I had said he was
blessed with business knowledge.
Everything he touched turned to gold.
I turned my head as Dawson entered the
car. He was driving us. He smiled at me. He
had said we needed to talk after burail. I
knew what it was about. We had never
discussed what the kiss meant. I was scared
to even think about it. I mean I wasn't lucky
with love. Look at me and Oscar;Caleb.....
Speaking of Caleb he had left all his wealth
to me. Something that was bittersweet. He
had made a video of his last will.
"I Caleb Chibuye being of sound mind
bequeath all my wealth to my widow
Kasamba Chibuye. I know this may not sit
well with her especially with all that I have
put her through. She is however to do with
the wealth as she deems fit. She is a good
woman and knkws best. I pray that in time
all the bad I ever did to her will deem in her
He had been right. I didn't want the wealth.
I had asked the lawyer to give it all to Charity
expect for the company he had built first.
The company that he had neglected. The
company that he had built through his
sweat and my encouragement. It needed
some work done and I figured this was
going to be my project. Afterall I was good
with numbers and maybe it would help. I
was going to sit with the lawyer after the
I hadn't bothered to see Diane because I
had nothing to say to her although Dawson
had informed me that she was in
Chimbokaila till her court appearance. The
prosecutor was advocating for a heavy
sentence. Her mother had come to see
me;apologising for her daughter's mistakes.
She had said despite all Diane had done she
was still her mother and as such as a
mother it was her duty to stand by her even
when the whole world turned its back on
The convoy of vehicles going to memorial
park was led by the police on bikes. We
parked behind the Vehicle carrying the
coffin then Dawson led me out. The burial
would be fast. All had been said at the
church. Very few speeches would be made.
Dawson led me to the tent that had been set
up and we sat at the front. I watched as the
coffin was lowered into the ground.
"He is in a better place," Dawson said.
I smiled and wished Caleb well as the
preacher ended his words with "Ashes to
ashes and dust to dust."
I was the first to be asked to lay the wreath
and I did so before heading back. People
were then called to lay the wreaths. After
that the last speech and prayer was given.
To Be Continued
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